The ritual exchange of Easter eggs appeared thanks to Mary Magdalene, which was presented as a gift to Caesar Tiberius red eggs with the words "Christ is Risen! " As Christians, learn about the salutation of Mary Magdalene, also began on the anniversary of the resurrection of Christ to paint eggs and give them to each other. But Ukrainians have gone even further, they not only painted, and painted eggs. About ancient traditions of folk art read more in Women's Magazine.
Why "Easter egg"?
Easter egg called "Easter egg" due to the fact that it is painted "the letter" - signs, ornaments and symbols, which are fraught with something miraculous, mystical. But, as scientists say, the word "write" is very old and has not only the meaning "to put signs on the subject", and "to determine the nature of the subject, which cannot be seen only through its external perception". In addition, the word "write" the same root as the word "motley", which had a value of "red", "bloody". And as you know, in all the ancient languages, including the language of the Bible, the word "blood" means life. Thus, it is possible to come to the conclusion that our ancestors, putting on a chicken egg some red marks, thereby meant it as a subject, which, although it seems from the outside cold and dead, and even similar to the stone that holds the secret of life, the main immortal substance, which we call the soul.
But scientific thought does not stop. Red, as the researchers say, is decisive for the Easter eggs because during experiences and shame the person's face becomes red and ashamed, the man understands that he has committed a sin, and thereby renounces him, repents, purifies the soul.
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In addition, not just paint eggs. Reading cosmogonic myths, you can come to the conclusion that the first was still an egg, not the chicken, because the world in which we see it today, arose from the so-called cosmic egg, which symbolizes the sky and the earth, and the underworld. Thus, the egg is the beginning, this is life.
The characters that carry the secrets of the ages
The figure for Easter eggs is applied not just because it carries a certain message or a wish. Putting certain characters, you agree to adjust their fate, bring her what you are missing. For example, "beskonechnikh is a symbol of harvest and long life, fish health, flowers, fertility, sheet strength and endurance.
Irina Farenik engaged in the eggs for three years. She told me that it is best to draw this year:
"In my opinion, this year for man the most important thing is health, strength and material wealth. Therefore, eggs should portray characters such as fish (a symbol of health and longevity), pine (symbol, which treats), oak leaf (symbols of strength and endurance), deer (symbol of prosperity, wealth). Do not forget about the color, because it also plays an important role. For example, yellow symbolizes wealth, and blue - health. By the way, when the Easter egg draw for a specific person, then be sure to take into account his age, occupation, marital status. Using these characteristics, it will protect that person from evil".
Julia Fatihova just learning this complex craft, but for several years already clear, as should be action:
"For Easter eggs no matter the year or the time when she is done. The importance of the emotions, the feelings, the mood, you sit down at a small "canvas" and begin to create. If you do the Easter egg for someone - you need to think about this man that you wanted him. In his Easter eggs I often draw "beskonechnikh". It is very simple in writing, but is a symbol of the sun, life and the world. We should always remember that what you draw on your egg, depends what you call in your house. So, drawing a deer or a fish, you invite into your house health and longevity. But guelder rose leaf means courage, strength, confidence, self-control".
And pisanica Hope told about what the characters are the strongest:
"On the Easter eggs were always depicted figure, ornament, pattern in this area. The strongest characters are antique ornaments - "beskonechnyi", circles, geometric patterns (the simpler the pattern, the more he is older). Before painting the Easter eggs was a great ceremony, during which it was impossible to quarrel, angry, angry. Painted Easter eggs are only a few people in the village. And if the egg broke, it wasn't just throw his buried".
How to make Easter egg yourself
Folk biancari not only told about the characters, but also shared a secret with Women's Magazine right painting Easter eggs.
First you have to think of something good so that I felt happy and calm. If you got it on this positive note and start work.
1. For writing pysanky is necessary to prepare a clean, fresh, without stains, cracks and scratches chicken egg.
2. Prepare the dye for eggs. You can buy them at the store or make your own from natural materials such as onion peel or birch leaves.
3. For better staining of the surface of the shell should also prepare a 9% solution of acetic acid. You will need clean cloths, which are well absorb moisture, and spoons, you will drop eggs into the paint.
4. Boil eggs. But before that you need to know a few secrets. First, that the eggs are not cracked during cooking, it is necessary that they are about an hour polizeli at room temperature. Secondly, to ensure that the shell was stronger, add water, a tablespoon of salt. Third, to the paint on the eggs went smoothly, pre-degrease them by wiping with alcohol.
5. After the egg has cooled, take it in your left hand and the right pencil and draw a line around the egg, which will divide the surface into two equal parts. Then divide each half into two more parts, and the resulting again divide into two parts. Thus, you get 8 equal parts of triangles on the surface of the eggs. After you apply the pencil drawing so that each part complements the previous one and didn't look nalyapisto.
6. Now light the candle and heated over a flame peacock (the tool in the form of tubes with wooden handle) that you want to keep in the right hand as a pen or pencil. After peacock warms up enough, recruited from the candle into the tubes paraffin or wax, it it features the tube, and, becoming rare, flows through the lower hole of bisacca on the Easter egg.
7. After carefully lay the egg on the spoon and put it in the first solution with the dye. Now give the egg a little dry. Again, apply the desired pattern wax and dip the next color. The procedure will be repeated depending on the desired number of colors.
8. Once done, the main hard work, bring it to the side of the egg a burning candle. The wax will melt and you will see marked patterns. In no case do not hold the flame to the bottom of the egg, otherwise it will burst or at best Podgoritsa.
9. Now for greater beauty and Shine can RUB your Easter egg oil. And please family Easter gift.
Ideas for decorating eggs look on the Cook Book.
Fursenko Yu
Women's Magazine
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