Three times meal a day in small portions (fragmentation of power is the main component of most diets)
Food speeds up your metabolism. In fact, for processing you consumed nutrients takes ten percent of the calories that you burn per day. And it is necessary to Breakfast, morning meal speeds up the metabolism of your body.
Sport, physical activity
To restore muscle tissue and speed up the rate of metabolism can regular exercises with the weights. Run, lift weights - this will speed up the metabolism. Any physical activity such as walking or Biking, pushing the burning of fat and almost within hours after its termination. In order to expend calories, you don't even need special exercises. Will fit any movement, from climbing stairs to the garbage.
Evening classes change the natural tendency of the body to reduce the pace of life at the end of the day. The acceleration of metabolism for several hours, and you will burn fat even while you sleep. Finish the exercises at least 3 hours before bedtime in order to sleep soundly.
- Muscle building
Muscle cells consume more calories than fat. A pound of muscle consumes 35-45 calories per day, while a pound of fat is only about two. This means that the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn every minute during the day, regardless of whether you are walking with dumbbells or just watch TV.
- Massage
Cellulite massage is a power massage which can accelerate the blood pumped lymph ultimately significantly speeds up the metabolism; Thanks to a deep massage with gel speeds up the metabolism in the skin, and it becomes elastic. It is proved that honey massage promotes rapid recovery of the muscles, improves circulation and accelerates the metabolism in the body.
Vacuum massage improves blood circulation in tissues, increases metabolism, promotes local removal of excess fluid and toxins.
- Sauna, steam bath, infrared sauna
Infrared radiation increases cellular activity, metabolism, provides free breathing of the skin as an independent body.
Pairs, Shrouding and warming up the body, opens pores, increases circulation in the cells and stimulates the metabolism. Hot steam improves metabolism, opens skin pores and thereby expels the accumulated dirt. Bath - spurs, restores and improves metabolism. Bath soars and health gives because that is several times faster metabolism, ucasa heartbeat, and simultaneously expels sweat toxins.
- Water
Water is the most important participant in the process of metabolism in the human body. Water suppresses the appetite and helps to involve in the metabolism of deferred fats. Water - the matrix of life, the basis of metabolism. Drink water! Lack of water can significantly slow down the metabolism because the main task of the liver in this case is to restore supplies of fluid in the body, and not to burn fats.
- Essential oils, aromatherapy
Essential oil of juniper helps to relieve pain in muscles, dilates blood vessels, thereby improving blood circulation and speeding up the metabolism.
Hot tubs (duration 5-10 min) speed up the metabolism, sweating.
- Sleep
Deep sleep helps the body develop growth hormone, which speeds up the metabolism and therefore burns calories and leads to weight reduction. Deep sleep, above all, promotes cell renewal brain, and this, in turn, leads to faster metabolism.
- Sun
Sunlight increases human activity, accelerates the metabolism, helps to synthesize vitamin D. Even the mood on a clear day better. Sunlight can favorably affect the General condition, stabilize and strengthen defenses. Do not sit at home on a Sunny day!
- Fresh air
Oxygen causes accelerated metabolism, "burned" subcutaneous fat.
- Reduce stress
Stress releases fatty acids that are redistributed through the bloodstream and deposited in the fat. The following techniques can help reduce stress: Sit quietly for a few minutes with your eyes closed. Focus on pleasant thoughts or speech. Deep slow breathe a few times and slowly relax your muscles from head to toe.
Do self-massage neck. Place your thumbs under the ears, and the rest along the back of his head. Carefully make a small circular motion all the fingers 5 to 10 seconds.
Also speeds up the metabolism. Orgasm - all this makes sense physiologically, blood heavily saturated with oxygen, improves tissue nutrition and the metabolism is speeded up.
- Douche
To speed up metabolism and preserve the elasticity of the body it is advisable to take a contrast shower or shower with a gradual decrease in water temperature from 34 to 20 degrees. Ends douche always cold water.
- Apple cider vinegar
In Apple cider vinegar contains valuable minerals ( in particular, a large amount of potassium required for normalization of the nervous system ) and organic acids: acetic, malic, citric, oxalic, acetic, and others. It reduces appetite, stimulates metabolism and promotes catabolism ( i.e., splitting ) of fats and carbohydrates. Metabolism is connected and that the vinegar significantly reduces man's passion for sweets. Because our body and self-produces all of these organic acids, to speak in any harmful substances in Apple cider vinegar is not worth it.
Lose weight with Apple cider vinegar is quite simple. Drink before the meal a glass of water with a tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar and half a teaspoon of honey. Summer drink you can decorate the ice, and in the winter a little to warm and tasty, and the effect is better than traditional tea or coffee, not to mention perusahaannya the bedroom.
Just a glass of warm water with dissolved a tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar (without honey), taken in the morning on an empty stomach, helps to lose weight, gives energy and helps digestion.
To get rid of excess weight, you should drink one dose of Apple cider vinegar (2 tsp per Cup of water) for Breakfast, the second on the night, and the third at any convenient time. You can also use vinegar for grinding. Apple cider vinegar is useful to RUB the body outside the area of cellulite or stretch marks. Such grinding gives the skin freshness and smoothness helps to decrease the volume.
- Beer
Has long been established that beer increases the metabolism in the body and rejuvenates the cells.
- Ephedrine
Ephedrine speeds up the metabolism and in combination with caffeine promotes the "burning" of fat. Ephedrine is recommended for people suffering from overweight and slow metabolism, but are not predisposed to cardiovascular disease. At present the ephedrine and ephedraceae drugs is prohibited.
Omega-3 fatty acids
These fatty acids regulate the level of leptin in the body. According to many researchers, this hormone is responsible not only for the rate of metabolism in the body, but also for fundamental decisions about burn fat at the moment or accumulate.
Experimenting on mice, American doctors found that the experimental low leptin levels above the level of the metabolism and burn calories. The results of observation by British scientists for the two tribes of the African natives (some regularly consumed fish, while others didn't even know what it is and what it is eaten) show: the first level of leptin in the body is almost five times lower than that of vegetarians in life (beast hunt is challenging and not always successful even in Africa).
I can't stand fish? It doesn't matter. Now fish oil is sold in capsules. He swallowed and... According to the French nutritionists, if you replace just 6 grams per day of fat consumed on a fish, it will speed up your metabolism so you lose at least pounds of excess weight for 12 weeks. Without making any effort.
On the development of protein the body spends a lot more time, than the same operation in respect of readily digestible carbohydrates and fats. According to the American dietetic, of course, confirmed by experiments on wanting to lose weight, the process of digestion of protein activates the energy of the body (i.e. calories) is almost two times. There are even more optimistic data for meat eaters and Macaluso. This time from the Danish researchers. In their opinion, the 20% protein Supplement (carbohydrates) in the diet increases the level of burning calories more than 5%.
- Vitamin B6 and other vitamins
Vitamins really accelerate the metabolism in the cells.
- Folic acid
Folic acid, which is contained in carrots, speeds up the metabolism in the body, which leads to the strengthening of the immune system and cleansing.
Coffee, green tea
Caffeine increases the heart rate. That is, accelerates the burning of calories. EGCG also operates excitingly, but rastrevozhat not heart and the brain and nervous system. The effect, however, is the same.
Again, strictly a scientific fact, proven by canadian dietitians: the combination of caffeine and 90 mg of EGCG three times a day help to get rid of 25 kcal per day. Even if you are in a state of complete rest and relaxation. In addition, tests of the canadian military men showed that morning Cup of strong coffee for a half a day not only improves endurance, but also increases the oxygen saturation. And this, in turn, speeds up the process of metabolism in the body. In extract of green tea associated natural caffeine speeds up the metabolism for 10-16%, promotes the release of fatty acids from adipose tissue.
Capsaicin, the chemical that gives peppers their heat also speeds up the metabolism
Speeds up heart rate and increases your body temperature. The results show: the portion of spicy food speeds up your metabolism by 25%. And for 3 hours after you managed to swallow it all and get rid of the fire in his throat. Light snacks, seasoned with red pepper will help you to burn more 305 kcal per day. Without any effort. Vigorous chips can increase your energy level in the most difficult of office hours - from 15.00 and later. It was at this afternoon decreases the overall tone. And the level of metabolism too. Scientific fact. The conclusion is simple: a couple (just don't use the sharp chips every three hours the worker process does not hurt. Even Vice versa.
- Chrome
Speeds up the metabolism, processing fats and carbohydrates, regulates the supply of sugar in the blood.
- Calcium, carbohydrates fibre
Carbohydrates in combination with fiber are digested relatively slowly. That is, improve metabolism, maintaining insulin levels in the blood for several hours (working day actually). When the level of insulin in the blood skips the body perceives this as an alarming sign and starts just in case accumulate strategic reserves of fat. And if this figure is all right, the metabolic rate increases by 10%, and sometimes more. Calcium also helps speed up the metabolism process. As the results of the research of the British dietetic, suffering from excess weight, which increased daily intake of calcium to 1200-1300 mg, dropping weight twice as fast as those of calcium was given within the normal daily allowance.
- Grapefruit
Grapefruit improves digestion and speeds up the metabolism, which made him hit diets for weight loss.
- Lemons
Lemon improves the immune system, restores metabolism. Used for fever, metabolic disorders, gastritis. During the classes in the gym, simple drink non-carbonated water with lemon - this will speed up the metabolism and the process of burning fat.
- Fruits
The soft fruit acids accelerates the metabolism and allows you to drop those extra pounds. Substances contained in apples, helps the metabolism in the body.
- Vegetarian food
Vegetarians accelerated metabolism.
Iodine stimulates the thyroid gland - speed up the metabolism. Many of iodine is found in seaweed. And 6 seeds of Apple (chew) - the daily requirement of iodine.
- Ginger (better pickled) and seaweed (kelp, sheets of nori for sushi)
help improve digestion, speed up the metabolism (carefully, if there are deviations in the thyroid gland! ).
Now that you know how to speed up metabolism ( metabolism ), You should calculate your metabolism depending on weight and age.
We offer You to use our calorie calculator to calculate your individual metabolic rate ( the minimum number of calories necessary to ensure the life of the organism (main exchange) and caloric intake, Your weight will remain unchanged.
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