Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Hash from Eating Blocking

Hash from Eating BlockingThe coming heat makes to think seriously about cooling dishes. I remember in my childhood, when my mother went to the construction of the villas, the most popular dish among neighbors was hash. The reason I think the love for this dish in field conditions a few. The first is that it is, in principle, very easy to cook (all just need to cut). The second remains easy to use for so loved the whole post-Soviet society salad "Olivier".


- 2 large potatoes

- 1 bunch green onions

- 1 bunch of dill

- 1 bunch of parsley

- 3 eggs

4 cucumber

- 1 bunch radish

- 300 g ham or sausage

- 2 liters of kvass

- sour

- Sol

Method of preparation:

As I mentioned above, the particular originality or uniqueness cooking hash is no different. All you need to have, this is a sharp knife, the Board and the pot. But nevertheless, iterate over all items in the queue.

So, first cook the potatoes. Not to seethe the potatoes in their skins will help salt. So for this season with salt water a bit more than usual.

Eggs also should cook. For those not in the know, eggs are boiled for 5-7 minutes after boiling, but it is not necessary to fill the eggs with boiling water to speed up the process, they may burst. Again though, to ensure that the protein is not floated, when the egg burst, you can also salt water.

Wash all the greens and vegetables. Eggs and potatoes clean.

All the ingredients are finely chopped and stir in the pan. By the way, many cut off the stems of the parsley and dill and throw. I would do not advised, because it is easy to guess, even by the intensity of taste in what parts of the plant vitamins more.

Kvass is added individually to each portion, then add sour cream and all thoroughly mixed.

To ensure that the hash was really "a cooling soup, you can add in each portion on a few cubes of ice.


Food Belochkina


Women's Magazine

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