If you believe that fifteen minutes of laughter really prolong life, fellowship with max Pokrovsky - the real elixir of life. Electrifying its inexhaustible wit, vivid difference from others and effervescent charm, he charges his extraordinary energy. Impetuous and agile, he is the epitome of reliability and seriousness. An interesting interlocutor and just incredibly smart man.
About creativity
I have no knowledge, no formula of hit. Accordingly, every time we have to do everything from scratch. There are people who have the thread, there are composers is quite talented - they write music, write and write, and already know that this song will be a hit. Writing with poet for any singer or producer, which will put a song in inept mouth of the poor members of the boy band or girl band. And I don't have it, I don't know how. Moreover, despite the fact that clearly there is irony in my words about inept mouth and so forth, however I would not mind. But in the same condition in which I am not very second, but in General, still for me the song is a kind of birth. And of course, it would be very appropriate to have some knowledge and skills on how to make this more or less appropriate song. I am saying that it would be very useful, creating its something like nothing, to be able to average an output signal that is a product of and heard from the speaker to the radio.
About the inspiration
Clearly, that come the songs themselves, this is undeniable. But you have to earn and work out... You are set, you're working on it... how Much time I spent and spend thinking about what to do, how to do, how to submit your music, how would that to invent, roughly speaking, to say that this dude did something to him, nobody did. something comes, it comes not in these minutes. That is, the (revelation) to be worked, but it will come later, when you don't expect it.
About the group
It is clear that the popular masses can not go hand in hand with the superficiality of perception. But at a time when the proletarian found something he understood, people either thinking or looking, or simply aesthetic still tried to find something else, and is also found. And when we ascended, that is, of course, we were very supportive of intelligent and progressive circles. Basically it is any good popular magazines, publications, who saw something more. At some period of time had to prove that we are a serious group. Because few people have heard and wanted to hear such a song as "Four friends". More luck to us already quite Mature years with "Lullaby", because she sarashina "Our radio" up the number of runs. So now, especially after the "Go East", in my opinion, anybody in a head will not come to assert that "Nogu Svelo" is a group of jokers.
But then of course, it was very unpleasant. And when we called some "cool" group - I now will not name so as not to offend, though they may be, and would have liked - but when we were put in a row with some "cool" bands, inside I was all upside down. Well how could I say to himself - himself not so much to praise, but I really wanted: "how are you, freaks, you cretins, you, unicellular, how can you make us put in one category, on the same level with these bicellular? ". I was very angry.
Again now, on the new stage of my life I even joyfully use some ironic moves even in a solo project. That is, "Shopping", if you look, is very ironic clip. And I'm quite freely and easily, without fear have no fear, as we say in the Motherland, to be funny. I'm not afraid to be funny, because absolutely sure of himself.
On the publicity
I'm at work so all of this gorge... and outside the profession do not like to attract attention. In the companies I'm always in the background. I have no desire to be the center of the company. When going to friends... first, I have no friends among colleagues, and I do not like when colleagues flaunt... And the company, which consists of ordinary, I mean non-public, people, I love to get lost somewhere in the corner to sit. Came home from work, sit at home " shut up, you all.
On television
On TV I think is useless almost all channels, except channel "Culture". Almost. But then again, all so a bit blurry - the extent to which "almost". Well... the "Good news" - this is a good program, good films when spin - Hollywood plus "Amelie" (conditionally, I jokingly say so) is good. The best program is "Weather". I always dreamed to weather. So in the jacket neatly, courteously: "And here is such a cyclone, and here the area of low pressure...". It perfectly. And all of these transmissions, especially talk shows, is, of course, hysterical.
About "the Last hero"
Oh! Psychology there - just there! There the diagnosis just on the second day is! On the second day of stay the diagnosis right on the face, go and cityway. But see only their own, those who are together in one bowl eating.
I thought, if you do not go, I will be very sorry. Together with people to live - what could be worse?
In my "Lullaby song" there's this line: "Always dreams come true"... But to quote myself - it is not always, in my opinion, worthy... But just my daughter once asked me: "Dad, dreams always come true? ". Don't know where she heard it or thought... But if you really want very much to want (it's not what I said), dreams come true.
About parenting
Children from me twist rope. Do not fulfill any whim, but I am... very inconsistent. Sometimes explode, but it's not very good. It is better to be consistent. Simple is not simple, but consistent. And I explosive.
Some rules should follow, but I don't know them. They know my wife better than I do. She is not a psychologist nor study, but about parenting knows a little more.
About psychology
I am shocked by the fact that we have every second psychologist. I used it (with psychology. - Ed.) not interested in at all, but I am afraid that you will soon have to be interested because of the dominance of the Amateurs will be threatening and have these questions just to start to understand, otherwise Amateurs will devour us. We begin to evaluate, we begin to give advice to anyone who is handy. But the responsibility of the psychologist is not less than the midwife, midwives.
About yourself
"I like to think slowly. If you do not hurry, you think I'm good".
You know, I have a very peculiar organized brain. I am very slow, heavy and, I would even say, painfully perceive information, which to me brings someone else in his rhythm. That is, when a person explains, I do not begin to understand. While I have a very comprehensive and quick thinking when you need to understand the situation - but only when I go their own way. Very often, when it comes to some developments, some prospects, people tell me: "Max, listen to me, so it's as good as so-and anything else you can do," I say, "I have thought about this already fifty times in the first few seconds, when we were talking".
Our psychology
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