There seems to not want, but the hand for some reason and reaching for the chocolate, crisps, nuts? On the street you will certainly stop to buy a hot dog, even if for half an hour before this tightly lunched? The best remedy quarrel with a loved - one sitting to eat a huge plate of meat, potatoes? Joyous occasion it is best to note the order sushi at home? It is all about you? Then, you have to disappoint you - the so-called "emotional eater and your dependence on food akin to alcohol. What to do? To understand and fight as much as.
First of all, understand one truth: people depending on food, very different. It appears, to select effective methods of weight loss, it is important not only what we eat but how we eat. Nutritionists for convenience divided consumers into several types, some of which lead portal Uzy.
The types of consumers
Professional slimming eater constantly sitting at the next newfangled diet, in the supermarket for hours studying the labels goods, counting calories, are proud refuses delicious dishes under the pretext of their harm. However, recovering, since malnutrition is hungry and disrupts metabolism.
Messy eater eats irregularly, often overeat or, on the contrary, skipping main meal, meal on the go.
Unconsciously chewing eater eats always working, reading, watching TV.. Often not aware of what he ate during the day - just eat until the refrigerator is food. In this it is similar to a messy eater. To unlearn this undoubtedly bad habits don't mix food with other activities.
"Gourmet" eating for pleasure and begins to have problems with excess weight when gets the opportunity to indulge their culinary tastes.
Frugal eater can't see how the loss of food, therefore, eats everything that is on the plate, and even for their own children eat.
And, finally, an emotional eater. He psychologically dependent on favorite food - ice cream, chocolate, chips, etc. Especially eats a lot when he is in pain or, on the contrary, when it is in a good mood. Such people are more sensitive than others, they tend to subconsciously turn to food as a way to escape from reality. When the emotional eater feels that something is alarmed or excited, it seeks to hide from unpleasant experiences, switch your attention to the products. If you don't have a favorite food, such people can easily fall into despair. Behavior emotional eaters often similar to the behavior of drug addicts: this strong desire to eat favorite product and the inability to give it up even for the time, stress relief and pleasure in the process of consumption, guilt and often secrecy, concealment of their dependence on others.
How to determine the dependency
Experts suggest three simple questions to determine whether you are an emotional eater. So, 1. Do you feel you eat when you are sad, lonely, bored? 2. Note if you some joyful event or reward yourself for success by eating a favorite food? 3. Do you feel an irresistible urge to eat something delicious, when you are worried or under stress? If you answered "Yes" to even one of the suggested questions, then you are an emotional eater.
How to distinguish between emotional hunger from physiological
Eating food that usually provokes a physiological feeling of hunger, you start on the background of uncontrolled emotions. In this organism, gives you very clear signs: "rumbling in the abdomen, excessive salivation and desire to eat immediately arising from emotional eaters in periods of exacerbations, absolutely indistinguishable from physiological signs. How to distinguish hunger from the desire to "seize" the problems, fears and negative? Come to the aid of scientists.
So, learn to distinguish hunger from emotional dependence on food:
1. "Emotional hunger comes upon us suddenly, sometimes immediately after a meal, and physiological after a certain period of time.
2. You want absolutely certain foods: sushi, pizza, ice cream. Nor on the other you do not agree. This is the "emotional" hunger. In the case when the person actually wants to eat, he will not be so categorical and eat what was offered.
3."Emotional hunger requires immediate absorption of the desired food, physiological hunger can endure.
4. If you "seize" emotions, you continue to eat, even if they were filled. If you eat because you are hungry, you will stop eating as soon as saturated.
5. "Emotional overeating often leaves a feeling of guilt over the amount eaten, its cost, its own weight and so on, the Usual hunger leaves only a sense of satisfaction.
How do we become emotional eaters
Experts see several reasons why people begin to "stick" their own emotions.
First, the stress state is characterized by increased amounts of cortisol, a stress hormone. An increased amount of cortisol in the blood causes a physiological need for salty and sweet foods.
Secondly, people under stress often seek support and become more socially active. Unfortunately for those trying to watch your weight, in a society that conversation a few people must be accompanied by a light snack. Cry on the shoulder of your best friend to complain to him of the fate of it is even better if a few glasses of beer, all kinds of appetizers, wings, seafood, French fries and other unwholesome food.
Thirdly, in a state of nervous stress people often need something to occupy yourself be distracted. Therefore, the smoker is thrown for a cigarette, alcoholic - the bottle, copeman to the twenty-fifth Cup of coffee, and like to eat - to the fridge.
Fourthly, a major role in our development as emotional eaters play childhood memories. The subconscious mind still remembers how his grandmother or mother was dried our tears or rewarded for the first children's achievements with the "Goodies" - loved dishes, chocolates, ice cream, bubble gum, cake. Thus, in the subconscious entrenched logical chain: the sorrow - tears of food (or pleasure-reward-food). As a result, we do not notice how transfer. There are cases when people thus began uncontrollably "seizing" stress about your overeating...had a vicious circle from which it is very difficult to break.
Fifthly, people often eat because of the stress, instead, to speak the problem and solve it. Food, therefore, shifts the focus of our attention with anger, resentment, fear for the fleeting pleasure that arises from feelings of satiety. In other words, people become emotional eaters from fear to show their real emotions.
Control strategies
With emotional overeating you need to fight. First of all, learn to assess their physiological hunger, in order not to have "the machine". Before passing to eat some nuts, a bag of chips, a sandwich - stop and try to really assess how hungry you are. Put the hunger rated from 1 to 5, where 1 is "very hungry" and 5 is "fed to satiety". Not perekusyvaete, if you are ready to put a score of 4 or 5.
Then, try to find an alternative permanent "diving" in the fridge on negative emotions. Take a walk, chat with friends, go to cinema, listen to music, take care of yourself, arrange for the General cleaning, sit on the Internet, throw the excess out of the closet, disassemble pictures - in short, take a break.
Not be amiss to have a special food diary in which you must accurately record the time, the name and amount eaten, even if it's a couple of crackers or dryers (including, of course, the main meals). It helps, first, to find out what time of day you are most prone to "emotional" hunger and, second, as if from the side to see what you eat. Perhaps this will motivate you to reject some products, the consumption of which you do not even think as absorb them "on the machine".
Promise yourself there are three "healthy" product every time before you pounce on something harmful. For example, eat an Apple, carrots and low-fat yogurt before for the precious packet of crisps. If after these three products, you will still be hungry, give yourself permission to eat "forbidden", But practice shows that the three "healthy" foods may be enough to satisfy hunger. Besides, even if he was "emotional", no harm "healthy" foods the body will bring.
Regular exercise will not only help to return to your old form, but will adjust in a positive way, which is very important in the case of "emotional overeating.
And finally, healthy sleep is essential in order to stop being "emotional" by consumer. Studies have proven that sleep disorders can increase the feeling of hunger by reducing the level of leptin, a hormone that regulates appetite and brain signaling satiety.
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