And since today we often do not wait for favors from nature, and they take them, and take full handfuls - why not to do with orgasm? Moreover, in the unanimous opinion of doctors, high-orgasm woman is simply necessary.
According to practice, we have four scenarios of the development of sexual events in our personal life female:
"everything's fine, problems with orgasm does not happen;
independently able to achieve, but the man is not obtained;
as there was no, and no;
with the former it turned out, and with the current " no.
All options, except the first, are in need of treatment. And not necessarily with the involvement of a specialist - it is possible to cope with the most. And in the literal sense.
For a start, a little bit of science.
It turns out that nerve endings that are erogenous zones, it is not just the most sensitive to the effects of the receptors and mechanism of action different from, for example, pain, taste, or temperature. By themselves they do not "feel".
The signal about their irritation is transmitted to the brain, summarized, and only when the number of signals reaches a certain concentration, it triggers a cascade of reactions (muscle contractions, convulsions, etc.), which resets the long accumulated energy.
This is what I am - that a system failure can occur either at the stage of irritation (in a good way) erogenous zones, and at the stage of accumulation of pulses, and even in the moment of cascade reactions. Thin piece female orgasm!
To failures, we have:
Good irritation of our erogenous zones.
For starters you have to know where they are, and to check, in which case the zones are most responsive to.
The lucky ladies will help husbands and Boyfriends, those who have not yet met a competent man - good Masturbation (she, by the way, and the first does not hurt).
The normal attitude of his own brain.
Orgasm, whatever it was - always good. Do not take sex and Masturbation as something shameful, dirty, crazy, animal - it is a wonderful gift of nature to his beloved creation, and can use them and have in full.
Nobody says that Masturbation or sex can be public - but we hide from prying eyes, not because of shame but because this is our secret affair. Does not tolerate the presence of others.
The desire and ability to afford a cascade of reactions.
Perhaps a woman accustomed to experience orgasm in a certain environment or in a certain way, "psychologically committed" to the usual mechanisms and does not happen orgasm in any other situation.
In this case, again, will help you full and regular training, the same saving Masturbation in the bathroom, the TV, the women's novel, anywhere where you absolutely do not contraindicated and high-quality sex.
In General, girls, freedom and love for yourself is the right way to orgasm. A man hope, and itself not forget!
Belarusian women's portal
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