Saturday, November 1, 2014

Enjoy the day, don't sleep at night

Enjoy the day, don't sleep at nightToday is the longest day of the year. July 21 - summer solstice, the middle of the "natural" summer and the day when the sun reaches its highest position. And it is no wonder that this day was of great importance to our ancestors.

Earlier on this day, people decorate their houses with branches and wreaths of flowers, which must have been St. John's wort, birch, fennel, hare cabbage and white lilies. Also on this day, danced, performed ritual ceremonies, sang and danced, and by nightfall were held torch-light processions and bonfires, which also have magic power.

After the solstice, the daylight begins to shrink until, while not equal in duration to the night (the day of the autumnal equinox, September 23).


Women's Magazine

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