The three-second rule. If you met eyes with a girl that is considered, smile and move his eyes. After a few minutes you can look at it. If you are again faced look - see at the girl for 3 seconds, then look away.
Ex-wife or girlfriend. This topic is forbidden to talk, as it can take unexpected and not the most pleasant turn.
Pet fee. If you have Pets, make sure you tell something about them. Typically girls love funny stories about animals, and are more inclined to guys who care about someone.
A musical instrument. Tell the girl that play a musical instrument. If you can not - towrite about that, which is definitely not on hand so you are not caught in a lie. Later you can always say that lied to please the girl. Usually such recognition touching girls.
A compliment about her appearance. If you decide to make a girl a compliment, pay attention to her shoes or earrings. Then she decides that you have really good taste, and not that you drew attention to her cleavage or tight fitting clothing.
The cell phone. On a first date it is better to disable.
"Well, nothing, I had to at least try". A phrase that can save you, if a girl gives you a decisive rebuff when you try Dating. After this phrase, and try to continue the conversation in a friendly manner. The girl can still be changed.
PAL. Ask him to approach the girl with the phrase "You liked my friend" - not the best idea.
Name. Try to remember it the first time, so will not confused in the future.
The alcohol. As a rule, with increasing amount of alcohol consumed, the girls become more inclined to men.
The earnings. Never talk about it.
A group of girls. If you see a group of dancing girls - join them. The more competition among friends, the more desirable you will look for each.
The condoms. Do not wear them in the wallet.
The opinion. When talking with a girl try to look at it.
Light. If you decide someone will take the light to be more visible.
10 minutes. This is the time after exploring, after you have somewhere to go. Thus, if you are interested in a girl, you will not have time to bother her and will give the opportunity to consider the introduction.
Clothing. If through clothes you can see your nipples, you better not wear it.
The gestures. Watch her gestures. if she unconsciously corrects the clothes, the hair, it is a good sign. She wants you like.
Beautiful girl. If you come to the most beautiful girl, don't say it looks good. Believe me, she knows it without you.
The business card. Don't let the girls business cards.
A slow dance. The best way to get acquainted with the girl.
The refusal. If you fear failure, go to the group of girls and address the invitation to all at once, then put a hand to the confused girl.
Girlfriend. If you walked up to her friends, one of which is beautiful, and the second not much to talk better with a beautiful and flirt with her friend. So you wouldn't hurt anyone, and krasiva will see what it is.
A toilet. Catch girls better near him. Just keep in mind that the girl should go out of the toilet, not in it, otherwise the conversation will not work.
The tie. If you are, then pay attention to what the girls like, when a node is loosened and the top button of his shirt unbuttoned.
Lips. When the conversation is not oblyzyvaj and not biting lips, not visviva the tip of your language.
Tight clothing. Do not wear such as girls don't like it.
A bachelor. If you're a bachelor. remember the conversation that I would like to start a family in the future. Girls love it.
The number of the mobile. If a girl gave you a mobile phone number, do not call him immediately. If the phone girls will not ring, both of you will feel uncomfortable. If it rings, you'll look insecure guy who doesn't believe that he can give the phone number.
Coffee. If she invited you for coffee, do not rejoice at once. This can only mean coffee and nothing more.
The waiter. If he made a mistake in the account - do not use it for errors. Scandal when a girl is a bad idea.
The taxi. It would be best if after the meeting you will take the girl home or will call her a taxi from good company and pay it.
Conversation. Talk less about yourself and more ask about her.
The ABC of sex
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