You need to actively attract her husband to perform certain business operations. How to do it so as not to disturb the family wellbeing?
Shock therapy
Stop for a few days to do all kinds of housework. When her husband will see what a mountain of dishes you washed almost every day, piles of Laundry that need to be paraglading, and go shopping dumplings, boiled in "haste", it is very likely that he will appreciate your work and agree to perform tasks independently.
The compromise
As a result of negotiations, find a compromise and divide responsibilities: he's taking out the trash and wash the dishes you prepare food, and iron linen. You can also divide responsibilities weekdays: Monday, Wednesday, Friday - ware washing her husband, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday - wife.
Not a very good way, but still use sometimes. Put him an ultimatum, "if you will not do this and that, I'm not going to do this and that" or "honey, if you love me, you will do this and this". However blackmail should not be aggressive, men rarely bear the pressure. The impact should be soft and persistent.
Technical equipment
Buy a home-the-art techniques with many buttons. As you know men are more likely to interact with technology than women. Ask your husband to deal with a dishwasher and a new vacuum cleaner, as he will understand, you will understand that to restore order by using this technique, will not be easy. And it will be much easier to attract people to work in their home.
The affection and positive
Praise your husband for the slightest manifestation of his thrift, emphasize how good he is, to perform a particular job. Your instructions must be no writ of nature, and as soft and tender Board.
Help husband must be relevant and in demand in fact, you don't want to do his homework just so "in order not to relax". Do not make her husband a maid, do household chores joint exercise, don't blame each other and do not shift the responsibility. Thank husband for work, show the significance of his help.
Finally, before you blame your husband that he is not helping you around the house, remember, who did all the housework in the family, father or mother, did my mother's father in the management of household Affairs, or it was purely a woman's occupation. The installation received in early childhood are the strongest and most sustainable, not "GRIZ" husband, sat down he is unable to understand how it is hard for you in the household chores, he really does not understand this, because he was accustomed all his life to see a completely different situation.
Do so and you and he was comfortable. If it does not bother linen, which lies two days in anticipation of the iron, and you do not pick, not to do through the power of this work, will do when you have time. In the end, family life is not limited to only perform domestic work. Don't drive yourself into a corner, when you take away all the hassle, and then fall exhausted and accused her husband of not understanding and participation in the economic, positive changes.
Kurochkin M
Women's Club
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