6.00 - 8.00
ItEven if she was awake, her body is not yet ready for sex. Melatonin levels in the blood (sleep hormone) is gradually reduced, and the body temperature has not increased after sleep (at night, the body temperature decreases slightly). Although sometimes it's nice to Wake up during lovemaking. The main thing is that the partner did not hurry, but allowed her to Wake up to a leisurely caress.
: Most men these watches are at the peak of sexual activity, the level of testosterone in his blood reaches its maximum value. He needs to cheer up and gain strength before the new day. But he is not ready for a long lasting affection. Quick sex is what you can expect.
8.00 - 10.00
It: Finally woke up and ready for sex. Now in her blood level of endorphins - hormones of happiness" - reaches its maximum value. In order to get aroused, she will not take a lot of time.
He: 've tuned into a working mood. The level of testosterone in his blood had fallen, and has become the norm. So now it is difficult enough to stir a loved one.
10.00 - 12.00
ItIn those hours she sharpened all taste buds. Right now she can get the maximum pleasure from oral sex. By the way, for this kind of love games man always ready.
He: Men dominate the thinking activity. So he, instead of sex, you will spend hours talking about this, but it is unlikely he will show activity. And any of your actions, he will begin to mentally analyze and build a "deep" conclusions.
12.00 - 14.00
Its activity reaches its maximum value. But sexuality is not the case. In these watches the woman hard to relax and focus on sex. But at the same time, if she was going to engage in sexual education beloved, he does not need to be ashamed and oprobati all in practice.
He: Configured in a playful mood. At this time, the man has a level of hormones of joy" reaches its maximum value. So he wants something unusual, even extreme and would welcome any of your ideas.
14.00 - 16.00
: At this time, her body is as prepared as possible to conceive. But to a long and lasting affection she is not ready. Fast, even a bit hard sex is what she needs now. Also during these hours she aggravated the olfactory senses, and the most important thing for her is to men proceeded pleasant smell.
It: Approximately four hours, the male body plays the best quality sperm. So if you are thinking about procreation, it's time.
16.00 - 18.00
It: At this time it is the downturn. Most women in these watches are not capable of active affection. But she is not averse to accept the affection from a partner. Therefore, if a loved spoiling for a fight, you should not stop it.
He: Ready for battle, though not capable of lasting affection. He needs through sex to relieve fatigue and negative energy. So anything that you can count on is fast sex.
18.00 - 20.00
It: It is necessary to compensate for the lack of energy, so do not refuse to dinner. At this time she is most keen auditory sense. She is ready to listen to long declarations of love and compliments in his address.
: At this time, the man is not capable of sexual games. Now he could only think about the satisfaction of hunger and about the rest after dinner. All his strength his body spends on food digestion. Although, if you invite him to light a Banquet in bed, it is unlikely to refuse.
20.00 - 22.00
It: It's time for prolonged lovemaking. She is full of energy (if not refused from dinner and ready to take matters into their own hands. Now is the time to experiment in bed.
He: Spoiling for a fight and ready to fulfill your every desire. At this time, your sexual clock coincide.
22.00 - 0.00
It: Midnight in her blood dramatically increases the level of melatonin. The body gradually falls asleep, even if she is accustomed to go to bed late. So now her sexual sensitivity is decreased. But at the same time intensifies the romantic feelings when you just want to hold hands, hug, kiss and nothing more.
He: Maximally relaxed, but still awake. So now ready for a long and lasting affection. In order to sleep well, he needs to throw the remains of energy. And sexy game for this fit best.
0.00 - 6.00
It: Her body needs rest. But you can make love in a dream. By the way, many women who have not experience orgasm, it being half-asleep, reach the peak of sexual pleasure. This is because in the dream, they are able to completely relax. Most importantly, the partner did not sleep.
He: Fast asleep, and to Wake him very difficult.
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