For starters, what is "good" - this is a normal menstrual cycle. It is a uterine bleeding volume of 80 ml at regular intervals from 21 to 35 days. All that is beyond the scope of this definition, is a violation of the menstrual cycle.
Lovely ladies! If you are in the cycle there is any deviation, it is not necessary to fall into depression or panic, call them all friends and ask how they, and so on, This is just an excuse to seek the advice of a doctor to the gynecologist - endocrinologist. After talking to you doctor will determine the cause of the arising of the menstrual cycle, and if necessary perform a test.
To the doctor's recommendations should be taken seriously not only because we are talking about your reproductive health and quality of life, and also because of the menstrual cycle may be associated with pathology in the genital organs, and diseases of the endocrine system.
This is the most frequent type of menstrual cycle ( 31-52% in women aged 14-44 years ). It is aching or cramping pain in the lower abdomen, rump, rump during menstruation and is accompanied by General malaise.
Dysmenorrhoea is often combined with nausea, vomiting, loose stool, weakness, migraine headache. These symptoms last from several hours to one day or more. Take comfort in the fact that painful menstruation will be held after childbirth or an active sex life, not worth it.
Because this type of menstrual cycle can be a symptom of endometriosis, malformations of the internal genital organs, obstructing the outflow of menstrual blood, as well as chronic inflammatory diseases of appendages and pelvic ganglioneuritis.
It is characterized as delays and premature onset of menstruation. What is the reason? You love to travel or your work involves frequent flights? You, without hesitation, fly from winter to summer and back to "live" on the plane? Then there may be menstrual irregularities.
The reason lies in the impact of climate change or time zones on a woman's body. As a rule, after returning home, and acclimatization of the menstrual cycle is restored.
Rare menstruation, infertility, weight gain, increased hairiness, the ovaries are often symptoms of polycystic ovaries( PCA ). This term refers to a pathology of the structure and function of the ovaries on a background of narkomania violations. Typically, when referring to the doctor the patient complains of some thing unpleasant for her manifestation PKA: increased body weight, or difficulty conceiving. While the survey reveals that everything is interconnected!
Intermenstrual bleeding from the genital tract may occur among full and well-being without apparent reason. They do not usually accompanied by pain and deterioration of the General condition.
Often women do not pay enough attention, taking all the stress, fatigue and so on, Maybe it will be true. But the doctor in this situation will appoint the examination for exclusion:
- benign diseases of small pelvis ( uterine fibroids with submucous the host location, endometrial polyps and cervical canal, adenomyosis, infection, foreign body in the uterus );
- malignant tumors of the endometrium, cervix, vagina, vulva;
- disorders of the blood coagulation system;
- hypothyroidism ( underactive thyroid gland );
- liver disease.
And the sooner you see your doctor, the better!
The lack of menstruation for 6 months or more. The most severe ( and, fortunately, rare ) pathology of menstrual function. Why most severe? Because patients suffering from amenorrhea, altered emotional and sexual sphere, significantly reduced performance, increased risk of cancer, cardiovascular and mental diseases.
Everyone knows natural ( physiological ) causes of amenorrhea include pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause. But when the girl at 17-18 years of age with normal development of secondary sexual characteristics no menstruation is a serious cause for referral to a specialist.
Everyone knows the old truth: everything flows, everything changes. Maybe someone read the article and think: "should I really treat disorders of the menstrual cycle? To run to the doctor, to spend time, and sometimes money to the survey? " I you with all the responsibility will answer: "it is Necessary! " Just think about it, maybe these changes, menstrual irregularities - the first bell, the first signal of impending trouble!
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