Regardless of the recipe and the way you chose, you start with the preparation of fruits and berries:
- fruits must be ripe: under - or over-ripe for harvesting are not suitable. In addition, they are not as tasty and fragrant;
- do not choose a spoiled berries or fruit "sideways": jams and compotes of them will rapidly deteriorate;
- wash the gifts of nature are necessary in running cold water just before cooking, because in their pure form they are less stored;
if the fruit looks chemically-glossy, soak them for several hours in cold water: part chemistry "will be";
- lemons, oranges and other citrus fruits before cooking scald with boiling water, and then rinse;
the berries should be washed quickly and gently in the water for a long time not to keep, otherwise they will lose the sweetness and aroma.
Sticky sweet smell delicious "foam" - what a fall Yes no jam? Of course, too much sugar in it, but how much fun during the cold winter evenings!
To jam on the Sahara (kg fruit-berries - about a kilo of sugar or honey. However, the beneficial properties of the latter in this case will not be saved - honey does not tolerate temperatures above 40 °C. the Ideal utensils for cooking - wide and shallow (good old pelvis), stainless steel or enameled.
You can fill the fruit with sugar, and then wait for the juice, to start cooking, you can pour the finished syrup to withstand several hours and boil. Depending on the recipe boiling can be single and double, with a break in 4-8 hours. A few minutes before the end of cooking in a jam, it is recommended to add citric acid (1 kg sugar - 1/4 teaspoon), in this case the bait is not going to Sacharissa.
Willingness jam is determined by the condition syrup: the "correct" drop should not bleed in cold water. Berries in this jam does not float on top and spread evenly. Bottled jam hot, sterilized jars.
Recipe: jam apricots with walnuts - almost a classic, but with a twist, or crack. It will require 1 kg of ripe apricots, 750 grams of sugar and 100 g of kernels of walnuts. Washed halves apricots, washed, scalded with boiling water, peeled and chopped kernels of walnut pour the sugar and allow to stand for about 6 hours until the juice if the juice comes out a little, add a half Cup of boiled water). After infusion, boil the apricots over medium heat to dissolve the sugar. Allow the jam to simmer for a few hours remove from heat and then replace, cook until tender syrup and honey translucency of the fruit, removing the foam. Ready pour hot jam jars and preserve.
Jam, jam, jelly
Close relatives jam, they differ from it a greater density and the absence of liquid syrup.
Jam contains boiled soft fruits, and syrup has a jelly consistency. Gelling property has pectin that can be added separately or use them rich gifts of nature: sour apples, cranberries, raspberries, black currants. Before cooking the fruits and berries are blanched in hot water in the boiling water, and then pour the syrup (about 450 g of sugar per 1 liter of water) and cook until tender like a thick syrup and cooked fruits (berries. Last before cooking can lightly crush to have juice.
Jelly - unlike jam - made from juice and sugar, without fruit. Perfect for jelly pectinesterase fruits and berries: apples, all varieties of currants, strawberries, cloudberries, blueberries. In jelly sometimes add lemon juice and gelatin. To understand whether jelly, can, dropping them on a plate: if the droplet solidifies and can be removed from the saucer - you can remove the foam and pour into clean, sterilized dry banks.
The jam - this berry puree, boiled with sugar, a little thicker than jam. The fruits or berries for jam boiled in boiling water (0, 5 liters per 1 kg of fruit) until tender, then wipe. Ready puree shift in the pelvis and cook, stirring constantly. (You can lightly oil a basin or pan with olive oil.) Sugar in the proportion of about 800 g to 1 kg of puree added towards the end. Then take a sample for readiness (weight should be thick and dense, not to spread on a plate and poured into prepared jars.
By the way, if you take less sugar, 100 g per 1 kg of potatoes, and boiled down to not so much, will learn a great sauce for desserts and sweet dishes.
Recipe: Polish Apple jam - eclectic jams and preserves. For him slice 0, 5 kg of peeled diced apples and boil with the lid by adding three tablespoons of water. Put the mixture into a puree, add 700 grams of sugar and heat until it is dissolved. Then add another 0, 5 kg thinly sliced apples and cook for about half an hour.
Our favorite from childhood, it cooks easily and simply. And most importantly, provides a space for imagination: you can try any combination of fruits and berries, add white wine (2-3 tablespoons per 1 l), lemon or orange zest, juice, honey, fructose, and even spices.
Small fruits and berries are compote whole, large is better to cut into slices. If compotes are closed for the winter, the fruits often pour sweet water directly in banks and banks also sterilized by heat. Want to drink the juice immediately can cook it in a pan, put down the fruit, sugar and bringing to a boil. This compote need an hour or two to stand, covered.
Recipe: fragrant plum compote. 0, 5 kg plums immerse in boiling water, pour cold water and peel them. Skin pour a liter of water, strain, add 150 g of sugar, cinnamon and lemon peel and cook a few minutes. Broth pour peeled plums and cook for another three minutes, infuse.
Freezing is the fastest and most hassle free method of procurement, as well as the most useful: the vitamins are preserved almost completely, and at any time of the year you can indulge in freshly prepared dessert of berries or fruit.
The fruit before freezing need a day to hold in the refrigerator, then rinse with alternately cold and warm water, to clean, to problemsabout steamed and dried. The fruit is usually frozen slices, currants, berries - bulk. Apples, peaches and pears recommended pre sprinkle with lemon juice. Prepared foods fit for a couple of hours in the freezer at -20 °C, then removed and Peresada in plastic trays with a tightly fitting lid or packages (in the latter should not be excess air). Fruit puree can be frozen in the molds for ice, and then pour the cubes in containers. Stores such procurement in the freezer for about eight months, but after thawing re-freezing is not already subject.
Recipe: frozen cherry puree. It goes well with ice cream, biscuits and other sweets. For it will need 1 kg cherries, purified from seeds and 3/4 Cup sugar. Berries wipe in a blender with the sugar, add a couple of tablespoons of water and bring to a boil, wait dissolve the sugar and pour into molds.
Dried fruits
Easier and faster just to dry the berries and fruits in the oven. On sun, of course, also possible, but in September it is better not to count. So, my our gifts of nature, get rid of seeds and other stalks. The largest apples and pears and cut into slices. To the fruit looked better and were more tasty, you can put them in a bowl with pineapple juice and citrus juice, then drain in a colander. Billet spread on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 12 hours at a temperature of 60-70 °C. the Dried fruits and berries should be stored in a tissue or paper bags in a dry place or in glass jars with lids.
Recipe: home apricots. Home apricots useful and devoid of the "store" preservatives. For its preparation wash ripe sweet apricots, remove the seeds and soak the fruit for five minutes for a couple. To dry for about 10 hours at a temperature of 65 °C. in the same way, only at a temperature of 80 °C, can be cooked prunes.
Belenkaya M
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