Metabolism is the sum of all chemical reactions that occur in the body to give it energy for life and reproduction. Simply put, this is the speed with which all of you have eaten turns into energy or fat on your sides. If the metabolism is slow, then the energy is released slowly, and all that it has not gone, the body considers it unnecessary and processes in the reserves. If fast - all the way around.
The worst part is that, apart from natural data on the metabolism is strongly influenced by our way of life. That is, we break it themselves, and then wonder, what does not work to lose weight. But there is good news: to shake it. If you follow a few simple rules, then after some time are surprised to find that your weight burning eyes and also without a Herculean effort on your part.
Eat regular
"I'll povoledo few days, quickly strip off all the excess, and then I can just maintain! " Who among us has not heard such reasoning on the part of those wishing to lose weight ladies. After such tricks your metabolism will move at a snail's pace, because the hunger strikes you fully disorientate your body. He ceases to understand what is going on, will give him something to eat or not, and if you give it enough will to survive until the next meal? And he is the body immediately goes into a state of siege. Gave food is put away and save for the future. Reassure him, feed him regularly, preferably approximately at the same time, and he will cease to wait a trick on your part.
Eat often
No matter how many nutritionists say about the benefits of five-six-time power, most of the girls are overweight continue to eat only once a day, usually after work. Negrodamus per day, they absorb at one time as much as thin people, perekusyvala every 2-3 hours, eat for three days.
The trick is that the people who chose for himself five meals a day, not much time to get hungry. Glucose in their blood drops and not jumping too sharply, all the metabolic processes are uniformly and with the same speed. They do not inhibit no hunger, no large amount of food that is hard to digest at one time.
So there is no way out: want to lose weight - have yet to listen to the recommendations of nutritionists and go to five meals a day "little by little".
Your body is smart and balanced mechanism. It is programmed in order to stay healthy, strong, hardy and including slender. You only need to give him the opportunity to work on given the nature of the program. You probably know that at night when you sleep, your metabolism slows down. The body does not need large amount of energy. The most that is needed is to warm themselves. If you have eaten at night, then the energy will be reserved for future use.
But in the morning the body is ready for operation. He really needs the energy, as the car needs petrol to take you to work. So the "fill tank": Breakfast, start your metabolism slowed down night's sleep. Not necessarily to eat something big, rather small plates of porridge, toast with cheese or boiled eggs, so that the body he knew that it was day and it's time to get to work.
Or even just go for a walk in the fresh air. Most metabolic processes takes place with the participation of oxygen, and therefore, you need to regularly enrich them blood. To do this the easiest way, deeply breathing in the fresh air as deeply as we do this sport. And we are talking about aerobic exercises, i.e. gym for these purposes is not appropriate. You need to run, fast walk, swim, ride a bike, skiing, skating in General, to engage actively.
Chronic sleep deprivation drives you into a state of stress. You can head to understand that nothing bad happens that you badly because you are late laid down and got up early. But your body does not know how to think. It feels unwell and just in case slows down all the processes, in order not to waste energy in vain. Yes, and stores these forces in the form of fat: and what if in the near future will not improve and will have to survive only on internal resources.
So when celebrities say they have the best cosmetic and diet product is restful sleep, they are not telling the whole story. This is actually the surest way not only to lose weight but also to maintain youth and health. So follow their example and do not sleep less than 8 hours per day.
Listen to the inner voice
How often do you eat not because of hunger, but for quite other reasons? From fatigue, for the company, not sad? Gradually this behavior we hammered our natural instincts, which can tell you hungry or well fed, whether you eat or too much. Learn to listen to yourself before you put in your mouth the next piece. Often ask yourself whether you have and whether you want to eat this dish, or actually you want something else? This is probably the most important not only in the "swinging" of metabolism, but in losing weight. Excess weight is a sign of disharmony, and when you learn to listen and hear yourself, the extra weight it will go away and no longer appears.
A. Strelnikova
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