Warmth, nature, barbecue is an integral attribute of the summer season. What useful, and that's quite doubtful in this event will try to parse on the shelves.
It turns out, mutton chops, pork tenderloin and giblets weight just useful. Heck, just essential! In General, let's see what will happen to our body when the barbecue is:
In vain they call her coproduction (the prefix "sub" means inferior, defective). Just 100 grams of beef or 150 grams of chicken liver contains daily values of iron. And absorbed it from the liver is much better than from plant foods (green apples or buckwheat), says nutritionist Svetlana Berezhnaya. And iron is power, struggling with anemia and fatigue. So if the last time was plowing in sweat, it's time to relax with salescom of giblets.
The liver is the only product that contains heparin (as a cure him, and was isolated from calf liver). This substance reduces the risk of blood clots, improves heart function, and even help to get rid of a bruise, if you managed to arrest him. Recently opened another unusual property of heparin: it helps to slow down hair loss and are generally very useful for the hair.
The liver contains such a rare trace element cobalt, which is required for pancreas and helps to cope with piznarski.
Marinate the liver with vinegar or wine is not worth it to kill the taste and useful properties. Enough to soak it in milk or diluted with water, sour cream, before cooking a little drizzle of vegetable oil (to not get dry) and is strung on a skewer mixed with onion rings.
In 100 grams of skewers of beef liver approximately 190 calories from chicken - 150 kcal.
Well, it's a classic! Each kebab recipe from your lamb. Although many believe this meat is too greasy and heavy. Actually it is not so. Lamb is the only meat that became popular in the United States "energy" diet. Its essence is to eat those foods which help the body to process calories into energy and support the body during exercise. Her long adhered to, for example, the wife of Michael Douglas Catherine Zeta Jones, and was very pleased. The beautiful actress was told that vegetable stew with lamb and lean mutton broth helped her to lose weight after childbirth and to quickly restore physical shape. But our nutritionists recommend eating lamb no more than once per week.
Also mutton lot of lecithin, which helps us to understand, and at the same time regulates the release of insulin. Interestingly, the lamb is the only meat products contain fluoride, which strengthens tooth enamel.
Marinate lamb better in an acidic environment - wine, natural vinegar, grape or Apple (synthetic vinegar makes the meat tough), yogurt.
100 grams of a shish kebab from mutton hams about 320 kcal, blades - 280 kcal.
In the veal and young beef a lot of valuable protein, which is very well absorbed, iron and vitamin A. But in a more "old" meat more place of harmful saturated fats and accumulate substances that cause oxidative processes in the body. Recently physicians engaged in anti-aging therapy (anti-aging), increasingly agree that red meat accelerates the aging process in the human body.
But for pork interceded sexologists: it turns out that only it (namely in fat) contains arachidonic acid, which participates in the production of male and female sex hormones. By the way, fat is the only product that does not accumulate radionuclides. Even in Chernobyl liquidators were allowed to enjoy the local grandmothers only fat, and cucumbers-tomatoes not to take.
But in a lot of saturated fat pork, which quickly get fat. But the trick is to soak the pork in lemon juice - it speeds up metabolism and reduces the absorption of fats. You can mix the juice with mineral water and add a little mustard - so pork is tender.
100 grams kebab from young beef about 250 kcal, lean ham - 280 kcal, cervical - 340 kcal, ribs - 320 kcal.
Quality, not pumped with antibiotics chicken meat is very good for our hearts, chicken - champion meat for vitamin B6. And yet it has a lot of glutamine protein required for dealing with stress and supports the nervous system and the immune system (it is no coincidence that chicken broth is included in the diet for recovering from a variety of infections).
In Turkey the same amount of phosphorus as in fish (this element is very important for bones and joints). And recently this meat discovered a substance that helps the development of melatonin - the sleep hormone. So if not from the soul to sleep, so have diet Indian kebab. However, breast meat a bit dry, it is better to him languish with Italian herbs and balsamic vinegar.
Rarely does the kebabs from the rabbit. And it is in vain. Proven: the meat is better absorbed by the body. Now pediatricians advise parents who begin to enter the menu of the child meat, to start with the rabbit. Allergic to it, by the way, also happens rare - much rarer than chicken.
In 100 grams of skewers of chicken breast - 100-120 kcal, legs - 160 calories wings - 180 kcal, Turkey Breasts - 150 kcal, rabbit - 150 kcal.
A day, you can eat more 250-300 grams of meat. Otherwise, in addition to threats to the waist, increases the risk to earn... gout. The fact that the meat quite a lot of purines. These substances are broken down in the body to uric acid, and its excess can lead to gout, can cause inflammation and swelling of the joints.
And what about the Carcinogenicity of kebab? But here science was on our side! Because carcinogens are formed when frying meat in a skillet in a pool of oil (and, in fact, in the oil when it is heated, especially multiple). Cooked without oil, in terms of carcinogens in times safer.
In the meat on the coals, saved a large number of vital vitamins and minerals. But you cannot overdo the barbecue! In overcooked, sometimes charred crust is also formed of harmful substances.
By the WAY
Than to jam grilled meat?
Pork, beef, lamb very bad combined with foods rich in starch. It binds proteins and prevents the meat properly digested. So if you cook the kebabs, not serve potatoes, dishes with pumpkin, sweet corn, squash.
But improve the absorption and reduce the harm cooked meat on the coals, all the green vegetables and fresh herbs (cilantro, dill, parsley, leek, lettuce). They also help better absorption of liver iron.
Also combine well with all kinds of kebab cucumbers, fresh cabbage, kohlrabi, green beans, asparagus, bell pepper, onion and white, and red.
Source: http://www.medikforum.ru
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