The element of fire stimulates his love for all acute and stirs the appetite. But the energy gives the possibility to enjoy the food. He is usually the first to finish the meal, literally swallowing his portion. And the mood has an impact on the diet: nervous, can chew a stick of sausage or a box of cakes to be distracted. From nature in Aries proportional body shape, but negligence in diet constantly threatens to spoil everything.
A good plan
To preserve harmony... increase the amount of servings. To satisfy the appetite and reduce calories, choose food easy, but it occupies a lot of space on the plate and in the stomach. This is primarily fruits and vegetables, fish, lean meat and dairy products.
Where to start
1. Develop the habit of carefully chew. Saliva contains enzymes that facilitate digestion, and the process will allow you to quickly fill you up without eating extra.
2. Spend a strict audition diet. Goal is to replace the salty and sweet (cookies, cakes, chocolate, sausage) tasty and healthy (fruits, free of grease yogurt, whole grain breads, lean meats ham). At the moment a bad mood it is better to eat a piece of bread with jam than a packet of chips.
3. Don't miss the opportunity to make yourself pleased. Since you like everything spicy, add in dishes of herbs, spices and seasonings - this will improve the taste and reduce the amount of salt, sugar and fatty sauces.
The rams need physical activity to spend their flowing energy. Daily exercises for the abs will make the figure simply divine.
Loves earthly pleasures, and the food is one of them. Almost all Taurus - gifted cooks. From gastronomic delights appreciate most expertly prepared dishes of the area where I live. Representatives of this sign love family dinners and will not tolerate haste during a meal. Eat slowly, savoring, and without hesitation asked additive. The end result is often inclined to corpulence, and erratic diets, after which the weight back.
A good plan
Separate power supply. Techniques a lot, but for a basis we can take this: nothing is forbidden, if you do not mix in one meal fats and simple carbohydrates (sugar and flour). This will help to avoid sharp spike in blood insulin and, as a consequence, acute attacks of hunger. You don't even want supplements.
Where to start
1. Lighten menu. Even national dishes are nutritionally correct version. For example, choose the meat lean, it is less nutritious, but more nutritious.
2. Apply immediately normal portion. After all, if put on the plate a little, then a little bit more and more, then eventually you will probably eat more than necessary, not even noticing.
3. Do not deprive yourself of food. Strict risk to move in impulsive overeating, so a couple of times a week allow yourself to enjoy any meal in reasonable quantities.
For the Bulls, the sport should be synonymous with pleasure. To make your waist slim and beautiful legs, go dancing. Or just go walk half an hour a day at a fast pace.
Very curious and hate routine. Casual dining is also belong here. I love to go to the restaurant to discover new fashionable place and chat with friends - it gives them a good appetite. And a long family dinners have had the opposite effect, because the Twins are not delighted with the traditional home-cooked meals. They eat in accordance with nature, all trying by heart, that is constantly chew and never eat balanced.
A good plan
Because you don't like "kulinarische", the ideal for you will be of the finished dish, but not fast food, but something like muesli for Breakfast, sushi for lunch, salad nearest cafe for dinner. Vary your menu with fruits and vegetables.
Where to start
1. Select from four to six small meals instead of three substantial. According to some studies, it increases the metabolism, which helps preserve the shape.
2. Stay tuned for balance - it is important for health. Per day eat at least five fruits and vegetables (raw or cooked), three dairy products, one or two servings of meat, fish or eggs, two or three pieces of corn bread and the equivalent of 10 grams fat (1 tablespoon vegetable or butter).
3. Use the blanks. Always keep on hand canned and frozen foods (vegetables, meat, fish), steamed rice and pasta.
Subscription to the gym quite a tempting prospect for the Twins. It is still possible to play table tennis - it is very suitable for their living nature.
For Cancers food is associated with words of love. Cherishing the past, they with great tenderness I remember all the Goodies that they spoiled Mama. They say that Raki is the eternal child, so I love sweet food. Eating becomes a pleasure if they are surrounded by nice people, and Vice versa, when the atmosphere is heated - could not swallow a morsel. These sweet it is difficult to refrain from the constant chewing of "Goodies" between meals. But such a mode of their childish side takes over and they become plump as babies.
A good plan
For the sensitive nature of Cancer, which is afraid of loneliness, effective group methods - eat rationally together with friends or under the supervision of a nutritionist. Besides a varied and balanced meals you need the support and approval.
Where to start
1. Work on the bugs. Could not refrain from cake? Trim the situation for lunch or dinner, reducing fatty and sweet foods in favor of baked fish, steamed vegetables, low-fat yogurt, and a mistake.
2. Pamper yourself with milk. Gentle and light yogurt and curds will remind childhood. They contain few calories, but a lot of protein and calcium and is well saturated.
3. Refrain from greasy sauce. From time to time, allow yourself served them a meal, but don't try to finish up the residue with bread - this is a real catastrophe for the figure.
Cancer is a water sign, and it is this element effectively renews your strength. Swim as often as possible, go in for diving or water aerobics - this is especially good for strengthening the abdominal muscles.
Food for the lions is a pleasure for the eyes and senses. They appreciate the high quality products and dishes, consisting of many components. I love to go to restaurants, of course, the best. But eating quickly and a little nervous because a lot of work and prone to stress. By nature, the Lions are pretty muscular and elegant, but the food surpluses, even the most sophisticated, are bad for the silhouette. In striving to return harmony impatient Lions select "quick" diets and suffer from the effect of "yo-yo".
A good plan
To lose weight, while maintaining the diversity of food, pay more attention proteins, reducing the fat content of the diet. Be sure to include in the menu of lean meat, fish, light dairy products and eggs, supplemented by vegetables without high-calorie sauces, and the rest is optional.
Where to start
1. Just peace of mind. Nervous, in a hurry and you eat something, not noticing, and after a couple of hours, the stomach sends a signal of hunger. Select at least 20 minutes for each meal and make two or three deep breaths in and out before the meal.
2. Be choosy. You enjoy the best? Try this: eat only what you really want. Gourmet meals are usually lighter than fast food.
3. Cancel draconian measures. To die of hunger, to become slim, is a mistaken strategy! You can quickly get rid of a few pounds, but your body will rebuild, and you will again gain weight.
Athletics, tennis, horse riding - this activity is suitable fiery nature of lions. But it is important to learn to relax. Sign up for a massage, learn relaxation exercises from yoga, tai Chi, Pilates, stretching.
Representatives of this sign by nature perfectionists. In our time, when, you hear about pesticides and modified products, Virgo can become confused - what do you have? And as a result eat like birds. But even this is unlikely to save them from discomfort, because virgin are susceptible to colitis: the intestine is their weak point. There are "easy" virgin, which is actually equally suspicious, but less disciplined and more cheerful. They have a different tendency: to calm his fears by constant snacking.
A good plan
Diligent Virgo is able to accurately follow the advice of a nutritionist. Learning to be a full menu and choose the products and methods of cooking that is not harmful to the digestive system, you can easily remain in form or lavishly.
Where to start
1. Eat with pleasure, let a little, but tasty. Good digestion starts at the table: sit comfortably, carefully projevujete each piece.
2. Limit raw food. Its fiber slows down digestion, inflate the stomach and cause bloating and pain. Heat treatment facilitates the digestion of food. It is a good idea to cook steamed vegetables to preserve vitamins.
3. Porridge every day. Rich in complex carbohydrates, cereals saturate for a long time and have a calming effect on the nervous system.
Virgo is to learn ballroom dancing or a sport that requires accuracy: fencing, archery. The alternative is to not sit in traffic if you want to go less than one kilometer, and climb the stairs on foot.
Emotional and always in search of harmony, which is very difficult to find, including nutrition. Appetite Weights act in concert with the mood from the strong emotions they can eat more reasonable, or, conversely, to forget about food. Libra likes unusual tastes and spicy dishes. Meanwhile, spicy food is not very suitable to their body, because his weak spot - buds. Scales are often inclined to corpulence, and when they find the odds, you feel guilty and start to stick to the diet. But depriving them grieve, and they rarely stand mode.
A good plan
A balanced diet based on foods with a low glycemic index - what you need. It helps to regulate insulin levels in the blood and to distinguish between hunger and satiety, which is essential for maintaining harmony.
Where to start
1. Respect the rhythm of the power. Try to eat three times a day at the same time, and not skip meals. Otherwise frightened by starvation the body will make the stock more.
2. Holidays without overeating. All these sandwiches and snacks may not go to you for the future. Give preference to those that vegetables and fish. And to reduce the temptation, before the feast eat two hard boiled eggs.
3. Vegetarianism is not for you. You are by nature not very muscular, so eat meat, fish, eggs and dairy products: they have protein, which guarantees the development of muscle mass. And muscle, unlike fat, consume energy even when you are resting.
Martial arts and exercises at the limit are not suitable Weights either physically or mentally. To find a balance between the body and the mood on the practice of tai Chi and modern dance. Don't forget to drink enough fluids.
Passionate Scorpios are not attracted to the food tasteless and... too balanced. They need extremes and overcome. And when the tension weakens, the representatives of this sign are fed as necessary, with a tendency to excess. Scorpions - the very sensitive nature, they are rather inclined to thinness, but the imbalance in nutrition and hormones (this is their weak spot) can lead to excess weight. And insidious cellulite often spoils the mood.
A good plan
First of all you need to cleanse the body, tired from many frills, so join in the restoration of the acid-alkaline balance. Often eat fruits and vegetables, green tea - they cancel "oxidants" (fatty meat, flour, sweet), and you will lose weight naturally.
Where to start
1. Reduce your intake of alcohol. He is not only nutritious, but also dangerous toxin, if it is misused. After the holidays a couple of weeks, drink only water, it cleanses.
2. Balance the extremes. If you, for example, did not eat fruit or vegetables for Breakfast, have a snack for lunch or dinner. The main thing is that the menu each day included all substances needed by the body.
3. Eliminate fatty and fried. This is the accomplices of cellulite! Better add a little oil in the finished dish, but do not pour it on the pan. The oil and chips are also enemies of your figure.
Strong-willed Scorpio ideal judo, karate, yoga and other workouts that require regularity and perseverance.
Those born under the sign of fire, optimistic Sagittarius appreciate all the pleasures, including food. They love to eat, but not picky, preferring mainly simple dishes, easy to prepare. Since Archers are not indifferent to the meat, sausages, cheese, pizza, pasta and cake with the cream, it is difficult to stay slim. But to limit yourself to Riflemen real torture because they hate deprivation.
A good plan
Power on hours - ideal for people with good appetite. Main principle: there is everything, but at a certain time. A hearty Breakfast, a hearty lunch, sweet tea and a light supper will allow the body to make reserves for a rainy day, and for you not to experience dissatisfaction.
Where to start
1. Eat Breakfast as it should. A couple of slices of cheese and ham, butter, eggs, bread - do not deny yourself anything. The energy that you get in the morning will be spent, and you will avoid the attacks of hunger during the day.
2. Choose complex carbohydrates is a good strategy against overeating. Bread, pasta, rice, grains (not refined) contain fibre and have a low glycemic index. You will quickly feel a pleasant fullness of the stomach and for a long time will not feel hunger.
3. Cook simple meals. Don't like frills? So do not force yourself. Just make sure that the menu was full.
Physical activity is necessary for weight control. Before going to sleep, walk, to get rid of toxins. Horse riding and kayaks are perfect for your adventurous nature.
Hardworking Capricorn allow yourself little pleasures. Actually, they are good cooks, but do not attach special significance to food, can get the same food for many days in a row. And Capricorns don't like to spend much on food. However, during the attack of melancholy Capricorns are able to eat everything that comes to hand. Gaining weight, try not to notice, until one day there will panic and begin to stick to a strict diet. Their weakness is their bone system, so the lack of calcium is quite dangerous.
A good plan
Classic low-calorie diet - 1400-1600 calories a day. Your prudence will allow you to easily balance your diet, unless you consult a specialist. It is a guarantee of getting rid of extra pounds without the risk again to collect them.
Where to start
1. Take a culinary talent. Select methods of cooking without fat (steamed, cooking, grilling and low-calorie foods to cook delicious dishes. To be sure, buy a book on the diet is a good investment.
2. Seven times measure. Pouring on the eye oil on the pan or in a salad, we often use much more than the recommended tablespoon. Armed with a measuring Cup.
3. Watch your weight. Not three times a day, but at least once a week. This will allow you to see the progress or quickly correct the situation.
For Capricorn ideal walking, Cycling, skiing. Outdoors they resume the powers and get rid of fears.
Hates rules and routine. To eat three times a day at certain times Aquarius is very difficult. Depending on the circumstances it may have something much, just a little bit. Or, when interested in something, do not have, and then waking up at night from an acute attack of hunger and cook something nutritious. For creative Aquarius also means a lot of the beauty of serving - it stimulates the appetite more than the actual dish. They put in a cooking mood, it turns out beautifully and boldly. Aquarians rarely overeat, but unbalanced diet reflects badly on the shape.
A good plan
Align the saturation and detoxification. This technique is very popular among celebrities. Activate the menu of exotic fruits, soya, sprouted grains, organic food. In short, all healthy, natural and loaded with positive energy. This food is creative and refreshes the body.
Where to start
1. Don't skip dinner. It should not be cancelled or reduced to Apple, otherwise night hunger attack is guaranteed. Prepare the vegetables, a small portion of meat or fish (50 g), a side dish of cereal and milk product. This is a great menu for a good night's sleep.
2. Watch the clock. Don't like coercion? Your body prefers to be fed at a certain time. Not accurate to the minute, but still try to set the time for three meals: for example, Breakfast from 7 to 10; lunch, 12 to 15, and dinner between 19 and 21.
3. Beautifully serve. A pleasure for the eyes is almost as important as taste receptors. At the same time to calm down before eating that will reduce the risk of overeating.
Aquarians like to move: tennis, basketball, cross. Group classes, tap dance and dance fitness can be equally tempting.
Absorb emotions like a sponge, and food as a source of memories, not only of nutrients. While they are foodies and love authentic. However beautiful the place of a meal and a pleasant "companions" is often more important than the contents of the plates. When the Fish something to be concerned about (which happens often), they can move from overeating to starvation. As a rule, their body tends to accumulate fluid, which contributes to the development of "orange peel".
A good plan
Stick anti - cellulite diet-less spicy, salty, sweet, fatty, more fresh vegetables and unrefined cereals. Transfer emotions from the process of eating a strict selection of products. So you will be less likely to suffer from imbalance in food, and swelling, and the silhouette tighten.
Where to start
1. Use less salt. It contributes to fluid retention in the tissues. Do not abuse the smoked fish and meat, sausage, chips, food packets and blocks.
2. At the table to eat saturation. So you protect yourself from uncontrolled chewing during the day.
3. Esmeraude emotions. Grief or joy urge you to open the box with cakes? Take your time, drink a glass of water, brush your teeth and, if possible, take a stroll. If the lure does not pass, take one of the cakes and low-fat yogurt or fresh fruit.
Water relaxes Fish, swimming and water aerobics can help to improve the circulation of lymph and remove puffiness of the hands and feet. A little diligence you can find a figure of a seductive siren.
Miroslava N.
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