If you get it, it is time to cook you need to spend exactly as much as it requires.
Let's start with the "rules of the triangle, the sequence storage - beef-cooking is called work triangle. Depending on the sizes and shapes of dishes the size of the triangle change, but this layout is desirable to retain in the design of any kitchen.
The ideal distance between the sides of a triangle from 3 to 6 meters. A greater distance would no tiresome walking, less a cramped.
Oddly enough, but the convenience food depends not only on its size, but on the plan. Often people prefer the kitchen more, however, with proper planning and a small kitchen has a lot of advantages.
The layout is convenient, if the Central axis is the desktop, for example: refrigerator - Desk - shell - desktop - stove.
Depending on the architecture of the building, the kitchen can have different shapes and sizes. There are six basic types of layouts, each of which together with the principle of the triangle will make your kitchen beautiful and comfortable.
Kitchen in one line
Designed for one or two people, is installed in a very confined space. Furniture and large household appliances have in one line along the wall.
The sink put in the middle, can anything be hung from the top, so as not to lose inches of usable space. If there is no sliding or folding tables, we eat, of course, in the other room.
Kitchen in two lines
If the size of the kitchen help, the furniture are arranged along two opposite walls. The layout depends on the position of Windows and doors. Perfect: sink and stove are on one side, and the fridge and the cabinets on the other.
The location in the two lines is very simple and compact layout of the kitchen. But make sure that the distance between the furniture and the opposite wall is at least 1, 5 m, otherwise, this layout can be inconvenient. If both ends of the kitchen there are doors, this creates additional difficulties for the movement.
This is a very flexible layout. Furniture and appliances are arranged along two adjacent walls, creating a comfortable working triangle, protected from through traffic.
With this layout, effectively using the angle, it can often set the Cabinet with revolving racks-go-round, or you can make the angle beveled and can accommodate built-in oven or refrigerator.
You can increase the distance between the stove, sink and fridge and put additional desktops. L-layout suitable for uncomfortable dishes, allowing two people to work, not interfering with each other.
Best of all; compact, convenient and safe. Furniture and appliances installed along three walls. It should be remembered that the distance between the furniture with the opposite walls should be sufficient to working't seen before. U-design allows you to use as a kitchen table.
Kitchen Peninsula
For a larger room or kitchen-dining room suitable flexible layout Peninsula. Short line separates the kitchen from the dining room. Typically, it consists of a sink or cooker with extractor fan, Breakfast counter or kitchen table.
Kitchen Island
This plan includes L - and U-plan with additional work surface in the middle. The island looks great, but is only suitable for large areas and requires a well thought out plan to avoid unnecessary walking.
Design, decor, etc.
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