In fact, Angin much. More precisely, a lot. A couple dozen varieties can count, on the spot. A common feature that unites them all - localization process in special formations of the lymphatic system called tonsils.
We make a small digression to detail to understand: what is the amygdala, and why we need them.
Protection system
Immunity that is protective system of our body, the concept is very vague. He presents and cells, and tissues, and even some of the specialized agencies. The fabric, which is full of protective and cells, called lymphoma. In the body there are several places its focus. SIP is one of them.
The maximum amount of foreign material comes into our body through the nose and mouth here and the air and water, and food, and so much more sterile. The most aggressive enemies better be cleaned from afar, not letting them inside. This is a whole ring of special formations in the throat, called tonsils.
The amygdala is essentially "open" lymph node. On the basis of connective tissue rests the vanguard defenders of the organism in the form of the lymphoid tissue. Tonsils lot: a pair of Palatine, lingual (at the root of the tongue), pharyngeal (back wall of the pharynx), a pair of pipe tonsils (at the entrance to the auditory tube on the back of the throat). All this constellation is called the ring of Pirogov-Waldeyer.
We are primarily interested in the Palatine tonsils, sometimes known colloquially as "gland". Geographically they are limited nebnymi bails - folds of mucous membrane that go from the root of the tongue to the soft palate (hence the name). These tonsils are the largest, it is their territory and played out the drama called "angina".
By the way, the amygdala in Latin sounds like tonsila, therefore, inflammation is known as the "tonsillitis". Here under the name of acute tonsillitis and our lives angina in ICD-10.
Uninvited guests
The essence of acute tonsillitis is simple: the development of the inflammatory reaction in response to contact with tonsil pathogens. This can be bacteria, viruses, fungi, respectively, sore throat is a bacterial, viral or fungal.
There are varieties of angina in malignant blood diseases, but so much we don't go, stay on the infectious process.
Susceptibility to angina in people - about 10-15 percent. While the most frequently affected youth (under 30 years). This is due to the age peculiarities of the functioning of the immune system.
So, among the bacteria most common pathogens of sore throats are strep. Approximately 80-90 % of acute tonsillitis are streptococcal nature. Rarely, the cause of the disease can be staphylococci or pneumococci. Even rarer in the role of the pathogen can be spirochaetes, and then develops sufficiently severe angina Simanovsky-Plaut-Vincent.
The most interesting thing that angina can be transmitted not only traditional airborne droplets, but also through food, in fact, the same milk or mashed potatoes is the perfect environment for breeding stafilo or streptococci.
In the future, when we are talking about the flu, we will be aware of acute streptococcal tonsillitis, because it is the most common.
Conflict of interest
The task of Streptococcus - to penetrate into the human body and to profit there something delicious. The task of the immune system - don't miss the pig in the Holy of holies and to expel it through with minimal losses. Inflammation is a local response to the introduction of the pathogen.
Inflammation of the tonsils is primarily manifested in their redness (blood flow) and increase (swelling). This is the same picture that you can see when you open your mouth in front of the mirror and yourself saying, "Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah". The degree of enlargement of the tonsils may be different - at minimum they even look at because of the Palatine arches, and at the maximum are selected in the mouth and almost touch each other. Due to inflammation in the tonsils we have the main symptom of tonsillitis is a sore throat when swallowing, and sometimes the inability to swallow anything, even saliva.
By the way, for angina is not typical runny nose, coughing, or "shrunken" voice. These symptoms are more likely to talk about colds or allergic nature of the disease.
The next line of defense - regional. In angina it is manifested by enlargement and pain angular jaw lymph nodes. They can be felt in the area of the mandibular angle - rounded education about the size of a pea or a hazelnut kernel.
The last frontier - organism. Reaction to the invasion of Streptococcus - high temperature (up to 39°C), chills, muscle pain, malaise, weakness, podtashnivaet, as well as other signs of intoxication which complete clinical picture of angina.
Three stages
Angina - stage process. And if she does not interfere, it usually passes through all its stages-types.
It all starts with catarrhal angina. Slightly enlarged and reddened tonsils, small temperature rise, slightly severe pain when swallowing. Rare angina is delayed at this stage, the patients themselves do not always give these symptoms due importance.
Follicular tonsillitis is the most common form. The name associated with the appearance on the surface of the tonsils of points of accumulation of pus, the so-called follicles. Here already we have a full detailed picture of angina, including high temperature and other noticeable symptoms.
If you do not intervene, the process will go on, and the pus will begin to fill the folds of the tonsils - gaps. Angina go into lacunar stage.
Phlegmona angina is extremely rare, and it means actually purulent fusion of the tonsils, the transition inflammation of the surrounding tissue, the temperature to 41°C, which is poorly compatible with life.
To treat sore throat the doctor. Self-treatment in this case is not only unacceptable, but also dangerous, than later. The diagnosis must be confirmed by bacteriological examination (smear from a nose and pharynx). In fact, a similar picture can give a much more dangerous infections, such as diphtheria.
Modern medicine has everything necessary for a successful deliverance of man from angina. The main treatment is antibiotics, which are also selected taking into account the sensitivity of microflora (another bacteriological analysis).
It is necessary to strictly adhere to all prescription and in any case does not itself reduce the course of antibiotics. Otherwise, you can grow yourself in a vicious and drug-resistant monster.
Possible consequences
Now about the main thing - what angina is really dangerous, and why doctors are obliged for a month to observe recover from a sore throat, do urine tests, remove the electrocardiogram and to perform other tests.
The fact that Streptococcus is a very unpleasant guests. They are extremely active, immunogenic, and can run in our body a cascade of pathological reactions. The most serious complication of rheumatic fever (affecting the heart and joints) and glomerulonephritis (glomerular lesion of the apparatus of the kidneys). These two diseases is much easier to prevent than to treat.
That's why in no event it is impossible to stop treatment, return to the previous volumes, loads, even if you feel better in 3 or 4-th day of disease. Sore throat is a disease of insidious and frivolous attitude does not forgive.
Volgin A.
Be healthy
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