Themselves myths and answers of respondents cited with great pleasure!
If the partner has not experienced an orgasm, it means you didn't try.
"More likely it means that she thought for a moment that it would be nice to fill the cracks on the ceiling, and missed my stop. According to the girls, orgasm is usually not the result of friction and mental efforts of his mistress.
Sometimes it just does not work, and nothing to do with you. But in those days, the girl is happy for you, and believe me, your emotions sometimes mean more to her than her own. However, your orgasm should not be the only exciting event in her life".
Girls don't like sex quick.
"Substitution of concepts. Actually they don't like it when it ends all too quickly in bed. But if passion finds you in the Elevator, on the ladder during repair or crowded the mushroom forest, is quite another matter.
Orgasm in a short time she may not have time, but it doesn't matter. Sobornost and inconvenience atoned for by your ability to resist impulses. Girl that's why it is appreciated."
Girls love when sex lasts indefinitely.
"Long" is in fact great, but the word "infinitely" scares," one voice said respondents. After three hours of your pihani any girl will begin to believe that the simulation of orgasm is not so stupid invention.
Sex should always be a surprise.
"Just the opposite! You know what they say: a good impromptu is a pre-planned impromptu.
If the guy this morning said that the evening will be the sex is great! There is something to live all day".
Girls do not have sex, but love.
"Well, why? Sometimes they are quite even having sex. And sometimes not averse to fuck a guy.
But just in case with the unfamiliar partner is better to make love. Reserve your cynicism for later".
To Wake her in the morning for sex is selfish.
"On the contrary, most of the girls expressed a desire to start their day with sex "because he gives us strength, but does not take as men".
However, we must bear in mind the following: in the morning the girls there are problems with the secretion of grease, so it would be good to keep on hand lubricant. And gum - in case you just woke up and had no time to brush your teeth".
To change position often necessary.
"Constantly need to turn burgers: they love it. Girls - no.
After all, for them to achieve orgasm usually need to focus on the sensations. If you will be digging up the girl, she will lose".
Sex and laughter are incompatible.
"Loud laughter inappropriate except in that moment, when she undresses. But already in bed you can defuse the situation with a joke ("Imagine with me the first time such an opportunity! "or even to tickle her.
The voltage drop after the tickling even increases sexual arousal".
Only porn actress allowed to ejaculate in their face.
Responsiveness girls are not limitless, and it is better not to require such final from casual partner (especially if it is complex makeup). But with the mutual consent of the girl may fall in love with this procedure.
Moreover, as we stated some gullible women, the hormones contained in the sperm, and improve skin condition. And we do not need to talk! "
Oral sex is no pleasure to him who makes it.
Few things on Earth can make a man completely happy (twenty minutes), and oral sex is one of them. "We know this and appreciate it as a tool to control you," said the girl.
However, some added that they themselves are able to get aroused. "If you neatly trimmed and clean Blowjob will be pleasant for both of us". You - by the very fact of its existence. Her sense of power. Just do not forget to cheer and to guide.
Sexual fantasies should do to be better about them not to tell.
On the first date about Fisting is really best not to stutter. But with a constant partner sometimes it is possible to discuss a couple of ideas, peeped you in an erotic dream.
"If our fantasy match and I will like your madness, it will be unnecessary signal that we are made for each other! "
Normal girls are not engaged in lesbian love.
"The concept of norms in sex is extremely blurry, and the experience of sex with another, you will be surprised that many of them had.
Well, try it out often want those who have never experienced an orgasm with a man: they think that only another girl can find the secret button".
Anal sex like only a secret Gay.
Anal sex is liked by everyone, because the sphincter tightly around the penis than anything else, giving the man a new sensation.
By the way, some respondents reported that they like him, too. Especially if you don't skimp on the lube.
Eventually all the girls like in sex is the same.
"It's men end up like one and the same.
And after a daring experiments with a new partner, you bring all their (not our! ) favorite poses," the girls usually sad sigh.
Sex after a quarrel means forgiveness.
"Quarrel causes a surge of hormones (girls don't know what, but judging by their description, this adrenaline). Their bubbling causes uncontrolled desires, including sex on the shards of broken in anger baths.
Conciliation sex helps to let off steam, but nothing more. Problems he cannot solve, and therefore, the argument can be repeated. Like sex, however".
Sex is normal and perverted.
"If you think about it, the process of rhythmic zasovyvaniya separate parts of your body to another person is not very normal. All we house a variety of oddities and quirks.
The trick is to find a partner, which also will be like when she kissed the toes, smearing on the stomach and cloudberry jam".
First sex with a new partner should be great.
First sex owe nothing to anyone. And until then, until you learn how to partner and do not get rid of excitement, sex has the right to be so-so.
Girls know this better than us and revealing believe the second sex. Very wise on their part.
Most girls do not know what it is well.
"I know, believe me. Actually, about this article. But keep in mind: "you should still try as if to thee I have no had an orgasm and I don't know what it is".
Couldn't agree with your every word, dear colleagues-journalists and charming women!
Belarusian women's portal
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