As it turns out the boy and as a girl? For parents this is a real intrigue. Today geneticists already know what factors affect who you born, and what weeks of fetal development is a fundamental adjustment of the whole organism under a particular gender.
Remember, in the famous fairy tale high on a tree hanging jewelry box in her egg, and the egg - needle?.. Now, in humans, chromosomes - those "boxes" for DNA molecules that carry genetic information. For the birth of a new person need to get the "tree" appeared 46 such repositories: 23 chromosome from the sperm and 23 chromosomes of the female egg.
This "tree" all the boxes-chromosome is indicated only Latin X and the other X and y In the language of geneticists, this means the following. The representatives of the beautiful half of humanity all the sex chromosomes are the same, they look like the letter X and the so called X chromosomes. But the sex chromosomes of the male body is different. One of them, a big size, also X chromosome, but the male is by and large meets the Y-chromosome.
"The sex of the baby is determined at conception, before the fertilized egg has joined the uterus. Boy or girl, depends only on men, " says Pavel Bazanov, leading specialist of the division IVF clinic "Mother and Child", obstetrician-gynecologist, K. M. N., judge of the Happiness of motherhood - every woman! ". In the oocyte chromosomes always "female" (23X). Men more diversity in sperm half of the sperm "female" (carry the X chromosome) and half male (carry the Y chromosome). Therefore, the sex of the baby depends on which sperm will be the champion. For example, if the quicker will be the "male" sperm, theoretically occur, the embryo is male, if he did not hurt... "
The sperm remain in the vagina its activity up to 7 days. "Female" sperm's less, they move slower, but they are stronger and life expectancy. The "male" sperm-Y - sprinters, but they are fragile guys, the duration of their existence, much less.
Based on these data, there is the theory of "programming" sex: the sexual act of two days before ovulation, promotes the pregnant girl, and the ability to conceive a boy is more likely to have sex the day of ovulation. However, this hypothesis still requires confirmation. Obviously, the probability to conceive a child of each gender is 50: 50.
Who is smarter?
X chromosome contains 5% of the genetic information of the whole organism (1098 genes), a Y - such a little, what to talk about (78 genes). But then it turns out that women have a gene pool richer, because girls are made of XX chromosomes? Why are men more famous people? Thank evolution, which took care of the survival of the species. In every cell of the body of the female has only one X chromosome, and the second is silent - almost entirely "off the network". But what of the X-chromosome will be the "main", dad's or mom's (that is, whose genes in a particular case will take up until the scientist is unclear.
Who is healthier?
Why more boys are born sickly and nervous system more sensitive to stress? It turns out that to blame the maternal X chromosome, which for trillions of years has accumulated a lot of things, including a variety of disorders. That is, the mother may be a carrier of the genetic abnormalities that occur in her son and not a daughter (hemophilia, pseudohypertrophic Duchenne myopathy, mental retardation, autism, blindness, cleft palate (cleft palate), and so on). Tiny male Y chromosome is unable to withstand the impact of a huge X-chromosome. In girls, the negative impact of one X-chromosome can be balanced by the second normal X-chromosome. Boys this support. From the point of view of evolution and girls should be more healthy and lively.
Based on these data, experts strongly advise prospective parents to a genetic analysis. If you plan to become a mother using technologies, you should keep in mind that specialist, studied the history of your family, may insist on embryos of a certain sex. "Today, modern technologies allow to know the sex of the embryo on day 6 after conception. Embryos of a certain sex, we can choose for implantation only in the most exceptional cases, one of which - some diseases that are transmitted through the male or female line," says Pavel Bazanov.
How different they are!
The female chromosome is larger than the male, because they all started. The male Y-chromosome came later, actually - this is a short female chromosome. But her most important function: the Lite version is more mobile and therefore more capable of change necessary for evolution. In other words, for female chromosomes - accumulation, survival and adaptation, and for male - experiment and progress. In addition, the Y-chromosome is a "switch" in the process of determining the gender of the person.
Genetics comment on it: to get a girl have to do to get a boy, nature must try. Embryos initially like hermaphrodites: they have the beginnings of both the reproductive system, that is prepared natural "clay" to form a complete genital organs of both species (ovaries and testicles, clitoris and the head of the penis, labia minora, and a penis made of the same material). How is it boy? The crucial role played by hormones. Between 5-10 weeks of pregnancy the male Y-chromosome sends the signal to throw the male hormones. The female reproductive system is resorbed, and the body of your future son starts at full production male reproductive system: testes, prostate gland, excretory ducts and penis.
Unlike men, women do not need such a powerful influence of hormones to become women, nature and so is initially configured for the birth of girls. The female reproductive system can afford to be formed later.
To the 14th week of development of male and female embryos have a completely different structure of the internal reproductive organs and other brain structure.
It's all in your head?
Of course, not only the sexual organs give us a sense of belonging to a particular sex. The brain is the system that controls our life. Approximately 6-8 weeks of intrauterine development of the embryonic gonads of the embryo begin to secrete hormones - androgynous. Thanks to them we have a penis or not, and is a serious upgrade rudiments of the brain and nervous system of the male or female type. Modern scientists have proved that the configuration of the male and female brain are different. In 1962, Roger Sperry received the Nobel prize for deciphering the functions of the cortex of the two hemispheres of the brain, which act separately. Studies have also shown that the left side of the brain in girls develop faster than boys, and as a result she begins to speak earlier and clearer, and in school is reading more fluently and easier mastering foreign languages. Also, the girls give the impression of a more orderly and obedient, because they developed the relationship between the two hemispheres is the corpus callosum, so they can do two things at once, without being distracted from the task. The boys quickly develops the right side of the brain that provides them with the best spatial and logical thinking, as well as a better perception. Boys outperform girls in mathematics, construction, spatial tasks. These features are necessary for the survival of the form. In other words, education and the environment only to a certain extent, can affect our preferences and sexual behavior.
Calendar pregnancy
5 week.
You made contact with your baby through the umbilical cord and first feel the signs of pregnancy. And he already has monoblast cells with the first hints of the reproductive system. More precisely, on two at once male and female.
8 -10 week. It is extremely important period. Already the program of development of the organism, and in the next 6, 5 months, she will be completed. The boys formed the testes that secrete testosterone, the chief designer of the male reproductive system. But apparently there are no significant changes, the most interesting things happen while inside of a small calf. In General, the location of the genital organs while "sex hump" and folds - "sex cushions" framing the sexual gap.
week 11. Head size is half the size of the whole body - the brain is developing rapidly, we have already outlined the differences between "male" and "female" type. Boys under the influence of testosterone from a genital tubercle begin to develop a head and a stem part of the penis. From the genital folds surrounding the urogenital opening is formed urethra and genital folds, ridges, growing, form the scrotum, where the birth of the fetus down the testicles.
In girls genital tubercle increases a little and becomes the clitoris. Genital folds grow and turn into small labia. Part of the gender gap is becoming wider, where in a few weeks will open the female urethra and vagina. Sex cushions into large labia, which accumulate a significant amount of body fat, and then they cover a small labia.
15-20 week
. The genitalia are quite distinct by gender, although ultrasound is not always gives a precise statement of fact. The embryo is a male is tiny tiny scrotum and penis, and he has already formed the prostate gland. The 20th week, the girls complete formation of the uterus and vagina.
28 week. This week your child opened his eyes. And he's already well developed hearing. Recent studies have shown that men and women due to different organization of the brain and nervous system differently developed these senses. For example, girls are more sensitive to noise, sharper respond to higher frequencies. Boys can determine the direction of the sound and frequency. Therefore, there is a theory that the girls sing better, and with the boys to talk or read to them the verses.
Baby's skin thickens and becomes more like the skin of a newborn. And then there is also their sexual differences. In the skin there are more than 3 million receptors, and girls approximately 10 times possess greater skin sensitivity to touch, than boys. So girls, girls, women and grandmothers love hugs and kisses. Boys at this time, the testicles begin to descend into the scrotum.
40 week pregnancy - first week after birth. In the last days of pregnancy and childbirth mother's astrogeny and prolactin enter the bloodstream of the child, causing the newborn baby a condition called sexual crisis. What is it manifested? During the first-second week of life boys and girls negrobeat Breasts, they begin to secretariats colostrum, boys swollen scrotum, the girls have vaginal discharge.
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