So what are the signals coming from the physical shell" business partner allow you to form a judgment, even if he has not yet had time to open his mouth? Externally everything looks quite normal: he looks you straight in the eye, not Julita and not twisting, does not make any unnecessary movements. But some, perhaps, sixth sense, you get the falsity of the information coming from him - "something is wrong", and that's it. 'll get a very affordable look normal individual signals, subconsciously given by the interlocutor in different situations. How to recognize them, thereby facilitating communication?
First of all will help at least a minimum knowledge about "body language", which you can find from books specialists. Oh, and also, you should be able not only to look but to see, to be observant and careful.
Here is one of your business partner is standing, relaxed, slightly bent leg, and the other tense, like a stretched spring. It is clear that the second position is not given to man so easy: spend a certain amount of strength and energy to dwell on it long, and it looks like something it isn't. And what it says expert? Stating that the individual feels "out of place", perhaps he is confused and does not know how to behave. It is also possible that now it is dominated by the desire to appear higher and more important than the other, and than he really is.
But don't hurry with summary: only one indicator is almost impossible to accurately predict the nature and tendency of the interlocutor. Signs, subconsciously supplied by the body, should be interpreted only in conjunction! You should pay attention to the fact, based on whether people about something (a wall, a table, a chair) or does not need this kind of support. In the first case, Yes if you take note of the manner slouch, the assumption of his trusovaty can be considered more or less justified.
No less important is the position of the hands in the process of communication. So, if the person speaking with you, gesticulates, you should pay attention to which side of his hand, he often turns to you. The more shows the palm of his hand, that he is outspoken, the easier understanding. Secretive people, even reviving his speech movements of the hands, palms are not shown.
Well, if the person is constantly twirled his pencil or other small object, he is clearly nervous. Hands tight on the front, give a person relaxed, peaceful temperament. Man, potrawy hands as if washing them, it is often the embodiment of insincerity. And the one who compresses his hands back, cautious and indecisive.
So, continues the business conversation with your partner - no matter what he had sex. Everything goes like normal. And so you began to notice that the other person quietly, or even openly, begins to pull up the sleeves of his clothes, remove them invisible speck of dust... You should be wary and take these signals, indicating that the loss of interest or subject, or even to you as a communication partner. Perhaps delicate interlocutor in such a way that disagrees with your point of view, but probably not intentionally - his lack of attention given gestures.
In short, watch, be on guard and... draw your own conclusions!
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