Sexologists say that after childbirth a woman is truly passionate and sensual. Don't delay, find out if it does... Husband certainly will confirm the opinion of experts, and you will feel like a Goddess!
Women are so different!.. Some literally after birth and Shi provide a doctor, he can again make love. Others say that such ideas are not even there, not to mention the desire... Next crumb, I belong only to him! When not breastfed, blur, if not erase, cooked; if not prepared, then sleep. With great pleasure. Itself". What sexologists such Mammy advise a bit boring. But this just yet.
It will take some time and really want again become desirable and sexy. Of course, after the break you'll never forget how it's done. And yet... don't. It looks good on stage. But in life you can find (quite inappropriately) that you have long been performing in the theatre of one actor, your eloquent pause dragged on and the viewer frankly bored (despite the abundance of pleasant worries associated with fatherhood).
Since the emergence of the baby born two months have passed? Madam, your way! Doctors allow. Favorite impatiently.
First sex after childbirth is like the first time. "Remember?" A little painful, not everything is clear, but something wakes up inside. And, if you are reading this article, after the first time you decided many times to repeat. And, apparently, you did great. And now it will be even nicer. You still will surprise you. And yourself!
A secret box
Expecting a baby, you learned a lot about my body. But this opening is not over! After the birth of the sensations became more and different. Hormones continue to play first fiddle in your well-being: mood swings, headaches, fatigue... In this condition many women refuse to have sex. Even though it is so good help from various ailments.
Doctors give the young mother a minimum of six weeks to recover. And this period is not random. That is how much time is needed to ensure that the uterus has returned to its previous "previous" size. A few weeks heals and the place of attachment of the placenta. After separation of the child places it is a solid wound.
You had stitches (internal or external)? Discomfort during the first proximity likely not be avoided. Must be not less than one month, so that women could safely have sex. In the case of caesarean section psychologically a little easier, but the scar will also let you know about them.
Another problem in women after childbirth vaginal dryness. You love, excited, and everything should be fine, but for some reason something is not included, more specifically, includes, but is not working. The reason lies in the lack of estrogen, which is experiencing postpartum your body. But there is a solution! Try to apply artificial moisturizers mucous - lubricants. Almost all of them, with rare exception, is compatible with contraception.
What's stopping you?
Usually sexual desire begins to awaken in a woman a few weeks after birth. The husband, of course, looking forward to your intimacy. But something stops you, bothers to surrender to the beloved.
Pain is the main fear of young mothers. He's a natural. Especially worried those women who had stitches after dissection of the perineum. It seems that during intercourse, the seams will go, will be painful, but not pleasant. Fear not, if the gynaecologist was allowed to resume sex life. -Ask the husband to be careful and not to rush. Want to control the situation? Choose a pose "Rider".
Appearance disturbs a woman no less. Often she finds herself unattractive: tummy, swollen Breasts, pale skin... But the problem is that she looks at herself feminine look. Your husband sees you differently - native and beautiful... Forget about the shortcomings! No one but you never notice them. But charging still helps.
Fatigue will be felt the entire first year. Recipe for one, relax! The baby sleeps? And you lie down. Part of Affairs at home with a clear conscience give it to her husband. Acquire to care for the child and grandparents. If possible, get a babysitter.
Anxious thoughts haunt a young mother even during sex. What if the baby wakes up? And if he is frightened by the noise?.. Not be scared and will not Wake up: he is well, if mom and dad are well.
Fear not, I am with you!
With the birth of a baby woman, at least at first, feels more mother than wife. In you awakens a powerful maternal instinct. On this first of all you will not meet their needs and not her husband, and the little man. And this, believe me, it is absolutely natural...
The man begins to feel that he no longer needed his beloved. You get the feeling that he thinks about it." Well, the representatives of the stronger sex the need for sex is much more pronounced. There is nothing wrong, it's a good thing, honestly. So try to pay attention to the child and husband. Be not only a caring mother, but also affectionate wife. Leave little kisses, hugs and soft words to his beloved.
Don't want to have sex? Remember how wonderful it was before. What you wound up? Erotic massage, light touch, biting... Try at least to start, because the appetite comes while eating. Afraid of pain? You may have a little more time to get excited.
The role of preludes many underestimate: oral sex, fondling of genitals, hands... Beautiful, you Wake up. Feel? And will soon become a sex Goddess. It always happens when a man who knows how to give pleasure and to enjoy...
Other 9 and a half weeks
First sex after childbirth - a kind of test for men. You must restrain your enthusiasm, not to make your hurt. I want to be passionate and hot, and you want to show tenderness and patience. Light music and male pheromones will help to awaken the desire in a wife. A little care - and the night will be great!
Women's tricks
To sex after childbirth has brought positive emotions, take care of your comfort. Mental and physical. Not fond of reading women's magazines? Now you can! You will find a lot of useful information.
Bright cheerful panties will help you to feel young and sexy. Well, a few drops of sexy perfume will make your night so... Want to repeat!
The signs of love
You have already experienced lovers, but again, worry, fear... to Cope with anxiety can only be together. Together with love. Become fans of each other.
Often look each other in eyes. Yes, now, as a rule, your views are directed in one direction on the baby, but don't forget that flaming eyes give a sharp feeling of love. And what exactly it all begin?..
Share your experiences. Something bothering you? Explain to the husband - he will understand, and together you will find the exit. Favorite overwhelmed with emotion? Straight talk is a way to relieve stress and become closer. Put a taboo on increased tone and insulting words.
Touching and kissing
Feel your soul mate every day, every hour! Gentle stroking provide an opportunity to understand how you are dear to each other. Animates gently and often! Allow yourself to be sentimental... And please kiss each other. As earlier. For a long time. To vertigo. Success will be!
Your Baby
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