Before the eyes of each of us many examples of the relationships of brothers and sisters. Often they are very warm and close, but we see the opposite - many native people almost do not talk or even are at enmity.
First, in order for children to have common interests, the difference between them should not be more than 7 years, otherwise they will belong to different generations, and they will have too few points of contact. However, this is the age when mom and dad also need senior and newborn child.
Secondly, in order for your child so impatiently waited for this important event, it is important to include your older child in anticipation younger:
1. Together to choose the name because it is believed that the name of the second child must choose first. Besides, it's just us adults already deliberately choosing a name, to represent in the eyes of the baby as if he did it himself;
2. It is necessary to take ultrasound not only the Pope, but the older kid, even if there are weakly something clear. By the way, is best seen on ultrasound at 12 weeks. Our oldest son for a long time asked him to show "cartoon" about the baby, although the "cartoon" and was without color, sound, and lasted a couple of minutes;
3. need advice about shopping for younger, you can sometimes do them together. It is important having bought something given to newborn, to buy something for the older;
4. It would be great if the eldest child is to talk with Your tummy, sing their songs, because the baby in the tummy hears all this and gets used to the voice of the elder;
5. Be sure to buy from a senior gift to the younger, and the younger you buy a gift to the elder. And let after returning from the hospital they will exchange with each other gifts. This will configure the older more friendly wave and will not feel forgotten;
6. You can also ask friends who will be visiting your newborn that you must present both children.
Third, watch your tongue and don't say "shame on you, you're already big and adult, senior was not great only because there's a Jr.
How would you not tired, mitigate the sharp corners and emphasize that you are a family, saying "we", "our family, our wonderful children," and so on.
The main thing - remember that the second child (and first) did you give birth exclusively for themselves. Repeat as often as you can that you love both kids, don't forget to joke, and try to carve out a little time for yourself to rest and feel like a woman. Calm mother is much easier to solve problems.
Women's Magazine
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