Frank blouse, a pair of kisses, bed and ready. The man already in the seventh heaven, sitting, legs dangling with orgasmic cloud, and thanked the angels. In fact, everything is much more complicated.
1. Male orgasm
from the point of view of doctors-sexologists, is the result of a complex work of different bodies. In order to deliver the man of unearthly bliss, work hard penis, prostate, seminal vesicles and seminal tubercles. And you thought it was all in oysters and your new lingerie!
Greek physicians proved that men who have less than six orgasms a month, increase the chances of getting cancer... breast cancer. Of course, men suffer from this disease is very rare, but still cannot forget that less than your partner is experiencing sexual discharge, the lower his blood content of male sex hormone testosterone. Namely the level of testosterone increases the risk of tumor development.
3. Italian pornoakce Rocco Sifferdi
is considered a world sex record. In one day he managed to make love with fourteen women and each has experienced fixed meticulous observers orgasm. However, basking on top of the penis Olympus rocky remains long. On the website of world sexual records have reported that an anonymous brave man willing to break the record hot Italian and one day to reach orgasm with twenty women!
4. Despite all the excuses men their orgasm can also be controlled. Instant full sexual discharge is always preceded by a stage of preorgasmic - penis in these minutes is incredibly tense and your partner feels something like Shkotovo burning sensation in the urethra. Well, as if he really really wants in a toilet, but there, as luck would have it, there is no appropriate place. If at this moment to stop frictions, to change his position or at least start struggling to think about football, sexual arousal a bit cooler and orgasm in men does not occur. But the chances that a full discharge will get you to rise!
5. You are again depicted in bed incredible passion according to Stanislavsky's system? Don't worry - it is likely that your boyfriend was doing the same thing. The organizers of the London festival of "Erotica" interviewed 2500 British and found that 23% of men regularly imitate orgasm! And according to the canadian sociologists, sin pretense admitted 43% of the 1000 respondents men.
6. By the way, there are several signs
the fact that your man pretending to have experienced orgasm. The price of loud moans and demonstrative seizures you well know." But, for example, the complete absence of seminal fluid, despite the tumultuous cries of pleasure, is very suspicious. And don't listen to tales about what it somewhere absorbed, because you had sex not on blotting paper. Another sign is an attempt to quietly get rid of the condom at the same moment, as soon as I opened your arms. Especially if before you had twenty times to remind us that these pieces place not under the bed and in the trash.
7. Male sexual dissimulation
also has its reasons. The first is stress. It may not affect an erection. But to have an orgasm, when the head is twisted face an angry boss replaces space account for the repair of your car, it is not easy even a very strong man. Besides stress, the head of the male member becomes dry and sensitive - here, you know, not to orgasm. Another reason, ironically, is the lack of foreplay. Yes, them too, this is not enough, especially when they are over thirty years. Men also sometimes do not have time to properly get excited and have to pretend that everything turned out well, not to disappoint you and maintain their reputation steep macho.
8. After orgasm in men, there comes the so-called period of the refractive - full insensitive to stimulation. At this point, even the most gentle lover loses interest in sex and your attempts to continue the game of love can cause serious irritation and even physical pain. Nothing can be done - physiology! Let your man to get some sleep - and the period refraction will be reduced by almost half.
9. Almost 50% of men during orgasm, unable to hold back the moans and convulsions. About 20% are silent as guerrillas during the interrogation. 10% can start involuntarily to sciatica, biting and even cry. And some pleasure swear like a sailor!
Orgasm in men - 13 questions and answers
Male orgasm
A great shaking, or how to achieve orgasm
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