frigidity is the Statement that there are no frigid women, there are only clumsy lovers are much closer to the truth than you think.
What men are for female frigidity, often anorgasmia (lack of orgasm). It is clear that in bed razocharovannogo lover not to the subtleties of the definitions of "what is wrong" with your partner. Do not worry if your address is flying accusations one after another, skip them by the ears. Remember that the statement that there are no frigid women, there are only clumsy lovers are much closer to the truth than you think. The good news is anorgasmia curable. The second good news is that even a real frigidity may be temporary.
Frigidity (frigidity) is the complete lack of female libido, specific sexual sensations and orgasm. In some cases it may be accompanied by aversion to sex. Usually distinguished 4 types of sexual coldness.
The orgasm that late
Sexual sensuality not all women develop the same. Some are able to have an orgasm before sex life as such, and the other only a few years later, or after birth. This type of female frigidity (it's called retardation - "retarded"), fortunately, is only temporary.
What are the features of:
- Indifference to sex. You might just be pleasant, but you are not experiencing orgasm.
- No unpleasant feelings after sex. You can be indifferent or to be satisfied with what delighted loved one, even not having it themselves.
- Unstable menstrual cycle.
- Some infantilism nature, passivity and indecisiveness, shyness.
- The absence of neurotic disorders on the basis of frigidity. You are not particularly worried about that and rightly so.
Forecast: the problem will likely resolve itself after pregnancy and childbirth or due to sexual ingenuity partner.
A temporary "failure"
Symptomatic, temporary frigidity is observed in women due to any disease, for example:
infectious or inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs;
the underdevelopment of organs of the female genitalia;
- excessive expansion of the vagina due to childbirth;
- hormonal deficiency and endocrine disorders;
diseases of the brain or spinal cord;
- chronic intoxication (e.g., drugs, or lead);
- depression.
Even a lack of vitamins or fatigue can cause a temporary weakening of libido. However, when symptomatic frigidity caused, for example, gynecological diseases, libido and erotic dreams, as well as the sensitivity of erogenous zones can be stored.
Forecast: getting rid of the root cause is quite possible to return to normal sexual life.
Syndrome Marilyn Monroe
Extremely unpleasant childhood experiences, one way or another related to sex, can cause grown girl will consider sex as something unworthy. A striking example of such girls can be called Norma Jean Baker, which was repeatedly molested as a child. She changed all of that could change from figure to name but before the end of his life he was indifferent to sex life. "If someday I'll understand why people are so interested in sex, feel very lucky. Personally I have sex and sexual problems take no more than cleaning the shoes.", claimed Marilyn Monroe.
Psychogenic frigidity is not uncommon, reasons for its occurrence set:
strong, damaging the psyche experiences (especially related to the sexual side of life):
- excessive strictness upbringing;
- rape;
- painful deprivation of virginity;
- inconsistency of the sexual partner ideal;
- marriage with the unloved person;
- uncertainty in the strength of the relationship.
When psychogenic form of frigidity in women may have a strong sexual excitement during sexual intercourse, but without orgasm. This frigidity may be selective, that is to be aimed at a specific person.
Forecast: "cure" is possible, changing the sexual partner or, on the contrary, examining the relationship of time (when there is a strong sexual attachment). It is advisable to contact a qualified therapist or sex therapist.
Innate coldness
The reason for the so-called constitutionally-genetic frigidity professionals is unknown. Apparently, it's based on congenital insufficiency of psychosexual functions. Same as no ear for music or flexibility of the body. Frigid in its Constitution women completely fully physically developed. They are able to motherhood and do not suffer from its frigidity. They don't know what sexual satisfaction. And if you'd like to try it, only because it is required by society in the form of a husband or overly curious girlfriends.
Main features constitutionally-genetic frigidity:
- sexual organs do not respond to stimulation, so frigid woman never engaged in self-satisfaction;
- erotic dreams do not occur;
- even after long preliminary caresses does not occur allocation of vaginal lubrication;
- frequent short (1-3 days) delay menstruation.
Forecast in this case, it is optimal to consult a specialist in real life, but not put the diagnosis on the Internet."
Boyko S.
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