I water, I water...
Sitting in the tub, baby loves to mess with water, to fill and empty small bottles, pour soapy water from one Cup to another, squeeze the sponge, pressing her hand, playing with swim toys and make boats out of the camera.
Grocery store
Lay on the floor a big blanket and put him baby. Give it a different capacity that can be distributed (lentils, semolina, corn, small stones, colored sand, shells). Show him how to pour, pour, mix, stir, and let me enjoy this lesson on their own. But don't go away, this game requires your careful observation!
Saddle up!
All kids love to climb on the backs of his dad and play horse riding throughout the apartment. Don't forget to ask for a rider to have a good hold on your clothes, especially if you decide to stand on its hind legs! And the boys like to fight with fathers pillows and girls to dance, standing on daddy's feet, so as not to lose the beat.
Paint for fingers
To become a real artist, you must first learn to draw with a brush and fingers. To do this, take special paint and show your baby what would happen if you dipped them the finger and attach it to a blank sheet of paper, will teach the novice painter to mix different colors, to make an imprint own hands... once is enough for your baby figured out what was happening!
Salt dough
All sorts of funny figures to sculpt not only from clay. For this fit and salt dough. Recipe: 2 cups flour, 1 Cup salt, 1 Cup water, food coloring.
The ball never drops
Inflate a large colored ball and teach your child to throw his hands in the air, feet, head, knees. The aim of the game is to not let the ball fall. After some time, let's complicate the task, let the child to play multiple balls.
Not to lose face in the dirt
Take a little water, sand or earth and knead thick... dirt. Let the kid do whatever he wants, let slapping bare legs or hands, leaves finger prints, kneads, mixing up, sculpts something, prepares soup with herbs, leaves, stones and shells or builds houses. Attention: do not forget for this case to make clothing that is easily cleaned.
Puppet show
Instead of just reading "the Three bears" or "little Red riding Hood", use as puppets plush toys and dolls. Select the characters you need, and play improvised dialogues from your favorite fairy tales.
How interesting to observe how inflated, flies and shimmers in the sunlight soap bubble. And even more interesting to catch up with him and make you burst.
Magic box
Using some imagination, an empty box can be a ship, train, car, castle or swimming pool? You need to draw it to the door if the car or Windows, if this ship. And even in large boxes you can hide.
Upside down
Teach your child to lower his head down and look at the world Vice versa. By the way, any gymnastic exercise (velocipedes, scissors... ) can be turned into a game!
From 2 to 3 years
Make me scared!
Ask the child to portray different emotions: angry wolf, frightened kitten, the terrible tiger, which he prepared to jump, good dog before the lion, sad birdie, looking for her the bird, happy monkey... Together imitate the cries of chickens, roosters, pigs, horses.
Who was the first to notice?
Not to be bored in the car, ask your child to look carefully at the road and as soon as possible to find the red car, a red truck, a cow, a solitary tree, the river.
Guess himself!
If the child is forced to sit, for example, in a clinic or in a cafe, ask him to solve puzzles. The essence of the game is to guess which animal is it. White with black lives at the North pole, who is it? Baleen, striped and meows, who is it? It has a long neck, and he loves the sun, who is it? Whoever guessed, in turn invents a mystery.
Birthday bears
Put a favorite toy the kid for a small table. Stick one or two candles on the cake, made from salt dough, light and ask the child to blow out. Let him do it as many times as he wants, in your presence, of course.
Sea fun
On the beach there is always something to do? Can be entirely buried in the sand, to build a dam from the waves of the sea, the fortress with many inputs and outputs, fishing Lodge or to lay out a mosaic of shells, pebbles, seaweed, shells of crabs and shrimp. Long live the velvet season!
The game of "as if"
Of course, you already forgotten how to play in the store. But your participation in this game you will need definitely. "How much do you weigh tomatoes? " "Please, add in the chocolate ice cream gravy! " Your kid will grow up learning to imitate social codes. Therefore, without hesitation, "try", we offer cakes of salt dough or cake of sand.
"The seas are troubled times... "
The meaning of the game is that the kid did the commands you give him. For example: raise your hand, jump into the water, jump up and down on one leg, sit down on a stone. And if you say nothing, then you need to stay in the same position and wait patiently for the next command.
Come on, pick up!
Stick to a few cartons pictures of different animals and cut them to pieces. Mix them, ask your child to fold original image or invent fabulous animals. For example, to attach a horse to fishtail. When he learns to perform this task, let's complicate the task of cutting the images on a larger number of bits.
Suitcase discoveries
Gather your old stuff (hats, shoes, clothing, jewelry, scarves, ties that no longer wear and give to the kid. Let him come up with his purpose.
Journeyman at work
At this age children love to help mom with the housework. Take advantage of this fact and give the kid to wash a few small plates, ask to disassemble purchase, put canned food in the cupboard, to hang towels on the battery, put spoons from the dishwasher to water the flowers.
What's in the bag?
Take the pillowcase off the pillow and fold it various items (toothbrush, spoon, ball, cube). Ask the child to run down the arm and to determine by touch, laying in there.
Teach your child to write funny poems one line, picking up rhymes to the names of his friends or family members. For example: Mary is preparing porridge. Veronica gathers strawberries. Get ready for what you will hear and "hooligan" rhymes like "Dasha is a piece of shit" or "Deniska-pipiska".
Fill sand a few plastic bottles, put them in the way they do in the bowling alley. The goal is simple: to bring down the ball as many "pins" at the same time.
Songs reminders
To the tune of some well-known children's songs compose poems, in which you will learn about the latest mischief your baby, about his quarrels with brothers and sisters or what happened when he ate too much ice cream. In short, make it a new character songs. This is a great way to get him to laugh at themselves.
Still you led! From 3 to 12 months
The family site
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