And if there are problems intimate properties, you need to understand which of them are serious, and what you can give up.
Don't worry, if...
... after the birth of you don't crave closeness
Maria, 28 years: "it's been two months since I became a mother, but I am still not tempted to have sex."
Don't want to close shortly after birth - naturally. Half of the women are not interested in bed pleasures and a couple of months. After 10 weeks after this important event, only 25% on the issue of sexual life replied: "Everything is wonderful, as always! "and 22% said that sex in their life is missing... as a concept. Perhaps it all depends on what were childbirth. Lucky, past IT naturally, without complications, and ready to "get in line," much faster.
... you intimate "pause"
Anna, 33 years: "my husband "drought conditions". We do not sleep for two weeks. This is not possible! "
What is your favorite - tired and nervous in the service? Unwell? Or maybe you had a little argument with him? Well, and there is nothing strange"playful" mood in such circumstances is not something that disappears in a few weeks, but months. If the reasons are, don't worry: like any drought is over.
And, by the way, you cannot say for sure how to live without sex is normal, and how many were not. The main indicator is that it bothers you personally or not!
... he pulls, there is no
Inga, 32 years: "We are weeks away from each other can't, and then sleep in the same bed as my brother and sister... "
The attraction between man and woman in different days of the menstrual cycle varies. Men, without realizing it, see us hot beauties during our ovulation and, according to research by sexologists, become more loving at this time. And we women also change their preferences on different days of the cycle. Sexologists claim that in the period of ovulation, we are subconsciously drawn to the brutal "guys", and other days I want pure tenderness and grace...
... he plays with his buddy"
This does not mean that you are no longer interested in! Masturbation is not necessarily an alternative vicinity, it might just be... addition. There's nothing unusual. According to statistics, 90% of men and 65% of women are not averse to occasionally indulge in it, and 38% of women and 55% men it was a regular "gymnastics" (for whom every day, for others once a month).
... his erection "delayed"
Catherine, 35 years: "my Husband is 10 years older than me. He stopped... to rush into bed with me. And sometimes now "consummates". It's a bad call... "
We somehow think that a man always ready - barely set foot on the threshold, but it is actually a myth. If you beloved tired, upset, or vulgar hungry, it is not so easy to "start" and... to persevere. This does not mean that you no longer excite or that something is wrong. This means that he is a normal guy!
And yet, by itself, the age cannot be called a cause of erectile dysfunction, although it also needs to do a discount. And figures optimistic: only 18% of the "guys" from 50 to 59 years old can "miss the target", and 7% of boys aged 18 to 29 years.
... it makes you green with jealousy
Anastasia, 39 years: "He looks at the beauties that I just die... of Course, probably dreams about having sex with them and not with me! "
Seeing the nearby lovely specimen (in addition slimmer and younger than you! ), 55% of women experience injections of jealousy and willing to admit. Do not blame yourself if you touch the courtesies that have your husband the other ladies.
If jealous of, and reasons for it are not present, psychologists advise to invent your partner a special "code word" - so you quietly tell his friends that are starting to be jealous, and he in time will be able to reassure you - for example, pribnow.
A bit of jealousy in a relationship will not hurt, on the contrary, give sharpness and forced to be in good shape. And don't forget - home, in bed, he'll be back tonight with you by the arm!
Every fourth pair of divorce called the cause of the bursting of the lack of sex
Should worry, if...
... his jealousy goes too far
Elena, 33 years: "we Have no sex because he, in a fit of jealousy - for no reason! "
If your partner is unable to cope with jealousy without cause, the root is clearly in his insecurity: he feels that you have it in something better, afraid of losing the relationship. Unhealthy jealousy, as a rule, pushes to irrational actions and the attempt to establish total control: the first call - if you limit your contact with friends or access to public money. The woman cannot close our eyes to these "bells"!
... you do not know how to forgive
Inga, 24 years: "I can't stay with my husband in bed, not forgotten the insult... "
If a loved offended, it is difficult to forget. Nevertheless, try to forgive a loved one. This is necessary not only to keep your sexual relationship, but for your own health. Studies show that vengeful and resentful of those that "don't have time to hurt, and I'm offended" is a much higher risk of early death from cardiovascular disease.
... your relationship is not a drought, but the real desert
Hope, 37 years: for some reason the desire intimacy with her husband does not occur I already... more than a year"
More than a quarter of couples after divorce admitted that the reason was the lack of sex. Most women libido will let you know about them... well at least once a month! When the zero counting down the months, and you haven't noticed, this is no accident. The conclusion is: if you do not want this man is sex - it means that you really don't want sex with him.
... you "omit" each other in public
Anna, 29 years: "I can't sleep with him because he always says bad with me when friends and parents! "
It is a sign of complete disrespect, and you definitely need to deal with it. Talking about the accusations and rude heckled (not to be confused with the soft banter! ) on the people? Either you want to embarrass or seek outside support and self-esteem. And what is the prognosis? American psychologist John Gottman was able to predict how many newlyweds from 700 will remain married for 10 years, with the help of her magical formula 5:1. Chance was in those couples that 15 minutes of talk time once taunting each other, but at the same time 5 times to say something nice.
... you were brother and sister
Marina, 42 years: "We are close to all the tastes, opinions, even thought all the same. But in bed... "
Seems overkill... You turned into a "Siamese twins" in spirit. You know him better than his sister; your souls met in space and you can hear him breathing on the other end of the planet; you together pour romantic tears... Unity, worthy of envy, Yes? In General, of course, but here it is somehow not up to sex.
... you can't just say what you want
(especially in bed)
Tatiana, 28 years: "I don't like how he does IT, but I couldn't tell him... Just keep silent."
Communication is the most important part of the relationship, including sexual. We all understand why a woman finds a 100 reasons not to tell your partner that she didn't like after a night of love?! Remember, the first thing that distinguishes the ladies satisfied with their sexual life, is that they speak directly to the partner what they want - and in the bedroom, and beyond.
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