Monday, March 3, 2014

Rules of life nick cave

Rules of life nick caveUsually before the interview, I asked: need interesting material, or a true story?

What can I say

here is a man who learned about the death of his father, sitting in the police Department of the city of Melbourne, where he was delivered on suspicion of burglary.

People consider me sullen. Well, perhaps it's because I really wrote a lot of songs about death and other shit.

I'm an Aussie. I grew up in Australia, in a country which has never had its own culture, except, of course, the aboriginal culture. And perhaps it is for this I am most grateful to her for what she made me look for something in other countries. And search is the most important thing, I think.

I'm convinced that America is somehow responsible for all of the most terrible tragedies of the last time. On the other hand, I understand that there were many great cultural phenomenon. Therefore, America for me, as the Bible: it is the horror story, and there is a love story.

Love is always a promise, and I love to make promises.

I love rock-n-roll. This incredible revolutionary form of expression, is able to change a man, so that he himself ceases to learn. However, I must admit that in rock and roll a lot of shit. Really.

I damn, not Springsteen.

I can't

and I don't want to pretend to be an ordinary man, as do many rock stars. The idea that rich musicians struggling to prove that they are just ordinary people, makes me epilepsy. This is a very painful thing to prove that you're the same as all being within arrogant and proud. That's why I don't play normal person and don't write for ordinary people songs.

I am pleased to hear what songs inspire writers and artists. In a sense, this is the best compliment that I can do. After all, art is always an exchange.

I like to write sad songs.

With all the responsibility

I want to say that in my mind there is no inner voice that says to me: "You could do better, dude".

I feel

that is attached to his poems.

For a very long time I asked someone: well, and what I write. The answer was: about love and God. And I thought, good idea.

Many people believethat how I write my songs are evil mockery of the creative process. This asshole I always say: "If you want to write something, you should just sit down and do it. No shit, you fucking fairy-God-child, nothing will bring you from the sky until you walk in search of inspiration in the autumn Park". In General, of course, would be cool if you could go to the store and buy 11 new songs, two of which are absolute hits.

I don't believe during inspiration. I believe that creativity is work. The brilliant things - it is, above all, perseverance. And inspiration is a strange overrated phenomenon, which, I think, there is only to be attributed to his lack of what is really a lack of talent and performance.

You should

to be ruthless to what I wrote. Otherwise you will not have any right to treat your work well. If you can't put the scalpel over their works, they will always be a monstrous freaks, covered with warts and stiff growths. When I think about the song, which must be five lines, I write twenty or even more. And then pick up the most terrible bill, and begin to cut off all the excess. Of course, spills blood. But the only way you will get what you really need.

Insomnia the best drug for creativity.

Many people say, "From his drug experience I have learned one thing." And bear further nonsense. I learned two things: I realized that I was not so easy to parasiliti even the most hellish cocktail and that the only thing you need to know is to control what zagonari in your body.

Not all

drugs are equally bad or good. For really bad I seem to be the ones that get for free.

I ate drugs simply because they made me feel better what is happening.

I like

to think that I can do with my life all that I will decide.

I love to return to Australia. There I feel free and stupid. It is a great feeling as if you've lost someone from his shoulders. Only there I can take some awesome cars with crazy sound and just ride around. I feel something like beauty and celebration. And then it takes a month, and I think it's time to leave. I again take someone on his shoulders and really leave.

Everyone thinks Brighton (a small English town, where he currently lives in the cave. - Esquire) boring and oppressive province. I like it here. Here all call me "the singing kid". Actually, this phrase characterizes Brighton best.

Very easy

love the city, where you tried to kill him. For this reason I hated Los Angeles 20 years ago. And I still don't understand who I was interrupted.

Probablymost of all in life I grieve for my children. I'm amazed at how cruel they can be, like all children, I guess.

Don't like

when people call me a sodomite. First, it is not true, and secondly, it's too stilted.

Rock star

should at least try to be honest. Because trying too count.

If I

'll pour you some tea, you will be able to say that tea you poured himself Nick cave. But this is not necessary. Besides, I most likely there spat.

I'm a believer

. I don't go to Church and don't belong to any particular religion, but I believe in God. I think him enough.

I oppresses

the fact that the majority of people believe that the Lord exists to serve them and assist. For them the Lord is the boy-porter from space, which you can call at any time when you will need it. For some reason they can not understand that the Lord is there to give us the ability and strength to sort out our Affairs ourselves.

I want to thinkthat God still believe in him people or not, talk about it or keep quiet. He is God, and he must not be interested in such things.

I admire

the cruelty of the old Testament.


modern society stunningly unfair and selective: in order to do away with some types of violence people are willing to use others.

To break the piano

more difficult than to break a guitar. But the piano longer lit.

For a very long time

back in Australia, I had been pushed out of art School, in which I have ever wanted to do. I remember that scary at first upset, but then I realized that in fact they made me an incredible favor - don't give me to become an artist.

Me never awkward.


living myths and avoids the truth. Anybody want to know the fucking truth about Jimmy Hendrix? No dick, all I want is a myth. Everyone wants to believe that when he boarded the plane to England, he was the only electric guitar, cream and acne package pink curlers.

I noticed

that people are always pleasantly surprised at those moments when I manifest myself as a simple business man.

I never not wondered what color my hair really is. I paint them in black with 16 - and head and mustache, and sideburns. For mustache and sideburns, by the way, I even have a special brush. I'm kind of feature dude, when it comes to hair care, and I hate when people ask me whether I'm going to stop wearing makeup. Yes, damn it, going. Will die and you will fail.

Shit, what I'm 50. I remember that when I turned fifty, I said, "so what". People, it seems to me that you feel old, largely because constantly say to themselves: "Oh, I'm over forty, Oh, I'm fifty, why I have traded the sixth decade". On the other hand, in fifty years, I first thought that it was time for me to retire to receive an award certificate and an inscribed gold watch for exemplary service. But watch while you wait. Something I still have naddell.

Someone said to me

: "The older you get, the less your head remains of things, but when you turn 65, your head will be just sex and death". In this sense, I feel as though I approached the 65th anniversary as close as possible.

I never no secret that I write only about those things which morbidly obsessed.

What is given

it is easier for you just when exactly will be your coffin.

Never do not trust people in three-piece suits, identical twins and those who played with a lighter.


finally, Beethoven.



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