Friday, March 28, 2014

Do not eat after 18-00 means to lose weight or to lose health?

The Internet is filled with tips on how to lose weight quickly, if you do not eat after six o'clock in the evening. The result is very simple: keep this rule and will lose weight. But it's interesting: the British are the most abundant food - lunch falls on the eight o'clock in the evening, but I would not say that this is a nation of fat people.

Do not eat after 18-00 means to lose weight or to lose health?

The basic principles of weight loss

The basic principle of weight loss says: the body must receive less energy than it consumes. So if during the day there is everything and in large quantities, and after six do not have nothing, you still get better. Don't lose weight and if you really drastically limit the daily diet without increasing physical activity. The body thus just go on the eco mode and the person will feel lethargy, weakness and inability to cope even with a regular job, not to mention the additional loads. That's why all starvation diets, as a rule, a complete collapse.

So how rational principle not to eat after six hours and who invented it? First of all, it is used in various diets for weight reduction, which significantly limit the caloric content of food. But for some reason this bare principle was used as a slogan for weight loss.

Let's look at how it helps to lose weight.

Many people after only six come from work, and, of course, to eat rationally is not obtained at all. So now, not there at all? Some perceive the slogan "do not eat after six" as the absolute truth, and in order not to starve, increase your daily diet. As a result, the effect is just the opposite: weight gain.

It is wrong even for the most extreme diets, because some people used to go to bed after midnight, and the hunger for six hours or more will contribute to the stress that many are accustomed to seize. And if not, the hunger and the stress increase and sooner or later lead to that person eats to satiety and with a full stomach goes to sleep.

So what to do with the principle of "do not eat after six"?

The principle itself is not bad (during sleep, the digestive organs are not so intensively and food eaten at night, stay in your stomach longer than usual), some people who go to bed early, it's good. But in order to lose weight, one of the principle a little, still need to daily food ration was reduced, and the body spend more energy, so there is a need for more physical activity.

For those who are accustomed to go to bed late, the principle of "do not eat after six" should be replaced by a principle "after six only a certain set of products and to a limited extent". Such products may include fat-free cottage cheese, dairy products, vegetables and fruit.

How to lose weight

First of all, you need to calculate your diet and little to reduce it. In the formula below to calculate the quantity of daily calories weight is in pounds (one pound is equal to 0, 453 kg), and is used specially bred factor 14.

For example, a woman weighing 75 kg want to reduce your weight up to 70 kg To maintain an existing weight she should consume in a day: 165, 5 lb (75 kg : 0, 453 kg) x 14 = 2218 kcal per day. To reduce the weight to the desired 70 kg: 154, 5 (70 : 0, 453) x 14 = 2163 kcal. In order to reduce your weight up to 70 kg, this woman should consume no more than 2163 kcal per day. There are special tables (they can be found on the Internet), which indicate the caloric content of all products, so to calculate your daily diet very easily.

The daily amount of food is better to divide into 5-6 receptions: so the food is better digested and reduces the feeling of hunger. The quality of the food also need to pay attention: to avoid fatty, fried, spicy, smoked, salted, sweet as candy, ice cream, cakes, all products made of dough, rich meat broth. In the daily diet should include vegetables and fruits (at least five daily), cereals (buckwheat, oats, corn, millet - they need to alternate), wholemeal bread, dairy products and cheese (preferably low fat), eggs, lean meat and fish in boiled or stewed. This diet is very easy to choose what you can eat after six o'clock in the evening, if you feel like it.

But this is not enough.

Need exercise. It is established that fat burning occurs only when not too long intense exercise lasting at least one hour. In fact, for energy the body uses primarily carbohydrates is a non-waste fuel. And only when you run out of carbohydrate reserves (and it is not less than 40 minutes) as a source of energy begin to use fat reserves. Therefore, to reduce weight you need to train longer.

Go to the slogan "do not eat after six" creatively, so that he was helped, not hindered you to lose weight.



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