Many movements borrowed from dances of different countries. The interpenetration of dance forms and traditions has led, for example, to the emergence of Spanish flamenco dance, which is based on a large number of techniques of belly dance.
Belly dance shows all the beauty, sensuality and grace of the female body, it is not just movement, and the expression of emotions and feelings. Without a belly dancer in the middle East is not complete almost any celebration.
The history and development
Initially, the belly dance appeared in Egypt. Belly dance was just a dance, not associated with any rites, and was performed for entertainment. With the arrival in Egypt of Islam the popularity of belly dance began to decline until almost did not come to naught. In the nineteenth century, after the French conquest of Africa, still fascinating art of belly dance began to rise and penetrate in the Western world.
The dance evolved and developed, changed under the influence of dances from different countries - Greece, Turkey, North Africa, Persia, India, has incorporated elements of Gypsy and Spanish dances. Under "Raks Sharqi" often mean "female solo dance", unlike the folk group. Dance with a large number of movements of the hips now associated with Baladi, and the centre of motion is shifted upwards. In Western countries Raks Sharqi is known as "belly dance". This name was derived from an incorrect interpretation of the term Baladi or from the French phrase "Danse du Ventre." In the present form of "belly dance" is sometimes called "Cabaret". The costume for the performance of "cabaret" in Arabic is called Bedleh - this skirt, belt and bodice adorned with beads. Belly dance popular in the world nowadays, with the exception of the Middle East, because Islam does not permit a woman to dance and sing for the audience.
Belly dance or other sports
Belly dancing is good for health due to the work of the muscles improves blood circulation, therefore strengthens the blood vessels, improves heart and burn excess body fat. Belly dancing will help make thighs slimmer, and the waist is thinner. Will strengthen the abdominal muscles, which improves the digestive system and helps to eliminate toxins from the body. Unlike shaping, which have to strain the muscles in the belly dance you just need to release the body to freedom.
Exercise enough half an hour of exercise a day. Dance belly dance at any age. To begin development of bellydance with basic movements - "eights" hips and shock the pubic area. All the exercises are done with a straight back and straightened his shoulders.
The Foundation of belly dance is freestyle improvisation and freedom. However, the rules and exercises still exist. Here are some of them:
Movements in belly dancing
"Turkish statue"
Feet placed shoulder-width apart and slightly bent at the knees. Hands joined above his head. Hands gently bred in turn so that eventually the right hand is at shoulder level with palm facing up, it goes left. Then hands on the queue goes down to the level of your hips, palms down.
"The magic circle"
In this exercise involved only the upper torso, head, hands, shoulders and the whole of the lower part fixed. The torso is made right, then play forward, left and then back. All movements are smooth.
"Flowing silk" ("Eight")
Right thigh laid back, diagonally, then in a semicircle brought forward. The same is repeated for the left thigh.
"Ringing jewels
The right leg is slightly bent at the knee, put on socks before you left. Right thigh unfolds onward and upward. The motionless body. Hip is a sharp "dropping" down. Repeated several times.
Hip most laid back, back slightly bend forward, hands flattened over the head - body Vigneto "wave". Hips gently trample and upward motion is transmitted shoulders, which go back. Then the body returns to its original position.
Belly dance is not just entertainment. The woman discovered bellydance, awakens your natural femininity - and it immediately becomes noticeable from the outside.
Aslanian A.
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