Medicine recognizes that men have the right to eat a lot. The woman in the 40-59 years is required of 1,800-2,100 kcal per day, and the man is already 2100-2500. Protein and fat strong floor put on 20-30 grams more than the weak. Injustice?!
Actually the pattern. Men, as you know, is usually taller and weigh more. Their hormonal system works so that it is easier to gain muscle mass and easier to maintain, even with a sedentary lifestyle. And women are the opposite, they have a higher percentage of body fat, but muscle easily atrophy. Accordingly, women are weaker, have less heart and lungs. It turns out that the male body needs more nutrients. Pay attention to the products which are vital man or woman, but unjustly forgotten them.
"Female" products
Sea cabbage. She will supply you with iron and iodine. Iron, as you know, the woman is much more important than the man. Iodine in our region is the deficit, and it suffers from the thyroid gland. According to statistics, these problems often get weak semi - probably because women thyroid experiencing additional stress during pregnancy and other purely ladies "pleasures of life". Another benefit of seaweed - they have a lot of selenium, which prevents aging.
The Council slimming:
laminaria very few calories, and a feeling of fullness it gives, be healthy. In addition, the poor performance of the thyroid leads to a slower metabolism and weight gain. And the establishment of its functions, respectively Vice versa.
Beef liver. It has a lot of iron, as well as a decent amount of vitamin a (retinol), which guarantees a dazzling complexion, thick hair, strong nails, and at the same time get rid of pimples. In the liver contain more and sulfur, which makes hair shiny.
The Council slimming:
20 g of liver per day is a mandatory addition to the menu of any woman sitting on a diet. Without this will not be the normal of the blood hemoglobin, and therefore, the lack of oxygen in the blood will not allow you to burn body fat. But the product itself fat contains almost no.
Soybean. It is good because it contains isoflavones, very similar to the natural female hormone estrogen. These substances protect the female body from cardiovascular disease and breast cancer. But it is female! The male body to substances similar to female hormones, is purely suspiciously, the special benefits they will bring. Soy contains more tricky trace elements such as boron. A lot of it is not necessary, but here is a boron deficiency can lead to tooth decay and brittle bones (osteoporosis).
The Council slimming: soy products are low-calorie and quite satisfying. So take an example with a slender Japanese women - you will love the taste of soy. Not the worst fee for a thin waist.
Fat. Yes, it is a sea of calories, but eat it 10-30 grams per day. Fat is an extremely useful subcutaneous fat, which kept the biologically active substances. For example, the most valuable of fatty acids - polyunsaturated arachidonic. It is very rare in vegetable oils it is not. The woman without her just not to live: it is part of all cell membranes, essential cardiac muscle and without it the production of hormones. There are also other essential fatty acids (called vitamin F) - linoleic, linolenic, palmitic, oleic, and vitamins a, D, E and carotene. Listed fatty acids "clean" the blood vessels from plaque. And "good" cholesterol (fat about it is good! ) will be used for creation of immune cells, saving the body from viruses and other enemies.
The Council slimming:
when you cook vegetables, throw down 10 grams of fat - the taste will be much more attractive and better fed, and for the figure only better.
The carrot. It has a lot of folic acid, which, according to the American dietetic every woman needs as much as 400 micrograms per day (and men just 320). Folic acid is essential for blood formation, and for the female reproductive system.
The Council slimming: the brighter the carrot is, the healthier it. Eat as much as you want, it just does not get better!
"Men's" products
Fatty fish.
Especially from the Northern seas - salmon, cod, mackerel. Not only smoked or salted and baked or grilled. The thing is, they contain the same essential fatty acids (vitamin F), which protect just the heart and blood vessels. It is known that in Europe and the United States, cardiovascular disease is a typical "male" beach. But the Eskimos, who eat mostly fatty fish and seals, are much less likely to get sick atherosclerosis than Europeans.
The Council slimming: theoretically, the same can be obtained from 15-30 grams of fat. But if you will stay on this amount Yes no vodka? So eat fish, you can eat in one sitting 150-200 g
Sweet pepper. There are plenty of vitamin C (more than black currant or kiwi). And just this vitamin never have enough despisers of vegetables and fruit men. But eat only one large red pepper and boot the norm of vitamin C, which protects the blood vessels, removes excess cholesterol from the body, improves the immune system and is needed for strong bones and muscles.
The Council slimming: vitamin C is widely involved in the process of gerogianni, without it, you simply will not have enough energy to exercise!
The pumpkin. We understand that you don't want her to chew or brew! Buy a juicer! Pumpkin contains a lot of copper, iron and phosphorus, which are very well affect the blood. So pumpkin juice helps prevent atherosclerosis, hypertension, kidney stones and bladder (and these problems always come upon men at a younger age than women). And yet it is very useful for prostate cancer.
The Council slimming:
pumpkin juice improves digestion, which will help to reduce the unpleasant consequences of food cold food and snacking on the go.
It contains almost the entire periodic system of Mendeleev, and all these elements will be the case in your body. Besides, honey is a great source of quick energy, 315 kcal per 100 g! If you do not have time to eat before you exercise or are very tired at work, your salvation - honey, this natural cocktail of fructose, proteins, enzymes, vitamins, minerals and organic acids.
The Council slimming:
100 g per day waist does not hurt. Doubt - replace honey sugar and other sweets.
Bunting, sir!
Much has been said and written about the benefits of this product is not only for women, but men still will not eat it. Although oatmeal is a great source of useful carbohydrates, b vitamins, Biotin, potassium, magnesium, manganese, copper, selenium. In General, you have to realize that without all of these substances it is impossible to live?
The Council slimming:
even during the diet cook oatmeal on the water it is not necessary! Take regular milk, dilute it with water only half and add honey to improve the taste.
Arguments and facts
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