Fit yourself is:
Whether due to the fact that the neck has many nerve fibers, whether due to the fact that your man ignores them periodically, but the fact remains: the neck is one of the most sensitive erogenous zones of women. Help him to realize this by means of simple hint: throw your head back, take the hair from the neck and shoulders and when he will understand you, poori brainstorm words or encouraging sounds.
To detain him:
French kissing is better to wait for later, when you will be sufficiently heated. Let him only the gentle touch of your lips, gently swiping his tongue over it. Deep kisses bring isolation, because your saliva contains hormones that excite the man pretty much.
Fit yourself is: Let him penetrate the Holy of holies as soon as possible. But! Using gentle and loving hands. Simply put, let him stimulate your clitoris with your fingers, brushing them with a lubricant that acts on you exciting. Help him by guiding him with her hand, experts believe that a circular motion, first gentle, then more intense is the best option.
To detain him: Of course, he likes it when you hold his penis in his hands and do with it what he used to do in youth. However, if you want to postpone the interchange, LaSky the penis toward the base, not touching the head, which is much more sensitive to touch. Let the rhythm of your movements will be changeable: the man likes to be in your hands, that he will not notice that you deliberately avoid steady uniform motions, which give the command: "We're in the home stretch".
Oral sex
Fit yourself is: Teach him to do it correctly: index and middle fingers into your vagina, hand deployed palm up, chin on his palm. In this position he can gently massage the front wall of the vagina (the territory of the magic point G), and language - the clitoris. He will be happy to feel like you're melting into his arms.
To detain him:
Kiss and Laski his penis language, not allowing it to penetrate deeply to the sensations were pleasant, but differed from those that he feels during normal sexual intercourse. Take attention and his testicles: this magical fun, oddly enough, not closer to the final.
Sexual intercourse
Fit yourself is: Girls on top getting more fun! You can control the depth and angle of penetration and achieve better and faster discharge. Move hips, not up and down, as would be desirable to him, and back and forth, touching the clitoris of his stomach - so you will get a lot of pleasure. You can do it intensely and even hard - he will love it!
To detain him: Quick frictions with large amplitude suggests that the client is eager to finish. How to avoid it, when you're on top, we have already talked. And if you prefer the classic pose, try to knock him out of rhythm the other way. Clasp his buttocks and direct the speed and depth of penetration. Or clasp his waist legs, not letting you swing".
The time is coming
Fit yourself is: Focus on superrational fantasy, which operates the trigger. For example, remember the scene in the film, which you almost lost my mind without any male help. Zarabotay her mentally: put yourself in the place of the heroine, let the hero to do something illegal, what you choke. In General, in what does not deny.
To detain him: He tensed as string, often breathes, moves rhythmically and with a large amplitude? So, now... oops! If you're not ready, change your position, stop the process and back to the kissing. He already has no reaction? Clasp thumb and forefinger at the base of his penis and gently squeeze the ring. This will help to cool briefly zeal of thy men, and to gain time to reach the peak together.
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