Almost 40 % of women often go without Breakfast to save time, however, this habit can prevent you to lose weight. For a long time without receiving food, your body switches into power saving mode, and burning calories more slowly. In addition, in a few hours you will die of hunger! The study found that when women did not have Breakfast, during the day they ate 100 calories more than I eat for Breakfast porridge or muesli.
However, if there is no time to cook and eat oatmeal when you have to send children to school and get a job - just bring an Apple or a banana to eat on the road. Can take to work lunch and eat it later. Here are some healthy options: a few crackers with butter and one banana, a can of low-fat yogurt with half of the bar is cereal or half a Cup of dry cereal with low-fat milk.
Life would be boring without pasta and desserts
You work hard and believe that you deserve a glass of wine or an ice-cream at the end of the day. Indeed, rigorous approach only creates a sense of dissatisfaction. Here is the output: allow yourself two favorite treats per week. Eat one portion of what you most want (for example, a piece of pizza, a Cup of popcorn or a small bag of chips), and how to enjoy its taste. If you turn on your favorite treats in your weekly diet, you will be easier to resist the temptation to another.
Your office is like walking
In addition to cakes in honor of the birthdays of employees, you are constantly exposed to, and other tasty temptations, which would like to avoid, if you had a choice. But social pressure oblige you to participate in the Affairs of the team. Output: knowing that you have a party, before a meal something useful. At the table sit away from treats: no one will notice you eat or not. Another thing - birthdays: if you don't try a cake, it can be seen as arrogance. In such situations, actively communicate by passing portions colleagues. If you are offered a piece of cake, take the plate away and put it on the table. Of course, you can afford a piece of cake, then turn it on in your daily accounting of calories.
Your schedule is filled with business Lunches
Many business women say that dinner outside the home is the reason they get better. And this is understandable: in the restaurant dishes are hundreds of hidden calories. Dishes, grilled and flavored large quantity of butter, salads heartily seasoned mayonnaise or vegetable oil, and the portion sizes are just enormous! And still you can choose quite delicious and low-calorie dish. You find it difficult to quickly make a choice in the restaurant? Then select any simple dish. Can order two appetizers or salad and soup. They will make a full nutritious meal that contains less than 500 calories. During business Lunches and dinners you focus on the conversation and not on the portion sizes?
Be sure to take breaks during the meal. Put on the table the devices, when you speak, I listen and just sit. And in between meals drink water - this will help you to feast on. You can also go toilet after you've eaten half the food. This will give your brain the opportunity to experience saturation, and it will be easier to stop at the right moment.
You've worked hard during the week and want to "relax" in the output
If Monday is traditionally sit on a diet, then on weekends women often relax with a meal. According to some reports, during the weekend people consume, on average, 82 calories per day more than on weekdays, which can lead to extra 2-3 pounds per year. So, if you are going to have a family dinner with pizza or go to a restaurant with my friend, on this day, cook over a light lunch. The combination of vegetables and lean protein (e.g., portion of leaf lettuce with grilled chicken breast or fish) will saturate you with a small number of calories. The fruit between lunch and dinner will also protect you from the evening overeating.
Another threatening the diet thing is a group hike "for a drink after work". For one glass of beer is usually followed by another, and it is chicken wings or fried squid rings. In the end, you go home to dinner already swallowed more than 700 calories! Output: before you cross the threshold of the bar, decide how much time you will have and that will order. Choose low-calorie drinks, such as wine (80 calories) or light beer (99 calories). If you do not want to drink alcohol, order a soda with lime: this drink contains almost no calories, and looks like a cocktail, and you will not be persuaded to drink. If Saturday and Sunday you have a lot of trouble, you need to take children to dance classes or football, there is a chance that you will have to eat fast food. Choose a salad with grilled chicken, not fried meat, and low fat sauce. Another reasonable option is a regular Burger: it contains less than 300 calories. But beware of French fries!
You often stay at work late
So, at 9 in the evening you came home. Not finding it in the fridge with healthy food, you decide to eat cereal with skim milk. Great choice! But later, sitting at the TV, you again want to eat and go for a second serving of cereal, a couple of slices of cheese and biscuits.
You will not know it, will eat hundreds of calories and not eat enough. Solution: sit down and fine dine regardless of the time. Arriving home, the first thing change into home clothes and wash up. This will help to relax and tune into the home environment. Then think about dinner. If you are too tired to cook, preheat frozen food.
It's a good idea for those nights when the only thing you can still do is to open the package and include a microwave. Stock up on packages of frozen vegetables. And after supper, try not to think about food. Many women relate to food as a way of relaxation after a busy day, and continue to bite into the night. Find yourself another relaxing activity for the evening, such as knitting or reading. Take a bath with aromatic oil. And if hunger does not leave? Eat a piece of boiled chicken. If you just want to chew, the taste of the meat quickly you sober: not many women are able to stuff my face with chicken breast.
You have a business trip or vacation
Change in daily routine can knock you off track. So you need a strategy that will help to cope with physical and psychological stress associated with travel. Be sure to take the road a bottle of mineral water buy water at the store, so you can take it on the plane). Dry air in the cabin dehydrate, which can cause fatigue. When you feel broken, your body requires sweet for quick recharging. Many women admit that as soon as get into a hotel room, immediately rush to the Minibar, so ask to clean your mini-bar. It is also important to drink enough water to go to the gym and walk in the fresh air - this will help you to adjust to the new rhythm and comply with the principles of healthy eating.
You once again are trying to lose a few pounds
Extensive experience useful for career development, but does not help in trying to lose weight. People have often produced the following model: starting to lose weight, they are full of motivation, but it once "slipping", and they take the attitude of "why not? " ("I'm already broke the diet, so why would I now not to eat what I want? "). Remember: bring harm not the extra calories, and the position of "all or nothing", which undermines your resolve. In the end, successful weight loss is the ability to be practical for a long time. Instead of constantly thinking about that piece of cake you ate, develop a fire plan that will help to get back on the right path. To start dinner, consisting of one baked potato and a glass of boiled vegetables. Or try one day eat only proteins and fresh vegetables with fruit for Breakfast, prepare an omelet made of egg whites with vegetables, later grab a bite to eat chicken breast or a couple of oranges for lunch and dinner eat a grilled fish with vegetables. This tactic will help you get back into the rhythm of a healthy diet.
You don't have time for a lunch break
From the morning until the moment when you collapse into bed, you are constantly on my feet. Although this lifestyle appreciate your work, it has a negative impact on your diet. The brain needs about 20 minutes to realize that you satisfy the hunger, so eating lunch in five minutes and not even feeling it, you will eat more calories than you need. When scientists from the University of Rhode island asked several women to eat a portion of pasta for 10 minutes, the participants of the experiment used 12 % more calories than when they could eat in half an hour. Solution? Look in your busy schedule 20-30 minutes for lunch. And if you suddenly interrupted for a phone call or a quick meeting, do not chew at this time. Postpone lunch until, until clear and will not be able to fully concentrate on the food.
Remember that food is not only a source of nutrients, but also a source of pleasure. In times of stressful situations, many of us begin to absorb an excessive amount of food and this find comfort. In the life of a business person, especially in our country, the stress is more than enough. By the way, a strict diet is also a stress, and not only for the stomach but for our nervous system. In combination with drills or sudden industrial disasters it can lead to severe emotional stress. It is in these moments you can keep yourself "forbidden" foods, but in moderation.
Another good way to relieve stress is to reward yourself with something tasty in the case of successful negotiations, the signing of an important contract or other exploits on the field of business. This will give the effect of positive reinforcement of your high business activity, and at the same time and the ability not to give up your favorite dishes expressly and forever. Any diet is a disciplining factor, and therefore a convenient time for training or introduction of elements of time management (rational time management in daily activities. Very important during dieting to find time for daily relaxation exercises. It can be yoga, self-hypnosis, meditation or just relaxing listening to chill out music - all this can lower your stress level, and then move you closer to your dream of the perfect figure!
Afonina A.
Style fitness
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