A good book generously fills a need for the child to new information and gives him a new experience that will remain with him all his life. Using the printed word, parents can find the shortest path to understanding your baby, what kindness, generosity, nobility, true friendship.
From 0 to 5-6 months
Familiarity with the book may already be at the very tender age (from 0 to 5-6 months), and it is better to start with children's poems and songs: babies are very sensitive to the poetic and musical rhythm. Still not understanding the meaning of words, they are already able to respond adequately to their rhythm and intonation of her voice: if my mother's words sound playful and fun, baby smiles; if the mother says in a serious voice, he becomes serious. So the kid had formed a vital emotions.
From 6 months to a year
With 5-6 months, the child begins to actively use his hands - he likes to touch various objects, to shake them, to taste. There comes a time acquaintance of the kid with books-toys that help develop a tactile memory and fine motor skills, which in turn stimulates the development of speech. The child may feel such a book, studying with the help of fingers, the material from which it is made, to try it to taste and look at the pictures. So the baby appears first experience with the book.
The illustrations in these books should be large, bright, better with a different texture and "speaking". For example, the cow when touching it starts humming, and a dog to bark. And mom should help the kid to learn with them "talk": take the baby in his arms, together turn over a book, review it together press the sounding device and rejoice. The children are able to concentrate on the book in just a few seconds, so for a child of this age can buy a few bright books. They must be in the reach of the baby, then he would be happy to reach from one to the other. If you notice that the child's interest in books has cooled, remove them, and offer new ones. After some time the baby would be happy again be considered "old" books.
Toy-books can be with and without it. The text, in turn, should be small and rhythmic - for example, in the form of small melodious quatrains. Reading them should chanting and well pronounced intonation.
From 1 to 2 years
Ages years up to 2 years in the lexicon of the child new words. The kid has to systematize them, comparing with concrete objects and remembering differently. So in the mind of the child has formed a strong bond between the subject and its "name", requires repetition of this chain: "object - name". And here again comes to the aid of smart, good book.
At this age many children especially love books about animals. By studying them, the child can fall in love, for example, a cat and a while isn't going to notice is depicted in the book other animals. He will again and again with pleasure to look through the pages of his books, looking for precisely the cats. Such "love" can be used to expand the horizons of the child - for example, to tell where he lives kitty than she eats some of her habits. So the child develops the first conscious interest in the book as to the source of positive emotions and new knowledge.
One-year-old child have to learn and short simple tale with endless repetitions of "Kolobok" ("I am my grandmother has been gone... "), "Turnip" ("Pull - pull") and others. Replays help the child better picture of what is happening and to learn the meaning of what he heard.
At the age of 2 years continue to play a major role illustrations - images and words gradually become the baby one, and this is the basis for the development of visual-figurative thinking. The drawings of the first books help to shape a child's accurate representation of the world into which he came. That's why books for this age group should be well illustrated. And adults need to help the child to connect the text and the picture together. When buying the book or collection of stories and poems will pay attention to their artistic design. Books for kids should contain minimal text and maximum illustrations. The most important requirement to pictures in books for young children - so that the picture was a large, colorful, beautiful, and most importantly - understandable to a child. If the baby does not understand what is depicted in the illustrations, he will lose interest in this book.
For example, when mom or dad will read the text, they look at the illustrations to the text and ask the child about such questions as: "Who is it drawn? You remember, we now read? ". You can buy a puppet show, then you will be able to read the text and at the same time to show the characters of the tale. With the same purpose, you should first library toddler add books with three-dimensional images. While the ears of the kid listening to the tale, his moving fingers open and close the door of the hut, rolling along the path of the ball, petting fluffy back chanterelles. You only need to ensure that the actions of the baby corresponded to read at this point the text, then the baby will better learn the content and will not lose interest in the very process of reading. Watch out also for the expression of his eyes and facial expressions. Emotions of a child will tell you about many things: that he was surprised, happy, scared. The Supervisory mom after these sessions will be able to make some conclusions about the character of the young man (as he is sensitive, timid, sensitive and t. d.).
When you sit down c child to read a book, do not forget to first create a relevant lesson atmosphere - nothing should distract the child from reading. To enhance the emotional perception of text sometimes you can put the soft classical music - find her in advance so she went on intonation readable work.
A child aged one to two years can be considered a book for 10-20 minutes, but do not force him to do it by force, otherwise it will cause an aversion to books.
From 2 to 3 years
Two-year-old continues to explore the world through imitation, so read at this age must be accompanied by a picture of the action taking place on the pages of the book. For example, mother widened hands and wiggles his fingers, showing how it arrives butterfly, then inflate important cheeks and rastopyrivaya hands - clumsy Toptygin hops through the forest. Thus in the mind of the kid builds a three-dimensional picture: he hears that reads to him mom about Clumsy Bear, sees his image in the picture and in addition with the help of her mother's movements learns that this clumsiness. After the baby itself will try to portray the clumsy Bear - at this age, he really likes to be "pawtowski": jump like a Bunny, to wave his tail as a mouse, and break the egg, and then cry over him as grandfather and grandmother...
For three years the kid is already good at speaking and turns in this howcast - questions pouring from it, as from a cornucopia, including during reading. Reading the book, explain to the child all unknown words and expressions, but do not overdo it. Have fun example: the mother was the child of what the city has gone to so much that the child was asleep so beloved tales. Read the text several times - the children love it. When issues will be less opportunity to work on reading.
Coloring books and books, in which the image of the subject is inserted directly in the text, increase the child's motivation to read: going from picture to word, your baby will attempt to "read" independently.
At this age it is appropriate to explain to the child how the book is what the book cover, binding, title page. You can tell that the book, like humans, have their own passport - cover sheet, your dress style format, "speaking of the cover, which tells us about the author of this book, on the title. Ask the child to describe in words, what explains the picture on the cover, and it is to be assumed, as this book is.
Children of this age love several times to re-read favorite tales. Every time before the child starts to read, offer another tale, even if one is confident in his refusal. At this age the child is gripping the crisis of contradictions, so your goal can be achieved by a method on the contrary: I do not want - do not need, then I read the doll or Teddy bear. A second later the child will say: "I also read! ". Children under the age of three and up to four years listening to mostly the melody of the text, verse, they do not reproduce the storyline. And to respond to text study, looking at you. Therefore, Express their emotions properly and don't be afraid to read the crumbs "arakanese". Chukovsky: it's you, from the height of his life experience, scary. And for a child this poem is nothing more than a fun presentation with a brisk, rhythmic. Children at this age do not complete logical chain and do not think, for example, about what will happen to the wolves, if they know each other will eat it.
From 3 to 6 years
In the period from 3 to 6 years old child is growing up fast, and with it Mature and his books. For this age suitable Pushkin's fairy tales, Andersen, Ershov, Volkova, Bazhov, Russian folk tales. So the kid does not get lost in literary events and images, ask him to retell the read - in order, from the very beginning. This will develop his memory and logic.
Childrens book is a harmony of text and graphics, text, and which information. We should not forget about the illustrations. At this stage it will serve as a practical guide in communication with a book. The figure should be designed for continuous viewing, to him, the child returns than once. The text next to the picture, makes it "readable". Parallel with reading looking at pictures helps a deeper read.
At this age the child is able to perceive a work of art just by listening. For a better listening experience to read the baby should. And to ensure that children are collected not only information about the characters and events, but also learned to associate the contents of the book with its design and Vice versa, should immediately after reading to consider with children every book you read all the rules:
first Mama "eye to eye" child reads the text and does not show images;
- farther along consideration the skin, and then slowly flipping through the pages;
- thinking that is pictured on the cover, delimited illustrations and inscriptions;
- demonstrate how to read the labels from top to bottom allocated among the inscriptions on the cover of the author's name and book title;
- correlate the name of the author with a personal reading experience of the child, and the title of the book - cover art;
- should be expressive, correctly placing accents-accents. If you start to do it to you hard, pre-workout.
Years to 5 some children begin to read themselves, but to force it is not necessary - as a result of scientific studies have shown that up to 6 years of age, the child is mainly developing the right hemisphere, which is responsible for the aesthetic development, and only then connect the left (mathematical) responsible, including for reading.
Parents who want to read remained one of the favorite activities of the child for a lifetime, you should take into account the following important points.
First, consider the psychophysical characteristics of children of each age group.
Secondly, always try to read the baby expressive. Do not despair if you do not have very good diction, not raised his voice and so on and so forth. Your efforts will not remain an invaluable because for a child they succeed, but most importantly, for the child that reads with him mom or closest thing to him, the baby would be perfectly understood those emotions that you wanted to share with him. Read as you get, in this case it is not important.
Third, encourage your child respect for the book. Well, if the family is initially sensitive to the books. At least the books to be kept in a certain place. The kid should from an early age to instill that book is impossible to tear, it should be read and considered carefully, " she's alive, she tells us many fascinating stories. You can enter the house tradition: every new book "invite" in the house as the most honored guest, "set" in the place of honor on the bookshelf among other books-friends. See the pictures for the new book, assume about whom or what it will be story. To read the new book should only be done when the child is emotionally ready.
Fourth, do not read with your child haste and turn reading into a kind of ritual. The child may take any convenient position - often kids get to mom on her knees. Put him to to see the reaction of the crumbs. First time see "eye to eye", without illustrations. Explain to the child that the book does not like to interrupt her. Then take a look at the pictures and ask the child questions to them, try to find out whether they have understood it, what was going on, or something he is not clear. Make sure that the child did not understand, and read the text again.
Fifthly, in order not to discourage the child's desire to read, never force him to read, And not look at the clock - refer only to those interested in the baby or not. Never Studite baby (especially in the presence of strangers) because he is already a whole week not picked up a book - it can inflict psychological trauma. Win-win, as in many other situations, remains parenting with love: turning favourite books in the arms of a child, reading, distributing roles together with the Pope, you can have much more impact than excessive strictness and prodding.
The list of literature for children from 0 to 2 years
- Any books with the "correct" illustrations, washable or cardboard
- The series "My first book": "I", "Animals", "Car", "Account", "Words", "Farm"
Series "Mishutka": "Bon appetit", "What to wear", "Favorite toys", "happy day", S. Kozlov. "I lie in the sun"
- A series of Lessons to kids": "Your toys", "counting", "anything", "let's play"
Series "Topoleski": P SEF. "Anyone who looks like"
Series "For the youngest": "Tales in verse" ( A. Barto, B. Zakhoder, V. Berestov, K. Chukovsky, E. Uspensky, I. Tokmakova)
"A turnip Russian folk tale in handling A. Tolstoy
- The snow maiden and the Fox" Russian folk tale from the collection of A. N. Afanasieva
- C. A. Stepanov "How to live? What chew? "
- B. Zakhoder "Songs Of Winnie The Pooh"
The list of literature for children from 2 to 4 years
Golden book for children" "Turnip". Russian folk tale in processing K. Ushinsky, Fig. With. Bordiga and N. Trebanog
"Kolobok" Russian folk tale in processing K. Ushinsky, Fig. A. Savchenko
"Petushok and bean seed." Russian folk tale in honor of O. Kapitza. Fig. M. Rodchenko
- S. Marshak "Kids in the cage, Fig. With. Bordiga and N. Trebanog
- Century Suteev "the Chick and the duckling," "Under the mushroom
- L. Tolstoy "the Three Bears", Fig. With. Bordiga and N. Trebanog
- S. Mikhalkov "Stubborn frog", Fig. Century Suceava
- S. Mikhalkov "My puppy", Fig. Century Suceava
- S. Marshak, "the Tale of the silly little mouse
- S. Marshak, "the Tale about the clever little mouse", Fig. With. Bordiga and N. Trebanog
- K. Chukovsky "Phone", Fig. Century Of Kanasewich
"Geese - Swans" Russian folk tale in honor of L. Eliseeva
- K. Chukovsky "Fly-buzzing", Fig. Century Konashevich
- K. Chukovsky arakanese", Fig. Century Konashevich
- K. Chukovsky "Crocodile", Fig. Century Suteev
- Century Suteev. "Uncle Misha", Fig. Century Suteev
- B. Zakhoder Bear Toptica", Fig. He Bedariova
- A. S. Pushkin "Lukomorye"
- I. A. Ischuk Read image
- C. N. Kosygin "TRU-La-La", articulation exercises
- S. Marshak "Fun account"
The list of literature for children from 3 to 6 years
These works added:
- "Red riding Hood", a retelling of L. Kuznetsova, Fig. So Wolfe
- "Three little pigs", trans. M Talovskogo, Fig. So Wolfe
- "Puss in boots", transl. of L. yahnina, Fig. So Wolfe
- "Cinderella", translated by A. Hansen, Fig. So Wolfe
- "Sleeping Beauty", a retelling of L. yahnina, Fig. So Wolfe
- "Tin soldier", a retelling C. Litovoi, Fig. So Wolfe
- "The little mermaid", translated by A. Hansen, Fig. So Wolfe
"Flint", a retelling of L. Kuznetsova, Fig. So Wolfe
- "A Christmas tale", publishing house "Samovar", 1996.
Morozov A., preschool teacher, Aleksandrova I., philologist, teacher of the highest category
Mother and baby
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