The joke, of course, wrote men, because every woman knows: no cake, no blouse, no hysterics from nothing to do.
In all of these three things is an important skill, experience and a little about it: for example, the arrival of the guests, the wedding of friends, good fishing, the completion of repair... and by the way, any of the reasons may entail as pie or blouse and your favorite tantrum.
Incidentally, according to psychologists, men tantrums occur no less frequently than women - just a strong half of mankind icteric quiet, closed and monotonous.
We, as nature is more creative and talented, erected tantrum truly in the category of works of art.
Birth of male hysteria is perfectly understandable - in a single, well-defined field of cognitive man's life occurs suddenly some collision of air masses, some irreconcilable positions, unknown cold fronts.
If ready is no good solution to the problem or collision threatens serious damage - male for some, certain, time is hysterical - so we will call it stormy performances by touching it or heavy silence, followed by a heavy puffing on an exciting theme.
Any idiot from the first glance you can see why, on what grounds, and how long it will take male hysterics.
Female hysteria is born like a tornado.
Here is a quiet water surface, a light breeze, careless gulls, white boat with the merry fishermen....
And suddenly, in obedience to an unknown regularities of peaceful waves slowly rises a huge black pole, spinning around its axis at a breakneck pace: now it began screaming hysterically screaming gulls, now howled wild voice rampant wave, now sweep over overwhelmed the audience the wreckage of the ship and rag figures of fishermen, and now the audience is drawn into a deadly tornado dance.... Wooo-wooo, scary woman in hysterics, terrible and inexplicable, and postanovka in its cycle, illogical, ill.
And all because the man he thinks the images, and the woman feelings.
She pulls into hysterics are not facts and events and feelings, and impressions.
And it's only you wonder where her hysterical joined together fishing, your sister on your wedding day (ten years ago), a book on cooking and Secretary in your office.
It was all clear - all of the above she doesn'T LIKE, and therefore involved in hysterics.
To win female hysteria? Yes please, no problems.
Just listen, sadly nod your head, stroke her head and remain silent. Sometimes poddakivat. Feel sorry. Confess love. And that's all.
But do not try to yell in response. The second will be in the midst of a tornado.
Belarusian women's portal
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