As soon as we send the next portion of food in his mouth, the body starts to undergo two processes: anabolic exchange, which received food processed in the required substances for life. And a reverse catabolic metabolism, the function of which is to destroy these substances, transforming them into energy, and, ultimately, to waste. This is called metabolism, which can happen quickly or slowly. From food, the body receives the energy necessary for life. And if we eat more food than you need, or, on the contrary, begin to severely limit yourself to food, wanting to lose weight, well-coordinated work of the body begin failures.
What happens in such moments?
If we consume more food than is needed by the body, he, without hesitation, converts the excess into fat. If we restrict ourselves to the food, the body thinks that you fell on hard times and decides to take care of energy reserves. That is, again, taken to postpone food in bins. Moreover, in such moments, he very cautiously consumes energy, including the digestion of food. And metabolism slows down. If you want to lose weight, you need to restore your metabolism. Not to accelerate it, and to establish normal body functioning. To do this, you need to clearly understand what energy you want to spend.
Work out
Sports is the best way to increase the overall consumption of energy and the only way not to make an enemy in the form of obesity in the modern way of life (elevators and escalators everywhere, sedentary office work and less movement). Join a gym, start Jogging in the morning or just squat, let exercise will be devoted to just 15 minutes a day, this will help to bring the body in order.
Lose weight at work
Most of us work in offices, and therefore, from morning till evening sitting in one place. But even in this case, there is a way to lose weight. Calories are burned at a voltage of muscle tissue. So at work, allow yourself to fuss, fidget in the chair, find more reasons to go. And you will accelerate your weight loss, even if the metabolism by nature you are slow.
There are several methods to control metabolism. One of them offers a doctor of medicine, author of over 60 books on health Roy Martin.
Three rules of Dr. Roy Martina are rules that will help to control the metabolism of simple, but require patience and desire to change not only yourself, but also your mind.
Trying to post to exhaustion. During the exercise, try to spread to the point of exhaustion. You should act like a Sprinter that runs at the limit of their strength. Fully after exerting yourself, he relaxes, restores breathing and reiterates the race. Proceed on the same principle, it will force your body to adapt to the situation, using the breath. And the harder and harder you breathe, the more active is the metabolism. Regularly do breathing exercises. The deeper you breathe, the more oxygen gets into your blood stream and the faster your metabolism.
- Think of yourself
. The next step is to work with the subconscious. Self-hypnosis is a very effective tool to change people's perceptions of himself. The source of any changes in the body in the first place is our brain. If you want a better look, start to imagine yourself the way you want to be. The result will not keep itself waiting. In the process of changing yourself consistently focuses its attention on every stage. Do not attempt swoop to achieve the goal.
- Follow mode. Eat more fibre and products containing water. Avoid foods containing starch. Pay attention to fresh vegetables and fruit. Drink 2-3 liters of water a day, eat low-calorie salad or a simple Apple before lunch and dinner.
As in any business, when losing weight it is important to keep the confidence in themselves and their abilities. And to save Spartan calm, try to sleep well and always control your emotions.
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