The face and skin in Oriental medicine is a mirror of the internal condition and health. Because the skin reacts to all changes occurring in our body.
Each specific part of the face corresponds to our internal organs, and by examining the condition of the skin and overall facial features, you can determine any concerns that person.
Read on face
Cheeks - light
The tip of the nose - heart
Nostrils - bronchi
The middle part of the nose to the stomach
The upper part of the nose - pancreas
Eye - buds and ovaries in women and testicles in men
Left eye - spleen and pancreas
Right eye - the liver and gallbladder
The area between the eyebrows - liver
Whiskey on both sides - spleen
Forehead as a whole - the small intestine
Peripheral region of the forehead - colon
The upper part of the forehead - bladder
Mouth digestive tract
Upper lip, stomach
The inner part of the lower lip - the small intestine
The peripheral part of the lower lip - colon
The corners of the lips - duodenum
Look at you...
The forehead
represents the projection area of the intestine. Moreover, the lower part refers to the thin intestine, and the top - to Tolstoy. The starting area for growth of hair on the forehead projection disorders of the bladder, the lower part of the chin area toward the neck is also consistent with similar deviations. The area of the gallbladder is located on the temples. When malfunctions occur, the appearance of acne and redness, often accompanied by the occurrence of headache temporal localization. Additionally it can be noted that in some cases, the appearance of yellowness of the face. Interesest (yellowing) of the sclera of the eye also accompanies acute and sometimes chronic dysfunction of the gallbladder.
The area between the eyebrows
over the bridge is manifested by abnormalities in the liver. Chronic liver disease can be observed permanently impaired function of the jaw joints. At the initial stage of the disease is manifested by pain on palpation of the study, and the left jaw joint flashing of trouble in the left lobe of the liver and right respectively in the right. Sometimes human liver nature is additionally expressed by the redness of the sclera of the eye, reduced visual acuity.
carry information about possible violations in the lungs. While the right cheek corresponds to the right lung, the left cheek left. In organic disorders in the lungs sometimes there is the appearance of vascular pattern or persistent redness. The shape of the light repeats the shape of the protruding part of the cheeks, and the top face of the top of my lung, and a bottom face, respectively, the lower part of the lung. The wings of the nose also refer to the projected areas of the respiratory system, namely bronchial tubes. Bronchitis can be observed redness, acne, large pores.
Heart disorders sometimes occur in
the tip of the nose and point to the existing arrhythmia. Some cardiac disorders are marked by the appearance of red spots in the upper part of the left cheek. The blue color of the lips are often associated with impaired activity of the heart and circulatory disorders. Cyanosis of nasolabial triangle is also a very dangerous signal, a warning about heart attack condition, heart failure, about a possible defect of the cardiac septum. Pain eyebrows palpation also points to heart disorders.
The nose the departures area in the pancreas and stomach. Appearance eye areas it is possible to judge the presence of renal pathologies. Special attention should be paid to signs such as swelling, redness, darkening. The presence in this area papillomas indicates stagnation, cysts or predisposition to it. For example, the appearance of fatty plaques in the eye area indicates congestion in renal areas with the formation of sand or rocks.
The ureters are projected on the face on
nasolabial fold. They start at around lachrymal canal on the face and end at the bottom of the chin in the area of the projection area of the bladder. Chin reflects the state of the reproducing system of a person. In women, the appearance of this area of acne and redness indicates abnormalities in the epididymis and the ovaries (in this case, third-party compliance). Men such signs indicate the development or presence of prostatitis. In short, this zone indicates a stagnant phenomenon in the pelvic area.
Raznolikosti open eye slits with present white stripe under one or under both eyes, high white forehead cold sweat indicate the presence of severe stress that can disrupt the functioning of internal organs. These conditions are supplemented by the appearance of excessive sweating of the hands, feet, groin and underarm areas. If looking at your man has a white strip of sclera or above the iris of the eye, this indicates its extremely high stress. Such a person is not able to control their emotions and actions. It can be expected various unpredictable actions up to and including homicide and suicide. Long-term presence of a person in this state is fraught with disorders of the Central nervous system and internal organs.
Eyes the patient often can display as his mental state, and deviations of a physical nature. Watery eyes when leaving a warm house in the cold or on the street indicates a deficiency of potassium in the body. Frequent gratuitous appearance of tears in her eyes, increased tearfulness indicates a deep neurosis and pathology of the spleen".
Women's Magazine
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