And see a pretty picture: it was decided, therefore, a certain woman, keenly felt his anastasescu urgently to gain the required current standard and the society of physical parameters and a bunch of secondary moral and spiritual bells and whistles. Come to the masters "about authenticity," they her, dear, and on the conveyor. And reclassified in the blink of an eye well-established methods.
Brushed, curled, dyed, Namacurra in fishnet panties he got up, told only in them now and go, here cut, there was whacked, here zamotivirovat, there was accomplishable. Pancakes with shrimp bake taught the basics of time management, maternal and child feelings were taught, Twitter about telebingo prompted, sexuality to demonstrate the sensitivity to dose is required.
As mentioned in one children's book, "first in the stain, then in the dryer, then rospromeco". Was out of raspatelli this Real-Real. And wings byak-byak-byak. And she immediately began to foam-pink glamour with a slight, almost imperceptible, intellectual and spiritual reflection, originalinenyko, as at all.
If you can afford professionals serial "about authenticity" is missing, no need to get upset. You can easily cope on the tutorial, ensure the attainment of ladies "about authenticity" in the shortest possible time at home for ridiculous money. Here, however, is not without some key motivational phrases.
The first of them is a true pearl: "a Real woman should." Second, not less, state-of - the "Real woman should aspire to". The combination of abstract debt with a specific desire usually leads to cognitive dissonance, but if the manual says should you want, then so be it.
And begin flour transformations in the most that neither is True. And all is good, everything is according to plan, but only this life, with its bad adjustments. The reality of any defective goes - written - should weigh so much. And here a couple pounds and does not go away.
Said a Real Woman strives to be the perfect mother. And here the child vukomanovic, there doesn't want pancakes with shrimp - and they're almost a Real Woman cooked. And the husband something over lace panties laughs, and elderly parents are sick and capricious - and she seeks, and seeks, intends, plans, and should should. So as the instructions say. From work on the bike, from the machine to the pans, to the new ladies ' novel. Well, all did not get to become a Real, all kind of unreal, bitter grief, Hello, grandfather neurosis.
And life damn day, all the time here with its amendments and surprises, as always inappropriate. Cold spring Blues, work complexity, a couple of wrinkles in the corners of his eyes. So what if the man wrinkles like these, the Real Woman instructions have them eager to fight. So there is an endless struggle, hard pressure not own aspirations, false witness debt - and all in order to have the right, in accordance with other people's perceptions about authenticity, to say: "Now I am a Real Woman" ("And I'm a white butterfly, and I'm a former caterpillar") - and with a sense of accomplishment to give up the Ghost with the words: "This Woman goes to heaven".
As usual, a real woman just lives. Watching him, of course, but without any imposed "should" and "should seek", so limiting inner freedom. Without any time-management. And aspirations, and desires defines itself, without external, it is not clear who invented the instructions. She does not need to prove anything to anyone, she gets joy from the flow of life. She and her family have absolutely no doubt in her about authenticity.
And love, and tenderness of your man, the parents and the child she gives not on schedule, and can afford, and the absence of gel nails, and Terry Bathrobe for Breakfast, sometimes semi-finished product for the whole family for dinner, and not always watertow dust, and some imperfections of nature. And, you know, allow their children to receive the best grades, and - Oh horror - sometimes truant because of the interesting exhibitions or extreme fatigue.
Because she sees. And most importantly - always, in all circumstances of life, be yourself. And only themselves - rather than hypothetical serial, very disharmonious "Real Woman" magazines.
For it is only the ability to be yourself, to build smooth and warm relations and change under the influence of its own, and not imposed by someone installations, and gives peace of mind, balance and harmony. And understands each real woman, right?
School of life
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