The bad behavior of the child is an occasion for reflection. Any manifestation of a child's aggression is a sign, signal inner discomfort. And our task is to find out why, and to analyze and reflect on what wants to tell a child their behavior.
Psychologists say that, bad calls, the kid tries:
To attract attention. Children who do not have enough experience and resources in order to be the first, unconsciously resort to any means to get their share of attention, even negative, and for them it is a better, more comfortable, than to remain unnoticed.
To rule. Child checks of those around him, as if to himself gives the answer to the question, who is actually in control of the situation. And throws adults call: "I will do nothing! " In this case do not go to the principle - he just "gets" baby and is a measure of helplessness, weakness adults.
To take revenge. The child moved exactly this purpose, feels immensely deprived and resentful. Moreover, indifferent, this real resentment or far-fetched. These kids need to "surprise" pleasant and good attitude. The care and understanding they need as air.
To escape from failure.
Children refuse to participate in any activities that are not strive for success and achievements. They lost faith in themselves, and therefore feel uncomfortable. Parents need to be very patient, to support and encourage the smallest child's success.
Please, pay attention to me
Worthy of attention is another form of active protest, yet it is called the opposition. When parents or caregivers are the child's excessive demands, Express frequent complaints, hard to control, it provokes the internal voltage, and hence the opposition and revenge...
Opposition to parents possible because, according to research by psychologists, the child feels love for the first time not to them, and... to peers. The fact that the baby mom and dad are the object of dependence, control, fear than love. Often children go into opposition because of excessive rigidity or, on the contrary, due to the complete indifference of parents.
Another reason for changes in behavior - the arrival of a second child. Often the firstborn believes that the brother or sister pushed it from the comfort of parental love. And if parents don't guessed properly to divide the attention and affection between children, the eldest of them may develop a feeling of loneliness, which often remains for life.
Own insecurity children tend to drown out the demonstration of excess determination (something to break, to break, to pour). This behavior is a reaction to the lack of love from loved ones. To attract attention, children often pretend illness, can be truant, run away from home. All this signals relatives about emergency needs attention, care and love. Child's soul cries out: "I will pay attention to me, or I will perish. "
Sometimes the opposition is in the form of mental regression. That is, in the family, the birthplace of another child, senior starts to act up, subconsciously believing that if baby love for it, and it will love.
The best defense - attack
To protest and take revenge on children at any age. It depends on a number of reasons. The most vivid manifestation of aggressive behavior observed in the age periods of crises. Manifestations and forms of bad behavior of children depend on the specifics of their nervous system, temperament, living conditions and social circle. Aggression often occurs when the baby has no experience of overcoming difficult situations and conflict resolution. And sometimes it's just a defensive reaction to what is happening around. To overcome this problem, it is important to develop the child's confidence, a positive view of themselves, adequate self-esteem.
The aggression is not a pathology, but this situation needs attention and correction.
School of life
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