We are usually very difficult to stay in the present moment... We "drags" in the past incompleteness some situations, we "kick" in the future is its uncertainty...
The biggest enemy of our "today" - alarm... it whispers to us: "But let's think about how we will live or work tomorrow? At the meeting next week? How will we spend the vacation in six months? And remember five years ago? "
I hardly call you just stop to think and dream... perhaps less worrying about what is behind us - and suddenly the call? Or spend life in struggling to look into "tomorrow"...
Even from this distracts us depression. In this state there is always a longing for the wonderful past. And the devaluation of their "now-capability". Yes, depression is partly helps us to cope with the failure of society to accept and adequately assess our great professional and human qualities. Disables us from the activity, which turned out to be for us "here and now" difficult and hopeless. But being in the role of "me Last" further impoverishes "I am Present". Cuts from reality with its always-opportunities. We are sometimes reluctant to identify.
Yes, we can measure our happiness today, if we for example be sick tomorrow... Then tomorrow we regret we will think: "what... Yesterday I was sad and worried, but it turns out, so all was well! " Or got into some nasty situation, we think: "How yesterday I was calm and happy..."
But tomorrow our "today" will be the last... Permanently... Unreachable... So maybe let yourself to enjoy life today? Look, listen, sniff?
Life in this expands the horizon of the senses... You suddenly notice the trembling branches in the open box, or the ray of the morning sun, or rain drops on the windscreen... And this is just a little bit, on PASAKA, shifts the barometer of the mood of boredom, anxiety, emptiness - the little pleasure... From everything that is present around you can be affectionate, interesting, thoughtful, sad... And you are part of this such great and such a small world...
The General perception of life is the sum of small, momentary sensations, images, feelings. What is happening to us today.
Me in the "here and now" from the usual run on the wheel alarm returns a very simple thing... I at some point you just start to observe your breath... at least a couple of minutes... by the Way, in stress situations (if there is power to remember) helps at least a half a "get out" of problem areas - and you get the opportunity to see the situation and myself in it as something that"... Emotions are somehow "podsobirajte"... and solution - how to behave - comes easier...
So watch your breath - inhale-exhale, inhale-exhale... Good rhythm... Soothing... And returns to Reality... Gives the possibility to consciously live a couple of minutes... to See anything past what I always did... Stop a moment...
School of life
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