Only for school age!
By the beginning of the study, the child must be at least six and a half, and even better - seven years. It would seem, what's the difference - six and a half or six and three? But in the period between six and seven years, children make a huge leap in development: they begin to change the teeth, change body proportions (it shows the so-called "Australian test: child under growth jump can't reach through the head to the ear lobe of a heteronymic hand, and after - may). Global changes happen in the brain: Mature and run those mechanisms, which is essential for normal school training. In short, if to fall to seven years is still very far away, we should postpone the entrance to the first class. But if the child is in September will mark more than six and a half years? This is also not the fact that he is ready for school. So weigh all the "pros" and "cons". And it should be done now, in January.
To learn or to be treated?
Don't wait till the summer medical examinations required for registration of a medical card. It is better to visit all the doctors at least six months before school: if a child has found a serious chronic disease, let the school can wait. So, may hinder vision problems and musculoskeletal disorders. In 6-7 years, in the period of intensive growth, these systems are particularly unstable, and excessive strain can break delicate balance. Also do not rush to start school, if a kid feels the speech difficulties. It is not useful to go to school before seven years hyperactive, slow, overly sensitive and emotional child. If your child is one of them, ask for help from an experienced therapist or psychologist for the year maximum will correct the problems of the future first-graders.
Play school or..?
One of the most important criteria of readiness for systematic education is the ability to clearly divide the game and learning activities. For preschool children, the leading type of activity and the most important way of understanding the world game. But the game assumes no responsibility and is based only on the interest of the partners and the process itself. And learning not only in school, but in secondary school requires a concerted effort, a certain degree of responsibility, overcoming himself.
If the child sees the study as a game that you can stop when she get tired of the means for systematic education he is not yet ready. Do not rush to snatch the child from the world of games. Experience shows that successful students are those who are in preschool children had been let loose to play.
Play accept this role
In order to attend school, the child must recognize teachers significant adults. And understand that relationships with them are built quite differently than with your parents or kindergarten. If the baby does not respond to the comments of strangers adults, shy with strangers to showcase their success, then he is not yet ready to be integrated into a complex system of relationships "student-teacher". While effective teaching is possible without it.
Do not expect that within a few months of training in the gymnasium all by itself is formed. Most likely, the child only gets the reputation of being unsuccessful student, which in the future will be extremely difficult to change.
It is more useful to write a six-year-old in some circle or a Studio, where the distance between children and teachers are not so great. There he will gradually learn to build relationships with others older.
Arbitrariness - Yes?
The first is to act on a defined pattern in accordance with the rules. For example, to withdraw the desired number of cells in a notebook, copy the pattern to solve the example similar to this one.
If the child does not delusive until the end of the job, can't reproduce on the model even simple drawing or unable to comply with the rules of the game (e.g., table), in preparation for the school he may have serious difficulties, because this is what the majority of jobs in the gymnasium. You should not torment the child tasks, the fulfilment of which he does not psychologically ready. Better to gently adjust the "stay-put" function. For example, suitable training in martial arts, dancing, games sports. Help and games that require compliance with certain rules: "shtander", "Elastic", "Classics", "cops and robbers".
And yet, perhaps, the most important criterion of school readiness is the desire of the child to become a first-grader.
If you have any doubts, it's time to send the kid to school or is still a year to wait, just ask him. And if the answer is negative, it means the time of the first call has not yet come.
Stein A., teacher of the highest category
The health of the schoolchild
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