Injection from sweating
Many of us feel embarrassed when wet circles on the t-shirts and tops in the armpit. All over the world to eliminate hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) efficient use of BOTOX and DYSPORT.
These procedures help to enhance the comfort of the everyday life of people suffering from excessive sweating, as well as those seeking to use deodorant. The local effect of BOTOX and DYSPORT does not affect the overall process of heat and water exchange of the skin of man with the environment.
The minimum restrictions after the procedure, You do not need to change your normal rhythm of life, only within 3 days is not recommended to go to the gym and sauna.
In the clinic "Coherent" for the procedure is pre-defined area and excessive sweating. Is iodine-starch test (sample B). Next, the surface of the skin, where the most pronounced sweating, evenly obclavate thin needle.
The drug blocks the nerve endings, which give the command to sweat. It "paralyzes" muscle fibers that lead this team in the execution. As a consequence of sweating becomes almost invisible.
The effects of drugs appears within 2-3 days after the procedure, and lasts for 6-8 months. After six months work blocked nerves restored. If, after this time the problem remains, then the procedure can be repeated.
The Protocol of the procedure
During the consultation you should discuss with your doctor the purpose of injection, expected results, possible contraindications, complications and posiprocedure constraints.
You will be asked to sign an information consent for procedure.
Pre-anesthesia for the procedure is not required.
Next is the disinfection of the skin, after which, the drug is administered through a thin needle. On average, the procedure takes 5 to 10 minutes.
Injection of wrinkles We all want, one way or another, to preserve their youth and beauty: smooth and elastic skin, the gleam in his eyes and a bright smile. But time takes its toll and face involuntarily appear such unwanted wrinkles, the appearance of them is accelerated and even some harmful environmental factors. For more than 10 years in cosmetology is used this way of dealing with wrinkles as BOTOX and DYSPORT. BOTOX in cosmetology is highly diluted botulinum neurotoxin group a, DYSPORT (Disport) is a neurotoxin produced by the causative agents of botulism bacteria Clostridium botulinum.
In cosmetology injections of BOTOX and DYSPORT are used to correct facial wrinkles of the face.
The effect of BOTOX and DYSPORT leads to a temporary flaccid paralysis of muscles by blocking nerve impulses sent to the muscles. In the end, the facial muscles are unable to contract, which leads to a gradual smoothing of wrinkles, areas of skin become sedentary, disappears negative facial expressions. Injections of BOTOX and DYSPORT are valid for 4 months, after which the procedure must be repeated. As a consequence the muscles get used to a stationary state, and therefore the procedure will be less and less.
The insertion procedure takes place in outpatient settings, a little discomfort from the injections is minimized due to the anesthetic cream. BOTOX and DYSPORT do not require prior preparation and combined with other cosmetic procedures. The onset of muscle weakness occurs within the first 72 hours after injection.
Among the main types of wrinkles, in the struggle with which the help of BOTOX and DYSPORT, should include the following:
- vertical, horizontal brow wrinkles
- wrinkles on the forehead
- periorbital wrinkles and crow's feet (wrinkles around the eyes)
vertical wrinkles on the upper lip, nasolabial folds (requires injection of the lips).
BOTOX and DYSPORT are simple, safe and effective method of eliminating excess activity of facial muscles of the upper face, which is responsible for formation of wrinkles.
There are some
important aspectsyou need to consider:
Country of origin. In the Clinic "Coherent" applies a licensed BOTOX manufactured by Allergan (USA), approved by the FDA is practically one of the best in the world for over 20 years and DYSPORT (France)! BOTOX and DYSPORT are the "gold standard" in the treatment of hyperhidrosis and eliminate facial wrinkles. Our patients can be sure this product will have only most beneficial effect on the skin, and the effects will be really long!
The staff performing the procedure. BOTOX and DYSPORT are safe and widely used in medicine and cosmetology, however, inexperienced cosmetologist can harm Your health. In Clinic of laser cosmetology "Coherent" work first-class, experienced professionals with high qualification and extensive clinical experience.
Contraindications to the application of BOTOX and DYSPORT
- Hypersensitivity to botulinum toxin type a
- Myasthenia gravis, myasthenic and melanopogon syndromes
- Blood clotting
Inflammatory or infectious process in the areas of proposed injection
- A common disease
- Antibiotics-aminoglycosides or spectinomycin.
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding
- The age of 12-13 years
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Still not proven safe use of BOTOX and DYSPORT in pregnancy.
Women's Magazine
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