Yesterday students meets real adult life - with all its difficulties and challenges. What if even the diploma did not help to answer the main question: "Who do I want to be when you grow up? "
The effect of inflated expectations
Problem. When we arrived, my parents, who grew up in other terms, promised: higher education - the key to success. It seemed that the diploma opens all doors. In fact, it turns out that the nearest competitors have in the Arsenal is not only the diploma, but also an MBA and a degree, and unbelievable experience. And I also found out that the infamous "crisis" exists not only in the world of TV news, it seriously reduces the chances of profitable employment.
What do former students?
Go to the principle: "For the money and I off the couch will not rise" or "I was accepted at a prestigious University, to work second operator-machine". Many of today's graduates too high expectations, and the bar to reduce very few people like.
Solution. There are two scenarios. The first is to wait out unfavorable starting conditions under the roof of his parent's house. The second is still to be arranged for the same funny money. Consultants job search unanimously recommend the second option. Perfect conditions to start a career does not happen, and unsuccessfully to wait for them for many years. In addition, the representation of themselves as invaluable specialist with a brilliant education, which not condescend none of vacancies, anyone will ruin his career.
Problems with employment
Problem. Dreamed of prospects and seven-League steps to the top of the career ladder, but in reality everything turned out otherwise, and after a dozen unsuccessful interviews lowered his hands. Then begins despair, and then depression. Well, if help parents, quite hopelessly, if you already have your own family and child needs beautiful toys. Then we begin to complain of rampant unemployment and lack of opportunities. However, the sense of powerlessness haven't helped either to build a house, nor a career.
Solution. Look around - no matter what the economic conditions, millions of people successfully find a job after higher education. In addition, almost every, including large companies have people who come in off the street, do not have special education and got a job thanks to one only enthusiasm and a great desire to work. This wish will cultivate you.
At leisure, daydreaming about future work, feel satisfaction from knowing that you are in his place. What are you ready for the perfect job? To work eighteen hours a day? Believe me, with this heat, you can easily soak and numerous failures, and other obstacles. You will not even notice them - it takes one to light in a goal, which will lead you in life. Proven to himself and checked on the experience of many enthusiasts - with this mindset you, without slipping, conquer Everest.
Problem. You lived a carefree from session to session, and exams seemed to be the most difficult challenge in life. Student life is the continuation of childhood, especially if you didn't need to provide your own accommodation and pay for daily expenses.
The issue becomes the end of a prolonged holiday, and the doors alma mater waiting for life without insurance, Cribs and possibilities of retake. If all five years of training continued carefree childhood, but now have to grow up and enter adulthood. You are afraid. You don't feel confident. At once, my dream is to turn back time and again to be within the walls of the auditorium, where the biggest failure of will "fail".
Solution. Typically, in this situation, students or extra Mature, overcome their walls and limitations, or remain in University doing post-graduate work in the Department. The second option is ideal if you have long known about his teaching passion and life can't see without my higher school. But he is a straight expensive to hopeless existence, if such a simple way you decided to hide from adult life. Certainly among your teachers have representatives of both groups.
If teaching the path is not your calling, to overcome fear not difficult. You just have to act. Without much expectations go a couple of interviews, select to start a job that will not require you too much responsibility. The main thing is to get the professional "kitchen".
There is no desire to work
Problem. Despite warnings psychologists to 11 th grade foggy future care of much less than a date tonight. In the end, neither the University nor the faculty, and the profession chosen by parents, guided by our vision of the good, reliable profession. That's the only work still not parents, and us, and some of the students to release sure to work in the specialty they don't want.
Walk every day at least favorite job? Such a life resembles a tunnel without any signs of light at the end. Drop everything and do what he likes? Scary. In addition, the family clearly does not understand your thirst for self-realization.
Solution. Understand that this is quite ordinary and normal situation is to understand that the profession is not for you. The right thing for your self-esteem is to take a step in the direction of your favorite things. Don't be afraid to be back in the position of a beginner, do not be afraid to seem ridiculous, don't be afraid to go to another University and to sit at the same Desk with seventeen-year-old boy.
This is a very common situation in the sphere of creative professions - often the wisdom of the profession begin to conceive of twenty-five or thirty years. Once these people dreamed about journalism, art faculty, theatre. Parents who have heard about the lives of the poor artists who insisted on getting a more stable profession. Among today's famous actors, producers and musicians not happened a lot of economists and lawyers.
No goals, no dreams
By the time you graduate, you have only one sense in which you strongly believe that to work you don't want. However, what you want, do not know, even approximately. The world seems alien territory where the place for you - alas! - not found. Somewhere in the distance beckon unclear prospects, someone tells the tale of ghostly abilities, Hollywood stars gorgeous smile at the presentation of the Oscar, and you are standing on the threshold of the University and have no idea what to do next...
The main thing is not to despair and not to give up. Well the mere fact that the job you are definitely not suitable. What to do next? To engage in active and persistent search. View a maximum of vacancies, even if they are not related to your diploma, special attention to related to your field of activity. Follow your hobby, all the free time to spend on what you like to do, and think about how to do hobby work.
Go on courses and training, think about the possibility of opening one's own business or get a grant to study abroad. Will do in graduate school and expand the circle of communication. In your situation the most important thing is not to sit idly open up to the world, to carefully look around and shamelessly try on the roles which were not even thought of. To schedule a consultation on guidance to a good coach and recall your youthful dreams. Even on alien territory if you want you can find a deal to their liking.
In our lives there are moments in which even the most dramatic changes are the least painful. This is the crossroads at which you can choose any direction. One of these periods - admission to the University, following the end of the name. Don't be afraid of change, at the crossroads of the most important thing is not to be afraid.
Dreaming is not bad
Pechorin D.
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