Saturday, November 1, 2014

Oral sex against female stress

The Blowjob was the best sedative

Oral sex against female stress

In his article, a Swiss psychologist Norman Sartorius says that oral sex is not only relaxes men, but is struggling with stress in women. In addition, these weasels help the fairer sex to get rid of bad habits: sexually liberated ladies easier to quit Smoking, stop nail biting, and chewing gum.

During years of research Swiss scientist tried to find out what is the most common reason for stress in women. Finally he succeeded, and now Sartorius says - most often women worry about their appearance. They believe that the flaws "kill" their sexual life.

Ladies, have the force of will starve themselves, sitting on a strict diet. Those who are unable to control myself, prefer to replace sex chocolate and other delicious but nutritious food. And in fact, in another case, women experience greater psychological strain, which is a cause of stress.

However, the way out of this situation, according to Sartorius', there is, and it is very simple. It is oral sex. It helps to raise the tone of the Central nervous system in women, there is a calming effect on them.

The doctor compares the girls engaged in fellatio with infants, sucking on the breast or nipple. The psychologist notes that this process helps the newborn to calm down, and that natural reflex with time, not disappear. However, to get rid of stress, giving oral sex partner, Sartorius recommends that only adult girls.



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