Every day the child needs a huge number of different elements for proper development and good health. However, you can select the 5 most needed.
1. Calcium for healthy bones.
Calcium is the predominant mineral in the body. It depends on the proper development of bones, healthy teeth and bones, both in childhood and in adulthood.
Often allth problem with getting enough calcium occur in adolescent girls. The reason for this most likely to be different diets and improper diet.
With age, the recommended amount of calcium is growing:
with year to 3 years - 500 mg per day
from 4 to 8 years - 800 mg
from 9 to 18 - 1300 mg
Calcium is found not only in dairy products. He is also in soy products, orange juice and some Breakfast cereals.
2. Protein for ROSthe
Every part of our body contains protein, and in sufficient quantity is very important for children who grow up practically 24 hours a day. Proteins contain calories, but amino acids are what our body really needs. Amino acids are the raw materials to build new cells and tissues. In animal and plant foods contain different types of protein. Animal products and eggs, put the so-called essential amino acids (EAA), which can not be produced in the child's body independently. Therefore, vegetarians, it is desirable to include in your diet at least dairy products and eggs to get enough of these amino acids.
Daily need:
1 - 3-year-old will take about 13 grams
4 - 8 years, 19 grams
9 - 13-year-old, 34 grams
14 - 18-year-old, 46 grams for women and 52 grams for men
3. The fiber.
Children need fiber for proper nutrition and healthy growth. However, cellulose is different from other carbohydrates. It is a complex carbohydrate without calories. Studies show that fiber prevents type 2 diabetes, increased cholesterol in the blood. As its use reduces the likelihood of constipation and obesity in children.
To calculate the amount of fiber necessary for the child's very simple - just add 5 grams to the age of your child. For example, a 13-year-old have 18 grams per day.
4. Antioxidants fight infections.
Antioxidants, including vitamins C and E and beta-carotene help to prevent chronic diseases, including cancer and heart disease. They can make the child's immune system to work better, giving her a push. Most of them are found in vegetables and fruits: blueberries, broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, melon, cherry, carrot.
5. Iron, one of the key nutrients.
Iron is required for growth. Red blood cells need in order to deliver oxygen. It also plays a huge role in brain development. Therefore, its deficiency can cause serious problems such as anemia. Iron is found in animal and vegetable products - meat, seafood, spinach, legumes. In order to improve the absorption of iron, add a source of vitamin C. Ask the children with each meal products such as oranges, orange juice, tomatoes, kiwi, strawberries or red pepper.
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