Our expert - Director of the Center for electromagnetic safety Oleg Grigoryev.
Good assistants or enemies?
To live without electricity for even a few hours? For many, this is a real nightmare. Imagine: disconnect the refrigerator, do not operate electric stove, kettle, iron, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, computer, TV... We got used to the fact that our "good helpers" facilitate homework, make life more comfortable, entertain us, teach our children, etc.
But when countless advantages in home appliances and there are serious disadvantages: any device or unit emits electromagnetic waves or, in other words, is the source of smog, which poses a threat to health. Experts say that the smog is a major factor of environmental pollution, comparable in its impact... radiation.
This view is based on the fact that the centers of radiation contamination of the local, and the electromagnetic radiation is ubiquitous, and we are constantly exposed to its effects. The total magnetic field increases rapidly in comparison with natural "harmless" for us in the background. Radiation, affecting the body, weakens the immune system, the person becomes vulnerable to infections, it can worsen chronic diseases. Electromagnetic waves can cause serious malfunction of the endocrine, nervous systems, failures of cardiac activity. There are two potential hazards - radiation intensity and duration of human contact with its source. But this does not mean that all appliances are potentially dangerous - you just need to use it correctly.
TV and Co
Scientists studying the effects of electromagnetic radiation on our health, believe that the greatest negative effect on the person providing the TV when he continuously runs for several hours. In second place is the computer. He has a whole bunch of sources of electromagnetic radiation of high intensity. Moreover, we communicate with him the most intimate way", spending the whole day at the screen.
By the way, and the TV and computer are often equipped with network filters, uninterruptible power supplies and other accessories, which dramatically increases the density of electromagnetic fields. The third place mobile phones: their impact is exposed directly to our brain, which is very sensitive to radiation.
Strong enough "manufacturer" electrosmog - fridge. He is small breaks is available. By the way, if this unit is standing against the wall bordering the room, it is impossible to put a bed or to equip the workplace. Do not abuse and heater, for example, to leave it on all night and especially not to put it next to the bed.
As with other appliances, the "fellowship" with them, usually short. For example, microwave oven, if it is used for heating food a couple of minutes, not dangerous, but when you cook it some dishes half an hour, try to stay away from the furnace.
The situation becomes dangerous when multiple appliances are concentrated in a small area and work at the same time. And this often happens when we try to cope with household chores quickly. For example, when cooking dinner, working electric stove, extractor hood, microwave oven, refrigerator, plus food processor or blender. "Then how are tired! "we say to myself after such a "work crew", not even realizing that headache or increased pressure was not due to physical overload, the culprit - an intense electromagnetic field.
Bad neighborhood
However, you can be at the mercy of dangerous waves, neither sleep nor spirit without knowing about it. For example, if the walls of your apartment are the total power supply units, cable lines, switchboard (not the simple shield in the stairwell, which is designed for multiple dwelling units, and the distribution or transformer substation, which provide electricity to the entire house).
There is a series of buildings where they are located literally behind the wall of the apartment. What to do if you learned that your lodging it is? Do not place sleeping or working place more than 2, 5 meters from the "harmful" wall - otherwise elevated levels of electromagnetic fields can lead to serious diseases.
Intense electromagnetic environment is observed in those houses which are located near the TV towers or relay centers. The most permeable to electromagnetic fields are considered to be a brick wall, and inside the apartment - plasterboard. The most reliable protection - reinforced concrete with rebar.
Dangerous when in the immediate vicinity of the houses are of high voltage power lines. Working continuously and with high load, they create a strong electromagnetic field. According to the world health organization, this may provoke the development of cancer. The law prohibits to build houses under the "vysokovoltnoye". In planning this prohibition works, but as for suburban areas - alas! Twenty years ago in the vicinity of the cities were actively carried out unauthorized construction coveted "six acres" on the high-voltage line was not paying attention. If they are not involved, they are back, it is still possible to accept. In case, if the lines run continuously and with a high load, they create a very strong field. Buying a new suburban area, remember this!
It is important
Five rules for the protection against electrosmog
1. Take care about the correct placement of equipment in the house: it must be at least five feet from the man. This applies not only to the fridge, television and so on, but also to the power supply, charging devices, "databases" phones.
2. When you are finished using household appliances (food processor, blender, iron and so on), immediately unplug it from the wall outlet.
3. The most protected from radiation by the place in the apartment must be the bedroom, where we are daily at least 6-8 hours, so don't post there the TV, computer and so on Outlet for the lamp must be located no closer than three feet from the bed.
4. All appliances must be properly connected to the power supply system.
5. Waiting for connection on the mobile phone, do not hold the phone to your ear, watch the signals on the display. Try to keep your conversations on cell were as short as possible.
By the way
Electromagnetic fields, we are in the transport - trains and Railways, trolley buses, trams. Of course, the road to and from work or vacation in a long distance train that injury will not cause. But those who work professionally in this field - the subway drivers, train drivers, drivers of trams and trolleybuses - is it safe to use special portable devices for personal protection from electromagnetic radiation (worn as a mobile phone, on a lanyard), not to get involved overtime shifts, etc.
Arguments and facts
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