Microbiology (mikros - small, bios - life, the logos - doctrine) - the science about microorganisms, their structure and activity, heredity and variability, the value in nature and the economy. The microorganism may be cellular and non-cellular structure. The size of individual species of microbes having a cellular structure, are 0, 2-20 µm (often 0, 5-10 µm), allowing you to easily find them under oil immersion microscope. Non-cellular organisms, or viruses (virus - poison), many times less. The diameter of the largest of them, such as variola virus, not more than 300 nm, and the smallest is about 10-15 nm. For detection of viruses used electron microscopes.
Learn more about Microbiology, chromogenic culture media and Petri dishes with nutrient media you can read on the website FBSI research Institute of epidemiology
and Microbiology Pasteur dntpasteur.ru.
Sections of Microbiology. Targeting and solving practical problems distinguish between General, technical, industrial, medical, veterinary, sanitary, radiation and space Microbiology. This General Microbiology studies the systematics, structural organization, chemical composition, enzyme systems, cultivation and genetics of microorganisms; technical - the use of microorganisms in the production of antibiotics, enzymes, vitamins, steroids, amino acids and other biologically active substances, dairy and other products, tea, coffee, cocoa, processed rubber, cotton, silk, tanning skins, etc.; medical and veterinary pattern of life pathogenic for humans and animals and microorganisms, the mechanisms of infection and immunity, the method of specific prophylaxis and therapy of infectious diseases; sanitary microbial colonization of the environment, in particular the survival of different objects sanitary-indicative and pathogenic microbes, their impact on human health and natural processes; radiation and space - the influence of ionizing radiation and cosmic particles on microorganisms.
Link Microbiology with fundamental and social Sciences. Microbiology is closely related with biology, biochemistry, Biophysics, and medical and veterinary - related disciplines, primarily infectious pathology in humans and animals, epidemiology, hygiene. Because the patterns of emergence and spread of infectious diseases in human society cannot be properly understood without taking into account social conditions, medical Microbiology, moreover, must be based on social science, in particular at the statistics, political economy, history, as a basis for developing preventive measures.
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