Our questions are answered by a physician of the highest category Andrey A. Cheremisin.
- Is it possible to identify the basic rules of supply, which is suitable for all athletes?
- It is necessary to remove from the diet all the semi - sausage, sausage, dumplings, quick soups and noodles. Under the ban are all canned food, Smoking, curing, salting and any flour products, including black bread. Of authorized products remain vegetables, fruits, cereals, fresh fish and meat.
They say that meat should be avoided for those who are trying to lose weight. Is it true?
- This is quite a dangerous delusion. Mol, present in meat proteins reach the muscles and increase their volume. But the normal, everyday food volume and relief of muscle almost no effect. In addition, people involved in sports, you want in 2-2, 5 times more iron than the man who leads a sedentary lifestyle. The main source of this trace element is meat, so it is a must.
So iron is normally absorbed, it is necessary to enrich the food with vitamin C. It is found in fresh kiwi, citrus, green apples and berries. Anything to do with this it is necessary to eat for dessert, and this must be done every day.
- What other micronutrients you need to pay attention?
Athletes need double the rate of calcium. As you know, his supplier are dairy products. They must have a minimum fat content. After all, the less animal fat, the easier it is to digest the necessary calcium.
In addition, food must include plants with dark green leaves. It kohlrabi, leaf and cabbage, broccoli, green beans. They also contain large amounts of calcium.
You can include in the diet of dried fruits - prunes, apricots and raisins. Very useful figs - it contains a lot of potassium, sodium and zinc. The latter also requires athletes in increased amounts. Dried fruits can be eaten every day or every other day, while their weight must not exceed 50 grams.
Of dried fruits can be cooked compote, known to us from childhood. Not to say that this drink is now popular. But sorry. Compote of dry-fruits - this is a very valuable Supplement to the diet. There are many minerals that can be readily assimilated by the body. This "third" very good for those who play sports.
It is important to ensure that food was used it dried fruits, instead of candied fruit. Those contain a lot of carbohydrates, so it is very nutritious.
- How to eat with sporting activities to lose weight?
- You need to pay attention to the mode of eating. Never to come to the training hungry. 1, 5-2 hours before you want to eat. But it does not matter if between food intake and exercise will only 20-30 minutes. The food should be carbohydrate, so here irreplaceable cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat or millet or muesli. You can drink Apple, pineapple or grapefruit juice. If the training takes place the day before the lesson, you can eat a bowl of soup with vegetable broth or milk.
- How much time should pass between the end of the workout and meal?
- After a workout has allowed almost immediately. It may be a small piece of meat, half chicken eggs or a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes, dressed with oil. Those who do not comply with a low calorie diet, you can eat only after 2-3 hours after a workout. Directly after it, you can eat an Apple or drink a glass of Apple juice.
Now consider another situation: the main task of women is to change the relief of muscle or "pumped".
- What better way than the so-called dry diet. It involves sports nutrition mixtures. They contain minerals, vitamins, proteins, but almost devoid of fat. They replaced the carbohydrates. A large percentage of the latter is necessary for intensive training. Than they are lighter, the less must be sugars. The share of protein also varies: the larger it is the faster growing muscles.
At the first stage of the diet implies exclusion from the diet of high-calorie foods. Allowed to remain vegetables, fruits, small amount of meat or fish. On the day the person receives about 1300-1400 calories. Then the second stage begins. One meal is allocated for sports mix. After a few weeks with a mixture of substituted and the second meal.This step takes several months. And then comes the period of fat loss and build muscle tissue.
- Do I have all my life to eat sports mixtures?
- No, when the goal is reached, you can return to a regular diet. This is done gradually: the person continues to eat mixes, but one meal is allocated for conventional food. After a few weeks becomes a "product" and the second meal. Then comes the step of maintaining weight. This means that people are constantly sits on a low-calorie diet. Then lost the weight will not return. Additionally, it is supported already achieved relief of muscle. It can be a little adjust, but through practice, not by dieting. Need to have a little rest - not less than six months.
Women's health
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