Thursday, March 27, 2014

Unclean chimney sweep

Unclean chimney sweepThe children scatter things all over the apartment, lose their favorite toys and refuse to go to sleep in the allotted time? Don't worry, this is normal! Will perevospitaesh even the most stubborn nehochu. And to bring this happy moment is within our grasp!

The mode of the day

The fight for Child starts Fine, usually early in the morning. The whole family has already been collected, and the child was not going to lift her head from the pillow. In the end, tired of the endless "one more minute", you continue to take decisive action. Dad pulls the child from the bed, while the mother tries to catch chaotic dangling baby legs to pull them panties and pantyhose. Alas, the only plus from this morning's action is that the workout was excellent and fitness club you can have and not to go (as well as in kindergarten: late-s).

In the evening, when the child is strongly recommended to go to bed, he did not even think to go in that direction. It turns out that it is now absolutely necessary to play with the machines, to see the news release about trading on the new York stock exchange, to run once or twice across the ceiling, to sit an hour and a half on the pot and set a couple of hundred questions.

A similar failure mode applies not only sleep, but also, for example, walking. The child cannot be forced to go outside to "get some air", but to take it back with celebrations can only be dug out of the swing, which he does not want to get off. And how many times an heir was chatting with a spoon in a bowl of soup, with all his views showing absolute satiety to exactly 20 minutes later an enemy spy sneaking to the fridge?

Battle tactics. Little man is hard to program their actions. Besides, the kids quite different compared with adults, the sense of time. The ability to correlate events of his life with hours and minutes of a child appears only in 7-8 years, and as long as chronometer has to speak to parents. From an early age your baby should be accustomed to the fact that the schedule can be adjusted only in the most extreme cases (of course, the list of these cases must be strictly specified). For example, go to bed later than usual in the weekend or when you came into the house guests. On other days 21:00 - this is the time when the TV is turned off, the toys are cleaned and even biscuits, wishing all a good night, goes to sleep in the cupboard. Of course, no one) in the world will not go to bed on their own and loud protests here is not to avoid. However, the crying of a baby is not a reason to go at it on occasion. Long persuasion - the path to nowhere, because an adult says from the perspective of benefit or harm to health, and the kid thinks in the categories you want to or not". Of course, you cannot ask from the son or daughter unconditional subordination. But if after two or three reminders, the heir does not perform the request of the parents, you just need to pick it up and take it to bed. The more adamant is an adult, the more likely the kid will realize that resistance is futile. The situation with walks solved on the same principle. For example, the lad tuned that will roll the truck, and mom says it's time to close up and go home. And how can you not be outraged? If you notify the child, giving him the opportunity to execute his plan, loud protest can be avoided.

At table

Wash hands in the soup spilled on them with tablecloths juice, canned peas, scattering like sparks of fireworks - here it is, your daily life. Numerous bibs, napkins and polotence, which is supposed to protect clothing, are now submitted to a purely decorative items because they just can't hold back the flood-called "child at the dining table. When patience bursts, and you decide to feed his "meticulous" independently, to his dirty clothes and add more your. Continue will not: why?

Battle tactics. Watching as the baby eats, try to distinguish those situations, when he is naughty, from the absence of well-organized skill, and to speed up the learning process, offer the child a game in which you need to feed bears or dolls. To learn how to use Cutlery difficult. Mastering, say, a spoon, toddler first uses it as a continuation of the hands, so it is not surprising that he gets it not in your mouth, and ear. When rebellious spoon gives up and finally starts to perform its function directly - peas stops to fly in the kitchen. Do not rush to blame the child in the dirt, if he wipes his hands on a t-shirt. Actually small children are very clean! Kids tend to quickly get rid of the discomfort, which causes them stuck to the hands of food, and make it the most affordable way. Ceasing to feel the presence of the puree on the cheeks or hands, "neat" not even realize that food debris moved on pants or a sweater. Therefore, do not swear, and simply move the child to the mirror that he saw the ugly look of the stains on clothing. And of course, while eating children should regularly be recalled that they used cloth.


There are different opinions about how to make the cross the life of a child and the potty. However, by and large, it does not matter which strategy should be followed: problems still can not be avoided.

You, for example, did not manage to catch "point X" to send the child "by destination". The child makes honest eyes, puts his hand on the Bible and swears his health, that "writing does not want to exactly 5 minutes to pricecat wet, fragrant sea pants. The child learned how to use night vase? Too early to celebrate. Kids have a habit to set your "throne" in the most public place apartments (for example, in the living room or in the kitchen near the dining table). Yes and the fact that the end of the action is accompanied by heart-rending cry, "Mom, I! "meaning that we need to break away and be carried to find the children's works, also not optimistic at all.

A miracle happened, and the child is aware that no one will bite him in the ass, if you get on the adult toilet? You can celebrate almost unconditional victory. Almost. Because still it would be nice to learn how to lose weight for themselves.

Battle tactics.

If from the time the last of the toilet has been more than two hours, parents should not be naive and believe the words of the heir that he does not want to potty. The awareness of their large and small needs arises from the child at exactly the moment when it is already in the process meet. You need to learn to notice the characteristic changes in the behavior of the baby and, without being asked, to bring the child to the "sacred vessel". Be prepared for the fact that every gatherings on the plastic throne will be perceived by the child as something very important. Nothing surprising there: use the potty first conscious experience of self-management body. In order to avoid embarrassing scenes, make sure that is clean and ready to use the potty was always in the same place where the kid would not want. Then the child will not spend time searching for their "toilet" and more likely to use it exactly where it finds. Don't forget that the baby craves the recognition of their success in mastering the potty just as, for example, praise for well cleaned toys. If you see that the son or daughter tend to praise, sit nearby and Express your approval so you will save toddler from having to jump from the pot throughout the apartment, guests from involuntary contemplation of this extremely unappetizing process, and from the numerous nalavala and painful feelings of shame in front of strangers.


Children's room usually looks like it's three hundred years without a single output trampled by the Tatar-Mongols. What our children can achieve striking effects: just some half an hour and perfectly cleaned home turns into a realm of chaos. And after all, what rich got to have imagination, so deftly rassovat plush toys in pots with flowers, put the car under the carpet, and the doll to hang the chandelier! When you give insistent offer to clean up after themselves, the child immediately begin to have a headache, tummy, legs and heart at the same time. And even if - what a miracle! the boy listens to your prayers, you know perfectly well that should be no illusions. It is enough to open the drawer or drawers, as an encouraging smile immediately move away from the face: broken machines, pieces of dried clay, the remains of ancient sandwich, dirty socks - all rolled into one huge lump, disassemble who cannot even experienced archaeologist.

To deprive of toys for educational purposes is not the answer. Because instead of them in the course of going balls and coils, clips, pins, keys - in short, everything that you do not have time to hide somewhere and what a child could reach it. How can that be?

Battle tactics. What adults need the order? First, it is beautiful, the only clean room shows how well the Wallpaper with the upholstery of the sofa. Secondly, if unexpected guests come, they will not be ashamed to show the apartment. Thirdly, it's nice when things are in their places. But, alas, all these considerations will never be understood by a young child: kids because the main thing that it was convenient, and the rest of them don't care.

Let's be honest and recognize that they have nothing to convenience (as we diligently inspire children) order no. Toys that are lying on the carpet, always in sight, what you need, and we take - and it's a real comfort! Up to 5-6 years old kid very easily switches from one entertainment to another. Not seeing a large number of objects, the toddler just can't find a lot of things. To require the heir to constantly maintain order in the room is useless.

However, you can enter a few rules, which will allow you to save a baby in a relatively decent form.

Is not in the room.

Playing with plasticine and paint only at the table.

- Sharpening pencils over garbage bins, markers after use, close the cap and put in a box or in a Cup.

- Before you get a designer, you need to make sure that the previous game is folded into the carton. Do not torture the kid a complex system of sowing different types of toys in boxes and baskets. He puts everything lying on the floor in one big container. It is better not to use a terrible word "cleaning": soldiers, for example, can cheerfully marching in a box-the barracks and get it for the night.

Water treatments

The days on which the child voluntarily and without 150 reminders washed and brushed my teeth, it can be noted in the calendar with red circles, then in subsequent years to mark these anniversaries at the family table.

Typically, you have to quietly pull somewhere in the apartment of a fishing net, the whole family to drive the child to the trap, and then struggled to pull him swaddled in the bathroom. At the same time simply to drag their prey up to the sink is not enough: you need to actively participate in the process of washing, otherwise all taken earlier efforts go down the drain. Soap stains on the mirror and poljubicu swallowed toothpaste - that is all that your baby without strict parental supervision. When the child becomes older and seemingly could wash yourself, dads and moms should not lose vigilance. Heir honestly climbs into the tub and quietly splashing in it a couple of hours, and then it turns out that all this time he had not thought to pick up the soap and washcloth. As it turns out? It's very simple - the heel of the bather darker the earth, and under the nails can easily arrange excavations.

Battle tactics. Imitation of adults is the main way of acquiring new skills. When you wash the baby, he well remembers the sequence of your actions, but can't understand it. So, it escapes the fact that you are not just lathered his hands, but also ensure that the foam covered the entire surface of the hands, and was then thoroughly washed. So you need to teach your baby to wash by setting specific criteria by which he will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of their actions. For example, during cleaning of the teeth can be put in front of the child hourglass or, if he already knows how to count to ten, ask him to count out a certain number of movements of the brush in different directions. If the child refuses to bathe, make preparations for the adoption of water treatments became the most interesting: for example, ask the kid to fill the tub with water, add the foam and wash the ears loved hare. Performing all these steps, the young bather will not notice, as he will be lathered from head to toe.


Just some 10 minutes on the street and clean and beautiful baby clothes into a pair of overalls miner, fresh from the slaughter. The abundance and diversity of spots, blotches and streaks so great that even the most magical powders, whose intellectual formula must recognize the source of the dirt, fall into a stupor. Sometimes, however, such diversity can be avoided. But in this case, when all clothing is one solid spot.

Neighbors begin to susukita that you are gloomy, prone to depression person, because all the time put their child only in grey, brown and black. Them and do not realize that in the morning the child was quite merry and bright jacket, and now he just took a walk, and the jacket a little soiled. Well, just a little bit: I was blue in the red flower, and became cerebraledema in a huge brown speckles. The child, by the way, demonstrates a philosophical approach to the problem and for all your accusations calmly replies, "C'mon, mom, let posterum or buy a new one".

Battle tactics. The appearance of the heir, as well as the order in the child, is primarily a question of ambition parents. The girl, dressed in a pale pink lace dress, by definition, will not be able to keep it in pristine purity after one hour of play in the sandbox. Therefore, choosing one's wardrobe, an adult is primarily a matter of how and where will be worn one or the other thing. Going to the Playground, the child is not in a secular society, and the work associated with sand, water and rusty rocker. Respectively, and clothing should be working, that is quite simple, washable and fast drying.

At the same time, is to negotiate with the heir to the situation in which it can avoid the pollution.

- Make sure that the baby is not wiping dirty hands on her clothes. This will teach him from time to time to shake off the palms of sand or water, and to use wipes.

- Before you sit down somewhere, the child must appreciate the cleanliness of this place.

For "extreme" games require extreme "remedy": the little rubber boots for the snow, mittens, etc.

Disappearing stuff

No less urgent than damage service, children facing the problem of partial loss. It does not matter, taught whether you astronomy, if you suddenly ask, where is the black hole, you will surely show in your own home. Because where else in such numbers disappear mittens, gloves, scarves and Panama? Invisible to our eye cosmic vacuum cleaner tighten pens, books and personal belongings of all family members that the child took "for a moment", "only show". During the existence of the black hole you are already used to some rules of its activity. For example, the more important thing, the sooner it will disappear in an unknown direction. Missing new toys so great that you can be sure that somewhere in the Universe there are a toy city, the honorary sponsor of which is your family.

Mysterious black hole affects negatively on the child - he just did the memory is erased. He not only can not clearly articulate the circumstances disappeared this or that object, but does not remember that ever saw him, and especially was holding.

Battle tactics. The memory of the older preschooler is 5-7 elements, that is, if the kid took a walk 10 machines, then about three or four of them, he will surely forget. Therefore, sending a child to kindergarten with five toys, three spare handkerchiefs, and two pairs of gloves, parents need to be prepared for the fact that their child is sure something will lose. Reducing the number of items you want to track, you're half will solve the problem of "disappearing things". Every time a kid comes out of the house, ask him to list out loud the names of those things, which he takes with him. The same kid should do, leaving kindergarten or guests - speech promotes awareness of their actions and to better memorization. Will definitely consider with the child the most typical situations in which the probability of loss is very high: for example, wool socks is best not to put separately and placed inside boots. Teach your child to zip up bags, backpacks, pouches and t.d. Rehearse at home in the game with your son or daughter scenes from kindergarten life: when the baby gives someone to play my typewriter, and then don't take it back or when he forgets mittens on the swings next to the kindergarten. Finding themselves in similar situations in reality, your child probably will behave more closely.


The family site

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