Don't get caught up Masturbation under the guise that you seek out your body!
Just one generation ago, our fathers and mothers who lived in the Soviet Union, not that Masturbation is sex! And those who still dared in secrecy from all over the world poissledovat my body, scared of all the horror: and pipiska, they say, would wither, and anemia, and the trunk is worn to a sharp point, and ears will wither...
But it is only 20 years - and about the benefits of Masturbation are talking almost the main squares of all capitals of the world, including our country.
- How do you know where on your body the hot spots? - ask sexologists. Only through Masturbation, you can learn all about your body! Be of good cheer! And you will live the life of a fool, not realizing what was happening, where and why.
And the people riding the whole range of sex shops, rushed to explore your body." Yes so zealously that the offices of therapists lined up ladies with plaintive question: why during Masturbation with orgasm all OK!, and in bed with a lively and warm man - cold?
And sexologists give reverse, warning: if you do the same kind of Masturbation, you can hurt your sexuality!
The path to orgasm is fixed and agoritsa" female subconscious!
Australian sex therapist Tracey Cox warns: if you're doing Masturbation, accustomed to a clitoral orgasm, most likely, you will have great difficulty with vaginal orgasm. And Vice versa.
Moreover, women's sexuality is very much locked into various related sex factors: the smells, sounds, temperature, intensity and originality of touch, etc., And, accustomed to orgasm alone, can unexpectedly come to a situation where a man will "interfere" pleasure.
The female body is a diligent student
The body often were masturbating women simply stores the path to orgasm, focusing on the fact that only these movements can bring pleasure, and everything ( including sex with a man) needs to be "checked".
Therefore, exploring alone his body and opening in a new, still unknown to you hot spots, treat this as a theoretical practice that need to be transferred into practice. And by "practice" in this case refers to the most usual, the most vital sex with a man.
By the way, a brief theoretical books about how to learn to have an orgasm during sex with a man, if orgasm through Masturbation is a common thing, are produced in large numbers. Demand begat offer? Yes.
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