In modern society, random sex with a stranger has long ceased to be a taboo for women. Ladies now act and think on a par with men, and as they do not perceive sex as a reason for Dating. About this and about what they think men about casual sex on.
A female look
The words most women extremely negatively to casual sex, but the fact is that many of them don't just think about it, but tried - and more than once.
Under casual sex this includes not only sex with a stranger, but also sex with a colleague, friend, etc.
What stories will I'll listen on the forums, and just from friends - ranging from quite trivial about sex with a stranger from the night club to the absolutely incredible about Orgy after the show backstage theatre.
We asked different women tell about their experiences of casual sex and their relationship to him. In the end, as expected, it became clear that consensus on this account there, and some point of view diametrically opposite to each other.
Casual sex? Why not?
Anna, 29 years old, an English teacher, divorced:
"My husband and I separated last year - right on December 31, I've experienced the break. On this New year it so happened that the company with which I was going to celebrate, collapsed, and I decided that the house is still not to be - tortured memories.
And... went to Peter, right on December 31. Came in coupe, but already there sits a man. I immediately noted that he was my type - tall, blond, fit.
We talked: he was going to visit friends, and a ticket for the 31st took simply because it has never celebrated the New year on the train. And then said that she works as a doctor and has his own private clinic, which further increased its attractiveness in my eyes.
Hours 11 he ordered in the dining car champagne and wine. We drank, he had already moved closer to me, and then word for word, and he says: "I Want to learn how to kiss doctors? "
I say "Not sure", although the last few hours I have already clanged in his mind fantasies about how we have sex.
Apparently, it was written on my face because he just leaned over and kissed me, and then... clear. In General, the moment of the New year we missed.
Even now, remembering that night, I can say that it was the best sex in my life - probably because of the spontaneity. He then six months he wrote me an e-mail, but we no longer met.
I don't think the second time would be equally as exciting. But in General, I think that casual sex is nothing wrong with: liked people to each other, have fun".
Casual sex? Never-never!
Galya, 30 years, translator, married 8 years:
"Casual sex? No, it's just not for me. I too love my husband. Although even if I was not married...
It is unknown what the man had to gather up his instrument of love, if he is ready with the first opposite - I still care about your health. And do not say that we should use condoms - they not only protect".
Casual sex? Never again!
Daria, 33, project Manager, married for the second time:
"Yes, you could say that I had casual sex. Just in the period between the two marriages. With a colleague. He only got a job in our company, and almost immediately captivated all married and unmarried women of our team.
But I always thought that he is not for me: too good or something, and younger than 7 years. It all happened by chance. We finished the project and it was decided to celebrate all the Department.
The holiday ended for some reason at my house, where we got already to 12 midnight, and I didn't notice as we were in bed. I have in mind had only one thought: "He! In my bed! "
Don't know what he was thinking, but the next morning, I was embarrassed (and him too! ), we silently got dressed and went to work. About a month after that, they barely spoke, and then somehow forgot.
But most of this experience I don't want to repeat. So my attitude towards casual sex - negative, even if a casual partner is the object of adoration".
Casual sex? Always!
Alena, 27 years old, Director of IT, not married:
"I'm harder to say, I had random sex. As a rule, all my relations "disposable". I clearly limit the territory: to sleep with me, and get calls and do other stuff - no really, thank you.
I just don't have the time to build a relationship, and the body requires discharge. In this sense, I act as a professional pikaper: I just take what I want. Will continue in the same spirit? Yes. And this is not discussed".
And such stories are many, and the reasons why women decide on casual sex can be very different.
For some people, this is just the satisfaction of instincts, for others it is a way to experience the vivid sensation, for some sports, but for someone, perhaps an attempt to start a new relationship.
Men look
Not to pour from the empty into the void and not to tell the hundredth time how important it is to use condoms during and Miramistin after adventure, and be checked every three months for STDs, we decided instead to figure out how in reality are men for casual sex and asked the representative of the stronger sex to talk in detail about his vision of this issue. Michael (age 32, head of the IT Department and musician, married 3 years) has kindly agreed to help us understand this delicate theme.
Thus, the masculine view on the problem:
"The women have the stereotype that all men are fans of casual sex. Of course, in reality, many of us like it, but believe me, not everyone.
Probably sooner, because public morality men could not get a woman easily and, therefore, always wanted sex - accidental or not, and then, after the sexual revolution and with the rise of the porn industry, women are emancipated, and forbidden became available.
Among us men, there are several different views on casual sex.
The first category - those who are "for". These men believe casual sex is fun, and for some it is even a kind of sport. They are willing to have sex anywhere, anytime and with any woman.
The goal is to score a goal." They don't need a long-term relationship, and even if they are there, you still can not deny myself the pleasure, when the chance to have fun.
Most of these men seek only to satisfy their desires, for them, the woman is a sexual object. They absolutely do not care why a woman looking for sex, what she expects from him and then what you will think.
In this case, sex is merely a physical discharge.
Also there is a category of men who are not "for" or "against", they just "don't." But under certain conditions.
One of these conditions - if there are no problems then in his personal life, that is, if a woman really wants only sex: slept and ran without any reproaches with one and with the other hand.
Despite the belief that all men are the same, there are among us all the same and those who are negatively (or at least not positively) to random links.
Such men to have sexual relations with a woman, you need to know it and feel it something else besides passion.
In connection with this immediately raises the question of friendly sex: they were supposed to be there, and relationships, and some feelings, but still isn't it, because we do not sleep with your friends.
Sleeping with a female friend, you step over the line between friendship and intimate, and it becomes something more than friendship.
However, it may happen that people get to know each other from the other side and they don't like it, the friendship will end.
Another argument against the "casual sex" - you never know what the other person has in mind, what are his intentions and what for you it will turn out.
Maybe a long and happy life with your loved one, and, may be, and a mountain of problems, starting with STDs and unwanted pregnancies (and possible abortion, and then you can be the culprit of the health problems in women) and ending persecution eager attention ladies, who decided that you must marry her.
Recently for example, I went on a business trip, stayed at the hotel. One evening I returned to the room, the Elevator came, the girl was facing me at a distance literally 20 centimeters, although it could rise further, because the crush was not.
A few minutes later she moved closer so that practically breathed in my face. And although the girl was cute, I was not myself.
I admit, in my mind flashed the thought of a possible sex, perhaps I even wanted it, but then I thought, why she behaves this way, suddenly she has some kind of disease, why do I need additional difficulties in life?
And then, I don't even know her. So ended our failed acquaintance.
Personally I belong to the latter category, because for me sex is not so much physical intimacy as a spiritual, and to deal with woman sex, I want her to love or be in love with her.
And, of course, it would be good to know her as a person. Well, women ready casual sex, cause I have, perhaps, a feeling of pity - like as they could not find a permanent man, and that's running from one to another".
Female passion
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